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28 Jul 2012, 9:17 am

Do you get really agitated when it is getting way past 11 o'clock at night and someone is still at your house, even if they are not here to see you in particular, just come to chat with your dad or husband or roommate or whoever else you live with? I know I do. I like to be in bed by 11, I don't like going to bed much later than that, since I can't just get into bed and close my eyes straight away, I have to wind down first by reading a book or watching a DVD, and night time is the best time for me to relax and to that because most of the time is it peaceful. But when somebody's still here, yapping away in the living-room, and it's getting on for half past 11, I start getting stressed. I can't concentrate on the film properly, and I'm on edge because usually when people are about to go they yap in the kitchen by the back door for ages and I hear them which is so distracting, also they leave all the doors open so I can hear a TV rorting, and also the kettle is roaring again for some reason (people just can't stop drinking tea in my house), and it just drives me mad.



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28 Jul 2012, 9:36 am

I AM SICK OF BEING TREATED SUBHUMAN! I sleep during the day. Big freakin whoop. Waking me up when u think I should be awake only makes me have to live on half the amout of sleep I need. I am not going to start going to sleep earlier because of it. My body doesn't work that way. If I was capable of adjusting to a normal pattern I would have. I DROPPED OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE OF IT, I AM NOT GOING TO MAGICALLY ADJUST BECAUSE U WANT ME TO GET UP ON A SATURDAY!


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28 Jul 2012, 9:43 am

How do I always get my own way? I'm not Sheldon Cooper.

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29 Jul 2012, 9:21 am

Two things I hated.

1. I hate it when I have major blackouts and can't remember the previous day.

2. I hate when I like a video game or movie page on facebook and the creator starts making "trolly" irrelevant posts like anyone gives a s**t then decides to be spiteful and go "HERE'S SOMETHING ON TOPIC TROLLTROLLTROLLTROLL", yes if I liked the f*****g Fire Emblem and Bill Hicks pages in my list of hobbies and people I like I really want to see you post controversial trolly s**t that isn't funny. Oh well, I guess I can disable updates appearing on my timeline.

I hate trolls in general who say stuff obviously thinking they can get a rise out of other people, it was only ever fun to any extent in the early 2000s when people started out subtle and were more intelligent or cunning. Even then 90% of the time it was dumb. People say or do something annoying then go "I WAS JUST TROLLING YOU GUYS!! !"


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29 Jul 2012, 8:29 pm

I don't think that I will ever be able to understand certain human behavior or how to interact with others properly. I don't seem to say or do the right things and I get ignored or scare off others as a result. Even here it is present and the group I went to, places were I thought I would be better understood. I guess I'm just a complete misfit in general.


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29 Jul 2012, 9:38 pm

I'm just sick that my ex-wife... the woman I pledged my love and eternal loyalty to - is boinking another man with my kids in the house. Selfish #$^#$%! !!


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30 Jul 2012, 2:13 am

My mother is about to ban me from the computer for being nocturnal. Something I can't control. *insert thousands of curses here* I HATE HER! I need to get out of here somehow, before a coffin become a more preferable living environment than I am in.
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:


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30 Jul 2012, 11:43 am

I deleted my old FB and made a new one but now facebook keeps blocking me, threatening to ban me for making a "spam" account. Wtf, ive sent two emails complaining about it.


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30 Jul 2012, 1:07 pm

1. I very well know what trolling means. So wipe that stupid smile off your face!! !!

2. I'm sick and tired of you constant compliments. You think your being nice but your pissing me off.

3. I know my eating habits are like a roller coaster. Apparently for you eating healthy is the same thing as anorexia.

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30 Jul 2012, 7:47 pm

Found out some bad news about my future what am I going to do


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31 Jul 2012, 12:12 am

sally7171 wrote:
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Go to college or get a job. I know it's so scary but you must force yourself to get out there and start your journey to independence. If you don't you will never know your own worth.

True. If you don't make progress, you're stuck and don't get the feeling of self-accomplishment.


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31 Jul 2012, 12:18 am

Kein_Mitleid wrote:
People who are independent at such early ages makes me feel very inadequate.

I know someone who's 18, lives by himself, has friends, goes to strip bars, drives, probably has a job, etc...

Myself, I'm 19, live with parents, lack any of that stuff, and sit in front of my computer all day long like the sperg I am.

Please give me a response on all this. I'm looking for input.

Maybe your friends are early bloomers or successful, and maybe this is their peak. They might be unemployed lazy bums in a decade, having peaked out in high school. Maybe your friend isn't as happy as he looks, or maybe he is.

19 is still young. It's not like you're 40, living in your mom's basement, playing video games all day, and refusing to get a job, bumming off family and welfare.

With this economy, plenty of people a decade older than you live with their parents. So long as you're making progress (work, school), there's no shame in living with parents in order to accomplish your goals. Living for free and doing nothing but play video games or wasting all day every day would be sad and pointless-- but it sounds like you're trying to make progress in school/work.

Use this time. Get a job and save up money since you have no living expenses. Or, attend college while you don't have to work.

You're just 19. You'll have plenty of time to fully stand on your own. For now, let your family be your cushion while you build a foundation for your life with school/work. It's much better doing that at 19, than trying to make it on your own half-@ssed now and ending up living with your parents in 10 years at 29. Enjoy your "adult" friendship with your parents.. Use your spare time to work, attend school, and try to make a friend or two.

Don't waste all day online or playing video games-- it's pointless and a huge crutch. It'll get you nowhere.

Make yourself a schedule. You go to work at 8, go to school at 3, whatever. Schedule your internet time, social time, chores/house cleaning time, study time, etc.


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31 Jul 2012, 7:41 am

f**k everything. This is why I can't have nice things, I can't afford them. BUT I COULD AFFORD THIS IF THEY LET ME PAY FOR IT LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE DO. But no, apparently rent is not a monthly thing, it's a thing you pay all at once. Like, right now. GO.

I'm 19. I do not have a job. My mother lives off of benefits. My partner just got out of foster care and has a bellow minimum wage job. Where the hell are we supposed to get 9k?

I swear going to university wasn't supposed to be this hard.

I don't want to be homeless again. I just want to have somewhere to live, so I can go to Uni and get a degree, and then get a job so I can continue to have somewhere to live.

But I everything I touch breaks, so it makes sense that I am not allowed to have nice things.


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31 Jul 2012, 6:22 pm

i feel like giving up. like walking off the game. ragequit, whatever you wanna say. No reason not to. its all gonna be the same.


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01 Aug 2012, 2:25 am

The anxiety and these obsessive, repetitive thoughts are making me feel like s**t.

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01 Aug 2012, 5:45 am

There's one kind of person i can't stand and it's the following

Has anyone ever encountered that type of girl that either doesn't realises she's doing it or she knows and does it anyway, but like she just abuses the fact she's female? Like among guys you always get this really sad type of animal that will shower a single girl with attention in a way they wouldn't even dream of doing if they weren't interested in that girl, but then this type of girl just laps it up? And then surrounds herself with that type of guy and considers them friends? I know it takes two to tango and those guys are pretty disgusting too, just it's these type of girls that enable and encourage that kind of behaviour. Do they really have so little to say that they'll enslave the most pathetic and saddest type of guys with firting and giving them false hope? All to give the girl the delusion that she's a LOT more interesting than she really is?

Ah well, reality looms and you can't lie to yourself forever. I don't think anyone is truly ignorant to reality, no matter how hard they try, they'll end up sad and alone once the only tool they've been making use of stops being so attractive, like when they get old or whatever. Having something interesting to say might sound like hard work without much back, just it's something that gets better with age, unlike relying on sexual attraction. Good luck in life, you're trading a medium amount of interest for your entire life for a lot of interest now and then nothing for the rest of your life. The choice of a slut basically.