kraftiekortie wrote:
I don't believe that a person is abusive if there is no intention towards abuse.
Have you never heard of a 'Sociopath'? Have you never heard the phrase "This is for your own good"?
kraftiekortie wrote:
If somebody is sad, I don't believe the sad person is "abusing" those around him/her. Sometimes, it could be a burden -- but to put the title of "abuser" for a sad person who, through no intention his/her own, makes other people unhappy, is excessive.
If a person can be labelled an abuser for
unintentionally causing a physical injury to another, then it stands to reason that so could someone who unintentionally causes emotional distress to another ... it's called "Emotional Abuse", by the way.
kraftiekortie wrote:
It would be excellent if the sad person would seek to alleviate his/her sadness. And it would be great for the people around him/her, too.
Yeah, and if only people like that would take the hint...