Chymistry wrote:
Totally pissed at the way the world is. They teach us, institutionalize in us, that we are created equal and have the same chances as everyone else. Then you grow up and it's all about who has the most money and the whole ideology of everyone is equal is a crock of sh**. People look at me like I'm a complete idiot for working at a gas station and won't even hand me money like I'm diseased, yet I have to respect them and have to hand them their change. They just throw it on the counter like I'm a slave that has to pick up after them when in reality I am in college and comprehend subjects (Chemistry, Physics, and Cosmology) that most of them can't even imagine understanding at the high school level. WTF? Then the people who are SUPPOSED to be the Normal people treat people like crap and buy a bunch of useless crap (i.e. fashion, the newest cars, latest gadgets, etc.) to show they have more money than the others without any thought of the consequences of their actions, like corporate personhood, indentured servitude of the lower classes, and destruction of the environment that leads to dangerous chemicals getting into the air, land, and water that could one day lower the IQ's of the Normal people in following generations, cause severe genetic mutation, new diseases, and possibly even infertility of man kind. Why do I get this and the rest of the world doesn't?
I'm thinking 7th heaven with this a classic quote (sorry mother doesn't know best ) tells one of her children in a (typical) self righteous manner "good hard working Americans work 3 4 or even 5 minimum wage jobs to get ahead", sorry but smart people should work only 1 full time job, commuting and it's costs would chew up much of your salary
When are you supposed to sleep Mother?
Good hard working Americans have
Reaganomics to thank for that aka ploughing as much Oats in to a horse and hoping for the best that some undigested matter can pop out on the road for the sparrows to eat
7 th heaven is Aron Spelling
taking the piss on Americans is he a America hater ? this show makes me grimace and groan .
Actually when I'm done laughing it makes me want to barf am I alone ?
Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob