Sweetleaf wrote:
emlion wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
emlion wrote:
it's funny you say that, i thought that too until recently - i was talking to someone here Kaybee i think about meditation and stuff and i tried it and it's actually really, really good. i was completely cynical too, until i tried it.
Maybe I am afraid of what I will find if I do that, I mean the things that go on in my head that I am aware of are bad enough...I don't really want to dig deeper. It just seems like no one gets that Im in pain and just want some relief. Eventually I might be ready to try out more meditation and really try and come to terms with things hidden inside that are bothering me. This might be stupid but I feel like if I listened to one of the meditation things alone I might find something I don't want to let out and wont be able to handle it alone with only a cd player for company.
I know what you mean. At first I found I thought more and there were some scary thoughts but now it empties my mind completely. I think of nothing, and it's bliss for that 20 minutes that i try to do it everyday.
Still each to their own. I hope you find a way to help with your pain. I know how terrible it is to not to be able to sort it out and have to cope with it every day.
Yeah and it sucks that I can't seem to really talk to anyone about it.....I mean if I tell any family members that the pain is so bad I have seriously been considering ending it. They might try to be helpful but will end up just ridiculing me and telling me they know its hard but people have it worse, and I should be greatful and all that. I don't wan't to tell my counseler because the confidentiality rules are as long as you dont say your going to cause harm to yourself or someone else your good. Otherwise they can let it out.
We're all here. And lots of us know how you feel - I especially do. I want to end it sometimes, but however cliched - things do get better.
2 years ago I was homeless without a penny to my name, now i have a job, flat and boyfriend - things aren't perfect, but they do get better eventually.
Try not to harm yourself though (i'm the bggest hypocrite, i cut myself only this morning) as it doesn't help anything really.