-10 doesn't even begin to describe it.
It seems that if anyone tries to explain anything to my mum when she's in the wrong, her way of dealing with that is by using threats, aggression and violence. And doesn't seem to see that it's not the way to go about things, she has to have the last say and never lets anyone speak and explain themselves, she'll scream over them. Her excuse is that "she's the mum" and that apparently justifies her controlling, dictator behaviour. I try to tell her to stop, and she slams the laptop on my hands, pushes me against the settee and hits me repeatedly. I tell her to stop being violent and she denies everything, and threatens to show me what "real hitting is". She goes to the kitchen and throws stuff around, all because before going to bed my brother needed to put away his wires and things (he spruces up electric toy trains) in a certain place to keep them separate and from breaking. But that's not immediate enough for her tastes so slats all these fragile electric parts in a plastic bag and wonders why my brother's freaking out. And I try to explain and she goes psycho.
I'M SICK OF HER BEHAVIOUR AND SHE NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT BY A PROFESSIONAL. The way she acts is not normal, she denies everything but is an aggressive, violent, controlling, psychotic b***h. No one has a say in this house, not even my dad, she rubbishes everything he says and yells at him whenever he tries to parent my siblings in the way he wants. Because it's not her way. She's in the wrong, you try to explain to her a situation and she screams over you to shut up, and may even use violence.
I hate her. I want her gone. No one I know seems to believe me and my mum tries to get the family feeling sorry for her for some reason, so the rest of us end up looking bad and she's already turned my uncle against me and my siblings. She'll be aggressive and violent, and blames us and says "you wonder why I act like this? Living in this house??? You lot wouldn't understand anyway..." And she uses the fact that 3 out of the 5 of us in this family have either a diagnosis or semi diagnosis of autism to mean that we don't understand anything, and she talks down to us and like we're ret*ds and she's some sort of extra special god. She talks about my dad and all his "faults" when he's sitting right there because she knows he's submissive and would never speak up.
What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.