Ichinin wrote:
hartzofspace wrote:
If i were you, i'd ask for a reduction in rent since you cannot use your balcony (if you have one) or keep your windows open.
Smoking is not something written into the UN human rights charter, it is plain substance abuse with second hand effects.
Thanks. But we are currently hoping to close on a house. We are SOOOOO sick of living here! When I rented this unit, there was a webpage describing this complex, where the landlord said that he didn't like renting to smokers. So, silly Aspie that I am, I applied because I assumed that this meant I wouldn't be surrounded by smokers. Wrong! Since tenants are not permitted to smoke indoors, they are free to pollute about fifty yards of outdoors space whenever they feel like it. One year, there was a smoker in the bungalow directly opposite my house, another smoker in the unit behind me, and still another next to them. I couldn't open windows unless they were away at work or something. While we don't have balconies, the houses are pretty close to each other here. Too close for comfort, IMO!
I will be seeking to break the lease, and I will definitely be mentioning the smoking as one of the reasons.
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