It's not really about "The End" as in “The End of Life."
"At one point Jim (Morrison) said to me (John Densmore) during the recording session, and he was tearful, and he shouted in the studio, 'Does anybody understand me?' And I said yes, I do, and right then and there we got into a long discussion and Jim just kept saying over and over kill the father, f**k the mother, and essentially boils down to this, kill all those things in yourself which are instilled in you and are not of yourself, they are alien concepts which are not yours, they must die. f**k the mother is very basic, and it means get back to essence, what is reality, what is, f**k the mother is very basically mother, mother-birth, real, you can touch it, it's nature, it can't lie to you. So what Jim says at the end of the Oedipus section, which is essentially the same thing that the classic says, kill the alien concepts, get back reality, the end of alien concepts, the beginning of personal concepts."[15]
It's more about a "new beginning" rather than the "killing of the old."
If you want the honest truth: It would be a total waste if one "ceases one's life" willfully. Because that accomplishes absolutely nothing. And young people frequently have a long ways to go in life. And one frequently learns lots owing to what one went through romantically.