Kein_Mitleid wrote:
People who are independent at such early ages makes me feel very inadequate.
I know someone who's 18, lives by himself, has friends, goes to strip bars, drives, probably has a job, etc...
Myself, I'm 19, live with parents, lack any of that stuff, and sit in front of my computer all day long like the sperg I am.
Please give me a response on all this. I'm looking for input.
Maybe your friends are early bloomers or successful, and maybe this is their peak. They might be unemployed lazy bums in a decade, having peaked out in high school. Maybe your friend isn't as happy as he looks, or maybe he is.
19 is still young. It's not like you're 40, living in your mom's basement, playing video games all day, and refusing to get a job, bumming off family and welfare.
With this economy, plenty of people a decade older than you live with their parents. So long as you're making progress (work, school), there's no shame in living with parents in order to accomplish your goals. Living for free and doing nothing but play video games or wasting all day every day would be sad and pointless-- but it sounds like you're trying to make progress in school/work.
Use this time. Get a job and save up money since you have no living expenses. Or, attend college while you don't have to work.
You're just 19. You'll have plenty of time to fully stand on your own. For now, let your family be your cushion while you build a foundation for your life with school/work. It's much better doing that at 19, than trying to make it on your own half-@ssed now and ending up living with your parents in 10 years at 29. Enjoy your "adult" friendship with your parents.. Use your spare time to work, attend school, and try to make a friend or two.
Don't waste all day online or playing video games-- it's pointless and a huge crutch. It'll get you nowhere.
Make yourself a schedule. You go to work at 8, go to school at 3, whatever. Schedule your internet time, social time, chores/house cleaning time, study time, etc.