I'm moody as all get out today. Started this post at the 1 section, about a four now. Whatever. Here's a breakdown of my main moods for the day:
1: Exactly where is the sign that says Sexual Prey hung on me? I'm sick of older men hitting on me, especially when I say I'm not interested right at the beginning. The creepy people are always attracted to me, and I can't figure out why. Leave me alone!! !
3: Been feeling really down lately, but had a moment where I think my mother was actually worried about my mental condition. She got over it quick enough...but a second may come again.
6: Some people around here always manage to make me smile, even when I'm feeling bad. I'm so glad that they're around. This place is quickly becoming my life...I just hope I can show my appreciation eventually.
7: The stupidest class in all the world - driving - is finally over today. I got to fill out a survey about it, and I put down tons of negative (and well deserved) comments. I don't think anything will be done about it, but still, it made me feel better.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!