Jonsi wrote:
-3. I'm the most graceful (clumsy) person in the world.
And I'm tired of simply using this place (All of WP, not just the haven) to talk about myself. It's all I talk about. Makes me feel like an ass. I'm dead sure for some reason that everyone here sees me as an unstable creep too. Just like in real life! :\
Ugh, bad day.
nah, you're one of my favourite people on here, you seem cool and ive not read anything that would make me think otherwise. I do know what you mean though. Not that i think you're an ass or a creep, just i feel the same with every post of my own.
Probably a throwback from dealing with nts and them making me feel like an idiot for adding too much detail into what i say.
Imo nts like to keep their stories undetailed so they can play the social game with the listener asking questions to flesh out the details. It's all part of their game and when you answer all the qs before they can ask them they don't like it.
Aspies on the other hand like to anticipate the questions and give the details.
I like the details, it makes more sense.
Last edited by TechnoMonk on 25 Jul 2011, 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.