ways of coping with your depression and building self esteem

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02 Jun 2014, 12:15 am

B19 wrote:
Always remember that what happened to you, what you have been through, is not who you are.

Believe that: when you know better, you do better.

Realise that there are two kinds of people: tank fillers and tank emptiers. You know which is which by how you feel in your body after an encounter with anyone (heavier after the tank empiters, lighter after the tank fillers) Delete the tank emptiers, thieves of your energy and hope.

from thinking about it, i feel like i am a tank emptier. so people would better themselves if they got rid of people like me. i don't want to be a tank emptier. i want to be a tank filler, but i don't know how. when i try, i always make myself look dumb, and it's just tiring. i don't want to be the thief of anyone's hope.
but it seemed really obvious. i see a tank emptier cycle.


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02 Jun 2014, 12:46 am

Being a tank filler starts from within, rather than what you "do". It starts with having a spirit of good will towards others.

And I suspect that you are a tank filler in the making, because tank emptiers aren't inclined to see or own any faults in themselves; they consider themselves perfect, rather than works in progress...

Tank emptiers tend to operate from a spirit of envy, rather than good will. They might express this trait by being the ones who always rain on someone else's parade. They don't want to celebrate someone else's success or happiness, but to diminish it.

Tank fillers respond to someone else's success or happiness with affirmation. This can be as simple as saying "Good on you" when someone talks about something that made them feel good. So start small, practise these little affirmations when the opportunities arise. Tank fillers are encouragers of others. When someone comes up with what they think is a great idea , tank fillers don't point out all the things that could go wrong (that's what tank emptiers do). You can say, "Well, maybe give it a go and see how it works for you".

It can be harder - though not impossible - to become a tank filler if you yourself have had very negative parenting. But not impossible. In that case you start by being kinder and more encouraging to yourself.
You start to get in the habit of filling up your own tank, and drowning out the old negative parental voices.

Start small, keep going, and you will get there (and I will be happy for you). Don't expect perfection of yourself all at once; changing your behaviour is a learning curve; you don't have to get it right first time or all the time.


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03 Jun 2014, 5:39 pm



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04 Jun 2014, 5:17 am

aspergermarried wrote:
I have run the depression gauntlet, too, ever since realizing I wasn't similar to NTs as a teenager.

What helps when the days are icky? These are things I try to do myself.

At my lowest functioning day (yow baby! This is rock bottom):
Simple self care
1. Water (just one at least)
2. Fresh air (open window if not going outside)
3. Exercise (pacing counts)
4. Breathe (try 4 breaths now and 10 breaths later)

At a regular low functioning day just noticing some depression:
If more mobile, simple self-esteem care
1. Ten small tasks around your living quarters (and I mean small; e.g. put a book on shelf, put a dish in the sink, take a shower, call a friend, check internet, do 5 sit ups, dump trash, color with crayons, feed the cat, make your bed, touch your toes, open the window for one minute, get the mail, think about getting the mail, eat some toast, drink a cup of tea, recycle one piece of paper, etc.)
2. Put on a favorite emotional movie (e.g. Sense and Sensibility, Napoleon Dynamite, Iron Will, etc.)
3. Shower, grooming, fuss over your health for an hour and just feel tidy.
4. Go shopping for some healthy food to put in the refrigerator and freezer (fresh fruits, box prep meals, frozen meals) for about $30.00
5. Go over to a friends house and just enjoy a different pace of life / or sit in a good vibe coffee shop or book store.

At my "Is this all my life is" depression level without a lot of negativity, just skepticism:
If really wanting a quick change or diversion and can get out of the house easily
1. Go for a challenging walk for yourself (if you usually don't go outside, walk around your house several times; if you usually already walk, pick a new point to walk to where you can rest once you arrive there).
2. Go to or join a group or community service.
3. Donate some stuff to someone/something or just start a box for things you might donate someday.
4. Buy a low cost replacement for something that will solve a problem (e.g. a light bulb replacement or a new can opener, look up how to fix something on the internet) or even a real problem fixer if I have the money (e.g. pet booster shots at vets, repair that noise in the car, a new project tool for home improvement or business, etc.).
5. Read a book that is outside of my life experience (something about people and helpful example to my life but not really like my life) in a nice place.

Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle


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08 Jun 2014, 10:10 pm

B19 wrote:
Being a tank filler starts from within, rather than what you "do". It starts with having a spirit of good will towards others.

And I suspect that you are a tank filler in the making, because tank emptiers aren't inclined to see or own any faults in themselves; they consider themselves perfect, rather than works in progress...

Tank emptiers tend to operate from a spirit of envy, rather than good will. They might express this trait by being the ones who always rain on someone else's parade. They don't want to celebrate someone else's success or happiness, but to diminish it.

Tank fillers respond to someone else's success or happiness with affirmation. This can be as simple as saying "Good on you" when someone talks about something that made them feel good. So start small, practise these little affirmations when the opportunities arise. Tank fillers are encouragers of others. When someone comes up with what they think is a great idea , tank fillers don't point out all the things that could go wrong (that's what tank emptiers do). You can say, "Well, maybe give it a go and see how it works for you".

It can be harder - though not impossible - to become a tank filler if you yourself have had very negative parenting. But not impossible. In that case you start by being kinder and more encouraging to yourself.
You start to get in the habit of filling up your own tank, and drowning out the old negative parental voices.

Start small, keep going, and you will get there (and I will be happy for you). Don't expect perfection of yourself all at once; changing your behaviour is a learning curve; you don't have to get it right first time or all the time.

thank you muchly.


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03 Jul 2014, 11:24 am

I feel so lonely and disappointed with the world.


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08 Jul 2014, 10:17 pm

There are some good ways to fight depression listed here.

And, obviously, you do have to fight it. You can't just lay down and wallow forever.

But. Some days, you just feel like crap. NT people have days where they just feel like crap. People who have never met up with clinical depression have days where they just feel like crap. Everyone has days where their insecurities get the better of them, and they just feel like crap. They're called crappy days.

The idea that every day should be great, and we should all be smiling (if not genuinely, then able to sincerely fake it) every day is, IMHO, delusional, unrealistic, and frankly dystopian crap. Not even crap-- you can at least rot crap and use it to fertilize the garden. The idea that there should be no bad days is totally, utterly, and completely useless.

Someone (a tough nurse in a psych ward) once told me that, sometimes, all fighting the depression does is legitimize it and give it power over you.

Sometimes, you're better off to say, "OK, I'm depressed today. No big deal. It happens. Today, I am going to do just what I have to do. I am going to, for example, go to work, eat food, drink water, pee, poop, perform basic personal hygiene, and go the f**k to bed. Today, I am depressed, so I am not going to believe anything I think or feel. I am going to accept that, and get through today, and hopefully tomorrow will be better. s**t HAPPENS."

Sometimes, it works. Actually, lately for me, it works a lot of the time. It always comes back, and I have to go through it again, but usually not for days and days and days on end.

Making a big deal out of the down days, and acting like it's a huge problem that they still happen, only seems to turn one bad day into four or five in a row.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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07 Aug 2014, 4:10 am

BuyerBeware wrote:
Making a big deal out of the down days, and acting like it's a huge problem that they still happen, only seems to turn one bad day into four or five in a row.
I agree with this, and I also worry that too much of accepting will make me miss on opportunities to learn/try out new strategies. So I try to do a bit of both, at times accepting and at times fighting. That's the theory anyway.

. . . and if you are very quiet you can hear the music too . . .

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27 Sep 2014, 3:48 pm

Cafeaulait wrote:
I feel so lonely and disappointed with the world.

I'm sorry you feel that way. The world can be a very adversarial, especially to folks whom are different. I feel lonely at times too and it isn't pleasant. I'm in recovery mode from a major depressive episode so I really don't have words of wisdom to offer .... just a hug and hope.

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08 Nov 2014, 10:34 pm

Challenge yourself to enjoy the things that made you happy, before you were struck with depression. I've decided to try that in the September of 2009 and it's worked wonders. :)

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23 Dec 2014, 8:12 am

Learning self defense helped my self esteem a lot, and when you get a pet, that helps for depression.

Blogging about childhood and adulthood with Asperger and my own personl experience with rage attacks, shutdowns, social phobias etc. https://aspergerlifeblog.wordpress.com/


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23 Jul 2015, 3:21 pm

I keep trying, but more and more I am coming to accept that depression is just a fact of Life on the Spectrum.

Depression is a close companion to the territory, and the idea of self-esteem when you don't have the same way of being in the world is a joke.

The things that work for you will always get you reprimanded, criticized, and castigated-- draining and self-destroying. And the things that will garner praise, gratitude, or for that matter mere indifference involve forcing yourself to emulate the NT way of being in the world-- draining and self-destroying.

Better, perhaps, to make peace with depression and self-hate, to accept them as the norm and thus to stop being so pained by their existence and to really appreciate the times when they are not strong forces as shining gifts from the Universe.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"

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23 Jul 2015, 10:44 pm

This is something I constantly struggle with. It's actually pretty tough to tell if I'm really depressed or just in a weird mental state where I can't and really don't want to interact with the world. The ebb and flow of contentment vs depression isn't really day to day -- it's more sweeping, like week to week or month to month. But I've found a few ways to at least avoid thinking about it.

The main thing I have is music.. I'm a drummer and I've been very fortunate to find band mates who put up with me and enjoy jamming and creating music. This is always a great coping mechanism. And the physicality of drumming is akin to taking a run, so I guess i get a natural endorphin release out of it as well. It's not always easy to motivate myself to get to the drum kit, but once I'm there everything else fades.

Another big help is binge watching Louie and beating on my practice pad for hours on end 8)


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31 Jul 2015, 4:16 pm

Gonna have to read over some of these again, because I'm in a bit of a slump right now.

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06 Aug 2015, 7:26 pm

Why do we trade our lives like lost property when a bit of self governing is all you need for a friend.