Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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05 Mar 2011, 1:54 pm

To the lost friend.

I had come to a point where I was past wishing that I was normal and loved myself for who I am.
For a brief moment you made me doubt myself.IT HURT LIKE HELL!


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06 Mar 2011, 12:29 am

Dear ProfessorX,

Where are you? Why did you leave? Are you alright? I wish you would come back.

From TaupeyAna

Whatever you think you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. ~Goethe

Your Aspie score: 167 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 35 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie.


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06 Mar 2011, 3:34 am

Dear Grandpa
I miss you, I wish I could give you just one more hug. I wish you were back for at least one more day. It just not right without you here.

Dear _________
I'm really falling for you. I wonder if you can just see or tell how strongly I feel about you. I'm just not ready to let it be known. You mean a lot to me and our days together are perfect. Yeah we already had a mini fight but it was over something stupid. It brought us closer together, and I appreciate you more everyday. I love being with you. I love our tickle fights and I love when you don't give up even when I make you fall off the bed. I love the way you joke and smile and I love staring into those beautiful green eyes of yours. I love the way you treat me and your family; you're an absolutely amazing man and I'd be an idiot to let you go. :heart:

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Mar 2011, 12:26 pm

By Wesley Theron
(I have higher functioning autism /AS ?)

Never so much in our lives did we breathe
We exhale life towards the stars...
For so much fire in our eyes does seethe
Fear resides in so many hearts

Light, dark
Couldn't we just see ....
Darkness being a aspect of light ?
For it is in our dreams that we percieve
When we get an urge to take flight

Dreary cold winter skies
As we slay the path with our limbs
Notice that the sun always shines
We depended on light ever since .....

Hope you guys enjoyed it


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08 Mar 2011, 3:43 pm

Dear teacher who sent that kid home with the note stapled to his shirt.

Lady, you aught to be chewed out! Are they for real, about what you did?! You know what? I think it's extremly pathetic, not to mention BULL loaded, to allow the clique to tease and laugh at that kid, and yet you punish him for speaking. Why the hell are they allowed to make a ruccus, and him not a peep? That makes no sence! As I just said, that's down right sad of you. Not only did you put the note on his shirt, you made him take off his jacket to display your custom DART PAD during class. My guess is you wanted them to laugh at him more, and got what you wanted! The mom has every reason to be mad at you!


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10 Mar 2011, 10:16 pm

Dear Sir Mr. Jerkface,

Do you like sammiches? I love sammiches! I just found out about this really cool place to eat sammiches at SammichWorld. You should try it! And by the way if you send this message to 20 of your friends you will get a free coupon for $5 off your next purchase!

Sincerely, SammichEater

You send me junkmail, I send it back. :)


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12 Mar 2011, 8:19 am

Dear Dad,

You wanted me to be emotionally strong.
You wanted me to be mentally tough.
You wanted me to have the same emancipated figure that I had when I was 12.
You wanted me to have a nice smelling ass.
You wanted me to be outgoing.
You wanted me to be an Alpha Female.
You wanted me to be an NT.
You wanted me to be the young white girl, without an accent.

You got the complete opposite. You got Mick Avory, instead.
Suck it up, Buttercup!

If you want a Barbie doll, you can go to Toys R Us to buy one.

Your Slow, Chubby, Sweet, Sensitive, Shy and Masculine Daughter with the Cockney accent that you hate so much. :D

The Family Enigma


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16 Mar 2011, 10:24 am

Dear Dad,

I hate that you've forgotten me, left my little brothers and I forgotten as you take care of your noew family. I hate that your wife hates me and that you let her get you away from us. I hate that you aren't normal, that we can't play catch, go camping and watch movies together because of our mental problems. I hate that people can make fun of you and you don't care. I hate how you broke my baby brother's heart. I hate that your slowly wasting away, and I hate that you'll probably never see me again. I hate so many things about you, but I don't hate you. I do love you. I wish I was able to tell you I miss you, that I love you, and that you would be able to understand and truthfully say it back. I haven't seen you in almost a year, and I know perfectly well you can come here any time you want, seeing as that b**** you married is unemployeed and you are too. And make her buy some freaking Twizzlers or some freeze dried pineapple. You didn't buy me anything else; call that my birthday present.

Speaking of which, Happy Birthday. And I really do love you.

Dear Mommy,

I miss you so much I can't bear it. And I see you everyday. It doesn't make sense.

Dear Alex,

It's been months since I last saw you. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, but it's for the better. I miss you so much, I miss everyone so much. I just want you to hold me in your arms forever, and for us to run away to Europe like we had talked about a million years ago. Not that that will ever happen. I love you.

I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.


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17 Mar 2011, 4:44 pm

dear man with the beige trousers,
I wish I knew your name but I dont and most likely never will. I do not think you know how much you had helped me out that day. I certainly did not seem very grateful but now I am totally aware of what that task involved. If you did not say what you had said I am sure that I would surely not be writing this right now...and for that I am grateful. thank you for not judging me when I had shown you what had been done.thank you for beleiving me when I vowed that I would not be dead that soon.thank you for not putting me in to a label like others in your shoes had done already.
your words gave and still give me courage to continue my battle.I still see no sign of being victorious in my goal but I am a whole way further from failing.

so again,
thank you,

note:You may refer to me as :she,her...etc
Gender: Female.
The tale of the bus that didnt want me to get on...BUSSSSSSSSS..


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20 Mar 2011, 3:37 pm

Dear AHA b***h,

You kicked me out of the auction, which I was supposed to help out at, for no reason.

I want to kill you and dump your body in the river.

White Jacket Guy

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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20 Mar 2011, 3:39 pm

Dear Random Shallow as*hole Guy from the light rail platform,

You stole my camera. You owe me $10. Give me $10 or I will find you,
cut your throat, and pretend it was a suicide.

Pissed-Off Guy

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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20 Mar 2011, 10:33 pm

'Spotty Pig',

I'm sorry for how badly I've been coping over the past few days. I fear I make a bad situation worse for you when that's the last thing you need, and that I've failed you too many times over the past month. I desperately want to be strong, and to remain optimistic in the face of what might come, and to guide you through this bad patch, but fear and apprehension have been spiralling out of control of late, grinding me down to the point where I'm entirely incapable of managing emotion.

I know I hurt you tonight. I also know that I've apologised several times, but I still feel the most unbearable guilt. You're everything to me, and I don't ever want to cause you any pain. Frankly, I still find myself astounded by how gentle, tolerant, and understanding you are at those times when I lose control. It's more than just a stroke of luck to have found you: most anyone else, I'd venture, could never handle me as well as you do, or exhibit quite the same level of sympathy. I've never before felt the sense of understanding and acceptance that you give me, and that's why I so often descend into this obsessive worry. If you were ever to be separated from me, I would simply be better off dead.

I often hold back from revealing the true extent of my feelings to you, at least until emotion gets the better of me and it all comes out in a raging torrent. I know that seeing me in a mess sends your stress level through the roof, and so I think it wiser to heavily dilute the true nature of what lies beneath the surface, or to shut my mouth completely. But I must confess that I've been crying and crying for hours about the thought of your situation with C**** (three asterisks would have been equally appropriate, really :P ). I can't bear to watch the stress and misery he puts you through. I know that the opportunity is of such importance to you, and I do respect that, but I'm begging you to press for the certainty that you need.

I'm also stressed about the thought of you going for that meeting in London. I'm being a fool, I know, but I'm frightened by it...

All I want is for us to have the opportunity to build a better future for ourselves. We have, of course, been recently presented with such a chance. I know you've said that you'll accept such an offer, but I still worry that this decision has been influenced by my behaviour earlier on. You know how much I want us to find happiness and stability, and that I believe this plan is the surest way to securing that, but I don't want to coerce you into any decision you're averse to.

One chief reason why I pen this is because I have the horrible feeling that one of us is either going to die, be hospitalised with a sudden and horrific illness, or experience a serious injury before this evening comes around. I'm being completely irrational, of course, but the thought of it is preventing sleep. I honestly couldn't bear it if our time were to be cut short, especially given recent events.

I hope you'll be okay today. I hope you can get your thoughts together.

I love you more than you could ever imagine.

'Unnamed Bear'

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Mar 2011, 1:20 am

To my little girl:

I wish I could be happier for you. I don't want you to feel like you don't help me, because you do. You know I'd be dead right now if it wasn't for you. And I know I can't love you and protect you like I need to in this state. That kills me a little bit, because it was the only thing I felt like I was good at.

I'm sorry. I know the stress is getting to both of us right now. I'm glad we've gotten past the point of arguing, because we can't waste any more time on that when we barely have any time together as is.
I'll just keep trying to get out of this space, I guess. I've felt physically and emotionally unwell for way too long, and I don't know what to do about it, but please just keep giving me your support.

Your knight

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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22 Mar 2011, 12:59 pm

Dear Husband- we are perfect. I don't care that your teeth are stained. I don't care that people make fun of you for your laughing at the wrong times. I love you for your lanky gate, your silly crooked smile, your foggy glasses!! I love you for your noble heart and boyish innocense! F*** all the people in this world who deny you the job you want, or your place in line, or who step on your toes and take advantage of your will ultimately be happier than they ever will! You are clever, charming, enigmatic and brilliant. You know all my sensory issues and I know all of yours. I love you forever and always!! !

Dear Pop- I'm glad you say you've finally excepted yourself. I'm glad your still lying to yourself. I'm glad your a closet homo and will never have the guts to admit it! I'm glad you're an aspie like me and you'll never see it! I'm glad people make fun of you! I'm glad all those you worship reject you! I love you, but you were not supposed to be a father. You never wanted to be a Dad, and it shows in my general lack of attachment to anything real.....thanks for a whole lotta nothing!

Dear Mama- Don't get me STARTED! I hate you for abandoning me and Jack and Danielle when we were kids! I hate you for home schooling us, but never TEACHING us squat! For letting me fall so far behind that it's taken me THIS long to catch up! I hate you for leaving my father for a \child-molester and having two BETTER kids with him! I hate you for leaning on ME for support when you learned the truth about Prince Charming!! I hate you for letting him hurt me!! !! I hate you for continually shying away from your parental duties. For leaving me out in the cold, sick and homeless!! ! I hate you for screwing me over!! I'm still alive, I don't care about you anymore. YOU ARE NOBODY!! I thought you were God when I was small. Now I know you're just a sad queen of NOTHING!! !! Piss off!! !

Dear Brother Jack- I'm sorry our parents were so F***ed up and tore us apart. I'm sorry I fell into depression at such a crucial time in your life. I'm sorry I set a crappy example. I'm righting all of that now. I just pray that I'm not too late, to earn your little S*it " p

Dear Sister Danielle- You single-handedly gave me a gender identity complex (THANKS!) and knocked my self estheem to it's lowest lows. Thanks for making me hate my own guts and think I was ret*d for so long. I'm glad we're friends now. You still feel like a stranger, but your children are beautiful....

To Brian - OK I know our relationship was tortured and more than a little inappropriate. At least we never had SEX! Sorry for leaning on you so much as a teen...I love you...but you knew that already.

Tonight you can't put me up on any shelf
Because I came here alone and I'm gonna leave by myself!


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25 Mar 2011, 12:04 am

Dear AS kid that I like,

I don't even know why I like you. You ignore me, get bad grades, and never reply to my messages. You gross me out and don't appear to care a f*ck about me. Maybe it's me, your AS, or just being a teenager, but it's really starting to tick me off and I wish you can just suck it up and ask me to prom. I'd really appreciate it because my parents are making me stay home that night if no one asks me. And I love you. You're actually mature, cute, and NOT annoying, unlike most guys at school. So please, if you like me, ASK ME TO PROM. <3

Love, the annoying smart-ass girl who bothers you every day.

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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26 Mar 2011, 12:38 am

(The friend I got in a fight with)

Dear friend,

Sorry about before. I was already upset when I read your PM and I guess I shouldn't have read it because it got me all upset over again and heated. I read it because I knew it was important to you to have me read it and I said I would read it when I got the chance so I did. I know you said on the phone you were a little upset and you aren't that upset anymore and it's mostly society you're upset with. But I need space for now because I can't deal with this and handle it because then it would keep me away from my baby because I'd be too focused on this. I am too afraid to listen to your voice mail and read your next PM because I am afraid I would get upset all over again because of what you have said or wrote. I know I had contradicted myself but I was very upset so I say things that are on my mind and then change my mind right after so when I told you you can send me the PM again with no caps on since I had a hard time reading it, I am too afraid to even open the next PM you sent me. Same as when I told you on the phone I will try and read your PM but instead I failed because there was lot of caps and it's hard on my brain to read it. Little of it is fine but if a whole entire block text is in caps, I have a hard time with it. Sorry you got upset with me but I was upset you were projecting me so I thought I'd send you a PM so you'd understand my post you brought up but I guess I made it worse and I got even more upset you still can't understand so that's why I need space. I don't hate you or dislike you. I just can't be upset right now or it's a drag because of my baby. I know I can't ignore him just because of my pity party I am having or because I am too upset and too focused on this. And I think it sucks I can't always tell you how I feel or else you would take it too personal. Sorry I don't sugar coat things when I wrote that post. Did anyone even ask why some people had an issue with him? If so, I answered a question then but because I don't know what thread I made that post in, I can't really explain myself why I wrote it. But it was the truth anyway what I said why some adult babies had a problem with him so I don't see why you needed to get upset by it. Get upset about the people and how they think of adult babies when they see it and the wrong assumptions they get but don't get mad at me for telling it the way it is. It's the truth. Be mad at them, not at me for saying the truth about them.