I attract critters which visit my home of their own accord - the neighbourhood cats call in most days, a pair of wild ducks have visited for several years, waddling up the front steps with considerable efforts, and strangest of all, rare birds visit my deck but only mine. The rarest had not been seen in this city for 30 years until it came for a 30 minute visit at my place a few years ago. More common wild birds which normally keep a wide distance from humans have initiated close encounters with me occasionally.
I have no idea why this happens, but it does. A complete mystery, but it's a great experience.
I sometimes wonder if these creatures know I love critters and if they do, how on earth do they know? Horses also will approach me, singling me out for their attention, even when I am standing in a group.
It's happened to me since early childhood, and I think its a positive