The NT-Hood is taking over me
gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
Learning2Survive wrote:
don't date at the age of 13. it's too early. you won't like it. just try to make friends.
That was what I was doing. But now both of my best friends are dating and I'm dragged into it automatically. That's what has complicated everything, and means I can no longer say what I really feel.
I understand. Reading this thread makes me feel like you're channeling young me, even down to your word choices. It's almost eerie.
These things will go on happening, and once you learn to deal with one "NT" situation, you'll then be faced with a new more complicated "NT" situation. Best thing to do is to treat it like a test, and try to get the best grade you possibly can.
Into the dark...
Learning2Survive wrote:
don't date at the age of 13. it's too early. you won't like it. just try to make friends.
My parents didn't believe in dating at that age, and I have to say I agree with them. Of course, they didn't believe in teenage dating, teens having boyfriends/girlfriends, etc., they said it caused too many problems. They thought it was terrible my high school had school dances. Didn't bother me much anyway, since no girl at my school would have dated me anyway, and I didn't get opportunities to meet girls from other schools so I don't know if they would have been better.
The only thing to do is try not to get involved, take sides, or anything like that but even if you do, you may end up losing a friend. Sorry to tell you this, but that might happen.
Hope you can work through this.
Good luck.
"I am not a number, I am a free man!"