aspie17 wrote:
its short for spastic
You will likely get tired of me trying to keep things positive at times, but, oh well, I'll do it anyways.
That isn't an entirely negative condition to have. Some of the "benefits" (thanks Wikipedia!) are:
• May help some patients to ambulate, stand or transfer (e.g., stand pivot transfers)
• May assist in maintaining muscle bulk
• May assist in preventing DVTs
As I don't know all the details of your specific situation, some of those might not be real benefits at all. (I don't even know what DVT stands for! I suppose that would be worth checking out before assuming it is a possible benefit for you...

Also, depending on where you are, some states in the U.S. offer medical marijuana to help with it. There's also some treatment options available. I don't know how good of treatment any of them would be, but it is worth keeping in mind. I also don't mean to imply that any of the benefits make the disadvantages or detrimental aspects ignorable, or even less bothersome. Still, even if it bothers you, anyone that treats you differently for it wouldn't be someone I'd consider worthwhile to deal with.
If it is merely used as an insult against you, and it isn't something you suffer from, well, some people are jerks.