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13 Jun 2012, 2:58 am

MindBlind wrote:
I am annoyed when people say stuff like "if you can do x some of the time, why don't you just keep doing it?".

Hey, if you can stay awake for some of the time, why don't you just stay awake all of the time? If you can hold your breathe some of the time, why not do it all of the time? If you can juggle some of the time, why not do it all of the time? You see where I'm coming from?

The other day, my mother was all like "You should have spent the last year dealing with your perfectionism". First off, I've made tremendous leaps and bounds and she's acknowledged this. Second, it's not easy to change how you view yourself when that's how you've felt your entire life. Not to mention that my neurotype means that I'm more prone to obsessing over details. I know she means no harm - I know she just doesn't know what to make of my 'issues' at times, but it's really annoying. If I have to just get over my perfectionism, then she should just get over her stoicism.

Hey MindBlind :)

I know this area is for rants and not for advice, but I suffer from the whole 'perfectionism' problem as well. I know how frustrating it can be, so felt compelled to write a short reply in the form of advice. My job involves creating technical drawings and administrating contracts...In case the potential for frustration is not obvious...rereading lines in documents multiple times with mental tools to ensure I have the correct understanding by substituting words, referring to earlier segments to ensure continuity in meaning...and drawings! Urgh! Every drawing has to be to scale, regardless if it is required or has an indicative purpose only...consistency in style such as where text leader arrows point to on objects...and when a drawing is finished, then comes the process of ensuring a high level of aesthetic appeal by aligning text to common edges...and calcs!! ! Oh magic space cow pbuh!! ! Equals...ok, rerun calc from do it in reverse to ensure a zero result...hit clear all ten more time to be sure... D:

I read a piece of advice once that suggested practicing doing things imperfectly...the example given was washing dishes, but I can't do that...takes me a very long time to wash up still :( but for me, practicing to hang out clothes, wash the car, fold clothing, and making coffee works...and it feels really good when I stand back (or take a sip) and realise that I have done something half-assed :) I even chuckle to myself and relief :)

I hope this might help you, and I now realize that I ranted my reply belongs here after all (:


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Syd Barrett


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13 Jun 2012, 3:33 am

Dear idiots at work who keep trying to make me feel bad about myself,

I don't care what you think.
No, I will not start wearing more make up. No, I will not stop wearing the clothes I like, just because me wearing a dress offends your feminist sensibilities. No, I will not stop wearing all of the other clothes I like. No, I will not let you gulit trip me into eating crappy MacDonalds with you, when I have perfectly good mole poblano there. No, I will not straighten my hair or dye it lighter just because you tell me to. And finally, no, I will not stop dancing and doing the other sports I like, because I actually enjoy them even though I know that is a foreign concept to you.

So f*ck off and go be miserable by yourself, because I sure as hell won't be joining you.

the annoying little brat who drives everyone bonkers :mrgreen:

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13 Jun 2012, 3:56 pm

Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! Why do I have to be me? I DON'T WANT TO.

Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.


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14 Jun 2012, 10:27 am

Not allowed to prefer anything older or original while disliking something new without being called out as a hipster. I also can't stand hipsters and think they are boring so having the label attached to me at all is upsetting.

Also pissed off that I was told I liked "dad rock" because I love King Crimson and Jimmy Hendrix. Yeah, lemme just be cool and bust out the sick dubstep beats :roll:. Also sick of all the "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ASPERGERS FAKERS" topics.


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14 Jun 2012, 3:57 pm

NEU , Listen to my music. Tell me if you like it.


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15 Jun 2012, 10:44 pm

I'm WAAAAAY too ugly. I'm cursed with a small chin and a flat-as-hell face, so I've always had this annoying double chin that makes me look even fatter than I already am, which is pretty fat.

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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16 Jun 2012, 7:12 am

Albirea wrote:
I'm WAAAAAY too ugly. I'm cursed with a small chin and a flat-as-hell face, so I've always had this annoying double chin that makes me look even fatter than I already am, which is pretty fat.

See I'm in good shape and I always seem to have a double chin. It's hard to get a picture of my face where I don't look like I'm way overweight. It's the WORST

Talking of the worst, somebody just reminded me of why I get annoyed at people and have trouble keeping any friends. Internet friend forgetting that we'd been messaging each other and then not bothering to respond properly when I remind them? I thought there was some sort of rapport but obviously this person doesn't care and would just as soon discard me. People always do this to me and now I just want to burn bridges with everybody I know because I'm sure they're basically all the same...


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18 Jun 2012, 5:12 am

I am going to try to kill myself later. I can't take any more.


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18 Jun 2012, 7:48 am

Noone is making a move on Facebook Scrabble and the one person who I have interesting talks with on Facebook chat is not online and I'm bored.


Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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18 Jun 2012, 10:28 am

Paperwork, face too face social interaction, financial stress and the unknown changes ahead .......


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18 Jun 2012, 8:06 pm

I feel like a mistake. I learned at a young age that I am flawed. Why do people drag me down? Is that where I belong?

Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.


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19 Jun 2012, 6:16 pm

No you don't belong there puddingmouse.

I'm cutting myself and I hope I die this time. I don't want to wake up another morning.

Read this. Everybody who doubted me for no reason over someone who you know to be a deceptive person - one phrase, how they left this site - everyone I trusted, I was telling you the truth. My mom will be able to prove it with my online records, she'll be able to do what I wasn't willing to do and show that I was telling the truth. And the person who did it will face his actions. That's the only way he'll face them, after I'm dead. He will face his actions. He will not destroy any more people's lives. But he'll never face them while I'm still alive. He doesn't care about me. I'm not a human being to him because I'm not good-looking enough for him to respect me the way he respects others. Me. I am a trash can to him. Well I'm turning over the trash can. I can't take it anymore. ... ing-Victim

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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19 Jun 2012, 8:11 pm

You want a job done better, do it yourself. If I get something done as asked, and it doesn't quite live up to your standards because I just so happened to miss ONE SPECK OF DUST... Yeah, go screw yourself.

Another good reason for me to get the hell out of here. I'd have a great deal less stress in my life without people attacking what I do and how I do it.


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22 Jun 2012, 10:45 am

errg lebanese community- why are you so freaking small!? like i go into the restaurant down the road because i needed shawarma and pay using eftpos and the lady notices my last name which is prominent in lebanon and she starts with the "are you related to this politician and to the person that owns this and is this news presenter your cousin?" and i'm like yes, very distantly... then she calls out to her husband becuase i'm distantly related to these really scummy people with power and this is good to them and then i learn that no matter how far i move away from my family i will always have to be careful with my identity. she asks if i know a woman who is married to my uncle. i answer yes. she knows them. she asks who my parents are. she's heard of them. she knows people from my church. i live down the road from their shop so i can never go there again if i'm to keep a low profile. nor can i poster there. i'm going to use my mums last name from now on. seriously- i move to a place my family wouldn't be caught dead in and still there are people from their part of the community. there is no escaping them. and i gave her both my mums village and my dads when she asked and she only accepted my dads. so sexist. ah well. the shawarma was sub par anyway. the baklava was crap. at least she said my arabic was good.


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22 Jun 2012, 11:26 am

Summer sucks. It's not like I have enough of a hard time motivating myself as it is, but with this lousy heat keeping me focused on staying somewhat cool and keeping me up all night, I really can't do much else at all. Wish I could move someplace colder.

About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or
just walking dully along...


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24 Jun 2012, 6:05 am

yesterday was the walk to harmony (multiculturalism) walk and i went. it was good. and the media was there which was good. i think i got on the news which is very, very bad. it was probably channel nine news. i havent been able to find much coverage on the internet to check out how bad the damage is. i know i got on the news because my mum texted me and she didnt ask me if i had gone- she told me i had. if she saw me on the sceen holding the banner (it read: "Tear down the fences" with the name of our organisation) of the group i am active in then i am f*cked in so many ways its hard to describe. if she googles it they'll be able to hunt me down easily and they might start hassling my comrades. it wouldnt be the first time they've googled me to try figure out what im up to. i hate the media at rallies but i also want them there otherwise what good is a rally? when i first started going to protests a couple of years ago when i started uni they were really scary. i was going to same sex marriage rallies, telling my family i was at the library or studying or at the art gallery and i didnt want my face all over the tv at a protest for marriage rights with a whole bunch of people from my community. this was problem a load of us at youth group had. the media feels free to film us without regard to the fact that some of us arent out of the closet, some of us were from right wing areas including country areas where its harder to access supports and many of us had lied to be there. the media always freaks us out. so far i've only been in left wing and queer press exept for the time the back of me was on ABC news at a protest where i, along with a bunch of others, terrorised/chased the prime minister and opposition leader down the street. i hate their freaking cameras.