I really am a cripple, you know.
...Apart from the question of how few or .any places to sit or lie tbere were, allow me please to repeat that, in two weeks tbere, I did not leave the house & yard AT ALL , barring one (expensive) shopping trip during the night, in the immediate area. NEVER taking a walk dudjng d
aylight, getting air and exercise, for ou
heeen days .
I can imagine that there is someone
herie who will tell me how wonderful that is and how that is all I deserve anyway . People tend to want to " punish " people for being HL. Some here are fingerwagginv at me, telling me I must " obey rules ', or similar
. Right. I'm James Dean, ways having zipgun-and-antenna fights in the parking lot of and busting windows in the drive-in and being rude to the roller-skated girl watresses.
Likewise, those who were aiming that, if I had help with the HS records issue, " I would just lose it ":cry: - no. I never GOT any help RR offered it recently! Likdsise, my posting being on not very good phones from the beginning, which are often, then, broken as well, much of the to d, my pain and zlowness/oacs often making getting to the library downtown an effort.- no.
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.

My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Were you forbidden from going for walks in the neighbourhood?
And I don’t think your example of James Dean is going to mean much to the younger crowd here! He was dead before you or I were born.
I mentioned earlier that you would have to follow some rules that you might not like, after being pretty much free to do what you wanted when you wanted. For example, curfew hours.
You have gotten a lot of help here. A few years ago another member got in touch with your high school for you, but you didn’t follow up and lost that information too. It’s mentioned in your older posts, so I’m not imagining it. There was another poster from the other side of the world who went online and found someone to take you to some function at the university in SF, so that you could register.
It’s hard to know what you want. In some posts all you mention is the need to lie down more and rest and recover. And that you are not able to get up and how slow and crippled and in pain you are. And now, the problem is that you not allowed to walk and get exercise. I know peoples ability can change from day to day. I am in constant pain and some days don’t want to move. Other days I want to be outside and doing things. Few of us offering advice have ever been homeless I suspect, but do try to think of ways to help you (from a distance and online).
I am puzzled as to why you keep insisting that the OP heal himself according to your instructions. I doubt that will happen. My life is similar. I think we should just support OP, lend an ear, let him talk about it, etc.
About the wonders of Patterson, I escaped a magnificent such home myself. The glamorous trap almost destroyed me.
I hope some people can recover but if me and OP are 2 of them, just be a friend.
About the wonders of Patterson, I escaped a magnificent such home myself. The glamorous trap almost destroyed me.
I hope some people can recover but if me and OP are 2 of them, just be a friend.
The difference is that the OP actively solicits advice and then tears every bit of it up in a rant that includes tearing into the author of said advice. If the advice is too good to actively destroy, he changes the subject and solicits advice regarding something else.
No one here is actively saying Patterson is the ONLY answer to his issues, I for one say if it is as bad as he says, I wouldn't want to be there either. The state of CA has more services for the disabled than likely anywhere else in the world, the OP just won't seek them out. There are other places than just Patterson.
-Richardj / richard3700hz
...I'll answer something said above later, now I want to, at least, start on another reason that Patterson was unsuitable ~ The owner kept sucking at my money, depleting my stock of funds :! "(I'm not sure that " depleting " is the phrase I'm looking for ...)
This is not a complaint about the " up-front " money I mentioned, the 92 percent-ish of my SSDI funds. This is NOT that. I am not complaining about that. Is it clear?????
I mentioned the owner, whom I will call Daniel. He provided me with rides, and more _ and charged me thriugh the nose for it! Always in cash... . When he drove me and my things up, and I did some more errands before leaving Santa Cruz to go up there (Which I did anticipate staying long-term at, BTW.
), and he did pack and unpack my stuff, he charged me $100, cash. That seemed justifiable/OK, I did have a load, and I was moving up, leaving the town
Then, when I took a shopping trip to the local Walgreens' and Walmart, which were - per my phone's measurements - exactly 0.7 miles away, so 1.4 miles round trip, also getting a touch of package-carrying help that I didn't really need ~ he charged me $25 dollars - in cash - for it . Later on, he did the same for aanother double-W trip ~ This time from a motel I had fled to, out of town, after leaving his place but hanging around trying to get back to Santa Cruz, with the only way I was going to get transportation to the Cruz back, so I didn't want to alienate him ~ again $25 in cash - Technically a better value this time around, I guess.
He also charged me $58 in cash copay for picking up a prescription of pills for me when I left - I had paid no copay in Santa Cruz. And, finally...
When he drove be back to SC, he wanted more money (in cash) - I expected that. It was less errands demanded of him this time . However, after the ride started, he expanded it to wanting $125 cash, not $100 - And THEN, when after stopping at the bank I got two 20s and offered them in addition to the main $100 ~ he said " I don't have any 5s ", and took both 20s!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
So $348
. All of it in cash, remember.
At this rate - Might that have depleted my cash soon? I think so.
Actually, I was out really by the time we were in SC - I also got cash for myself at the bank where I got the $40 for him.
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.

My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
...As I have said, it seems that some people ~ You? ~ " demand that I do 100% what they say I should, this minute " - even though contradictory " things that I should do " come from different people - and " looking for " any facility, either, is not a simple matter of going around the corner to houses going " Yoo Hoooo! Try Us!! !! !! ! " - especially given my handicapped, and carrying heavy stuff that causes me pain , status - and the 5:45 curfew I have to follow in thes shelter (Which, let's get this out of the way - if that makes any difference
! - does not mean that I'm " rejecting " the shelter, just saying that following that makes staying out late hard!! !! !!
) - and given that this was arranged by a hospital social worker, and, really, I only have access to them when in the hospital.
And also, regarding the suggested fake GED ~ I believe that my HS graduation is on record, even if the class grades aren't (I do'wanna look now, but...) if XFG is from NZ, maybe things work differenntly there ~ But I doubt that, even if my diploma proff is lost, a GED course would accept that story too easily ~ And, if it's not lost, I think I'd to come up with an elaborate false story as to what I was doing from 14-18 or so - and such a falsy might well be an offfense, telling a false story for fraudulent purposes!
"Claradoon"]I am puzzled as to why you keep insisting that the OP heal himself according to your instructions. I doubt that will happen. My life is similar. I think we should just support OP, lend an ear, let him talk about it, etc.
About the wonders of Patterson, I escaped a magnificent such home myself. The glamorous trap almost destroyed me.
I hope some people can recover but if me and OP are 2 of them, just be a friend.[/quote]
The difference is that the OP actively solicits advice and then tears every bit of it up in a rant that includes tearing into the author of said advice. If the advice is too good to actively destroy, he changes the subject and solicits advice regarding something else.
No one here is actively saying Patterson is the ONLY answer to his issues, I for one say if it is as bad as he says, I wouldn't want to be there either. The state of CA has more services for the disabled than likely anywhere else in the world, the OP just won't seek them out. There are other places than just Patterson.[/quote]
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.

My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

And also, regarding the suggested fake GED ~ I believe that my HS graduation is on record, even if the class grades aren't

About the wonders of Patterson, I escaped a magnificent such home myself. The glamorous trap almost destroyed me.
I hope some people can recover but if me and OP are 2 of them, just be a friend.
The difference is that the OP actively solicits advice and then tears every bit of it up in a rant that includes tearing into the author of said advice. If the advice is too good to actively destroy, he changes the subject and solicits advice regarding something else.
No one here is actively saying Patterson is the ONLY answer to his issues, I for one say if it is as bad as he says, I wouldn't want to be there either. The state of CA has more services for the disabled than likely anywhere else in the world, the OP just won't seek them out. There are other places than just Patterson.
This is not 1900, you don't have to walk around to every Assisted facility in the state, you can call places to see what they offer. Since you are admittedly un-tech-savvy, I suggest you ask the shelter you are at for a current telephone directory and get the numbers of places fitting the description of what you want. Write the numbers down, and call each of them and narrow down the list to a select few candidates and visit those when you have a free day and feel up to the task.
I have no clue where this "Fake GED" idea ever came from, but dispense with it rapidly. Your diploma does exist, RR did all the footwork to get it, look through your PMs with him and dig up the phone number/e-mail address of your high school and contact them.
I wish you luck.
-Richardj / richard3700hz

This is not a complaint about the " up-front " money I mentioned, the 92 percent-ish of my SSDI funds. This is NOT that. I am not complaining about that. Is it clear?????
I mentioned the owner, whom I will call Daniel. He provided me with rides, and more _ and charged me thriugh the nose for it! Always in cash...

Then, when I took a shopping trip to the local Walgreens' and Walmart, which were - per my phone's measurements - exactly 0.7 miles away, so 1.4 miles round trip, also getting a touch of package-carrying help that I didn't really need ~ he charged me $25 dollars - in cash - for it

He also charged me $58 in cash copay for picking up a prescription of pills for me when I left - I had paid no copay in Santa Cruz. And, finally...
When he drove be back to SC, he wanted more money (in cash) - I expected that. It was less errands demanded of him this time

At this rate - Might that have depleted my cash soon? I think so.
Actually, I was out really by the time we were in SC - I also got cash for myself at the bank where I got the $40 for him.
If all this is true, Patterson, and its proprietor are crooked and I wouldn't expect you to want to return to that place.
-Richardj / richard3700hz
About the wonders of Patterson, I escaped a magnificent such home myself. The glamorous trap almost destroyed me.
I hope some people can recover but if me and OP are 2 of them, just be a friend.
Intentionally or not, the OP pushes many buttons that cause the kind of responses he gets.
I quite honestly at times have a hard time believing he's not doing it on purpose.
About the wonders of Patterson, I escaped a magnificent such home myself. The glamorous trap almost destroyed me.
I hope some people can recover but if me and OP are 2 of them, just be a friend.
I suppose Claradoon it’s the only way we know how - suggestions based on our own experience. We can try to imagine what it must be like to be homeless. Im certain I would not have lasted very long at all. It’s so hard to judge what “homes” might be like. My great-aunt was in one decades ago. I think it was an old converted hospital. She had nothing to do but sit on a chair in her room. It terrified my mother. When she could no longer live on her own we tried to convince her that it was time to move into a home. She wouldn’t believe us that things had changed from what my great-aunt had been in. She died before she moved and I think she chose to.
We (or at least I) have a hard time knowing what the OP wants. Does he want advice? What does he want advice about? If he’s just venting or journaling does he even want comments?
When it comes to a person whose funding is essentially Medicare/Medicaid, it might not be the individual's choice, it might be the facility's choice. I suspect A-P is not a model patient. He probably was referred to Patterson as it was one of the few that would even agree to take him.
A finger in every pie.
When it comes to a person whose funding is essentially Medicare/Medicaid, it might not be the individual's choice, it might be the facility's choice. I suspect A-P is not a model patient. He probably was referred to Patterson as it was one of the few that would even agree to take him.
You're likely right, that is why I suggested calling around first. He has SSID, to me it sounded like he was paying for Patterson on that, not Medicaid/insurance. He said it took 90% or so of his income. If he is paying for it, there might be more options. A place where most expenses are included, hopefully
-Richardj / richard3700hz
When it comes to a person whose funding is essentially Medicare/Medicaid, it might not be the individual's choice, it might be the facility's choice. I suspect A-P is not a model patient. He probably was referred to Patterson as it was one of the few that would even agree to take him.
That's a good point. People do get flagged. How I act during the times im in adult daycare, will follow me when I start actively setting up a permanent stay wherever. It all goes on the chart and stays there.
As far as cost goes, 90% of ssdi sounds about right. However based on rates of $69 per day, it's around $2000 a month for a motel room. Which probably didn't serve any food, didn't have a yard and certainly didn't have a care staff. While in Patterson there was the ssdi plus the stipend estate money.
As far as I know if a person can get around on their own and not a flight risk, they are able to leave a facility for a few hours. Especially in a taxi I would imgine. Ass-p said he took taxis while staying in the motel, and Patterson is a pretty small town compared to Santa Cruz. The "curfew" at the facility is probably when the office closes for the day.

This is not a complaint about the " up-front " money I mentioned, the 92 percent-ish of my SSDI funds. This is NOT that. I am not complaining about that. Is it clear?????
I mentioned the owner, whom I will call Daniel. He provided me with rides, and more _ and charged me thriugh the nose for it! Always in cash...

Then, when I took a shopping trip to the local Walgreens' and Walmart, which were - per my phone's measurements - exactly 0.7 miles away, so 1.4 miles round trip, also getting a touch of package-carrying help that I didn't really need ~ he charged me $25 dollars - in cash - for it

He also charged me $58 in cash copay for picking up a prescription of pills for me when I left - I had paid no copay in Santa Cruz. And, finally...
When he drove be back to SC, he wanted more money (in cash) - I expected that. It was less errands demanded of him this time

At this rate - Might that have depleted my cash soon? I think so.
Actually, I was out really by the time we were in SC - I also got cash for myself at the bank where I got the $40 for him.
If all this is true, Patterson, and its proprietor are crooked and I wouldn't expect you to want to return to that place.
Actually it doesn't sound crooked or even all that steep. $125 to move a load 111 miles and 1.5 hours driving time (according to Google maps) is a resonable fee. $25 for errands is also resonable. $58 for a co-pay is a bit steep but not outrageous.
Care service provision is expensive, and "Daniel" is a care service provider, not a next door neighbor or whatever.
A care service provider was never hired to go to Walgreens or other errands while staying at the motel, taxis were used instead. And taxis could have been used in Patterson.
Last edited by EzraS on 10 Dec 2018, 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
...There was no " office " in the Patterson place, it was simply a suburban house. Yes, the nearby morel would have cost more. I was not looking live there! It was an initial getaway, a stepping stone, as I prepared to leave Patterson! If you do have that impression that I was trying to live there, why do you? Did I not make myself clear before? I have thought you have tried before to set me off, by the way. I was staying there to try and arrange to get back to Santa Cruz and Daniel was the only way I knew how to get back so I was not alienate ating him But, aside from the $348, Daniel was to show EVEN MORE reason to suspect him - But I won't go into it now.
Some people here seem to be uttely OBSESSED with the "You need a nurse to dole out pills to you " narrative! I TAKE THE GODDAMN PILLS ALREADY!! !! !! ! (ITTGPA)
BTW, if you think I should go to a computer course
at night --- how would this fit with being curfewed at 5:45 PM?. Or having any sort of social life?????
I don't find that depletion of my payments for rides is appropriate for me, period. And when I get to the other things he did...
And as it happens, there was no taxi service in Patterson. And I think i was never in the downtown of Patterson...just the outskirts big-box/ chain store area. And I think I never was in nearby, bigger... Modesto? Okay, some of you are just UTTERLY DETERMINED that I be argued into a closet and the door locked behind me . " It's for my own good " of course
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.

My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
I know the facility was a house. But they still keep office hours. If you look it up on your phone it will say what the operating hours are. If a person goes to bed at 10 pm then they will be awake by 6 am after 8 hrs of sleep. That's close to 12 hours to get stuff done. Libraries don't have night classes. My library, which is the main one for the whole county is only open until 6 pm most nights. You should have at least 8 hours a day plus plenty of wiggle room get stuff done with a 5:45 curfew.
Also all the many reasons you come up with for not being able to attend a couple of computer lessons at the library, are also the many reasons you would not be able to attend college.
Taxi rates Uber Patterson, CA:
Base fare: $1
Booking fee: $2.8
Cost per min: $0.1
Cost per mile: $0.81
Minimum charge: $6.8
Cancellation fee: $5
Personally I doubt there's anything about the Patterson house that would cause me to choose being homeless over staying there. If I didn't like the place, then I would keep looking places up on my cheap little phone until I found something better. But I'd stay there until then no matter how long it took.
Last edited by EzraS on 10 Dec 2018, 1:59 am, edited 2 times in total.