My mom is annoying this week. All I have literally done was try to explain to her that the toilet's water pump isn't spraying down the nozzle and into the pipe where it's always supposed to, and going down the wire thing that's attached to the toilet handle instead. It's not supposed to do that, and it's why the toilet isn't filling up as it's supposed to. I've looked inside a number of different toilet tanks. I'm not so brain-dead, that I need such a deliberate disbelief brush off, to be called a nag who wants the repair men now when I'm JUST trying to be understood, and then have to apologize for somehow hurting her feelings when I did nothing, absolutely NOTHING but try my best to explain to her that it doesn't flush that way! Drama for NOTHING, basically. AAAA! *rips hair out* I've tried. I really have. I've talked to her softly, happily, and even with my serious face. Nothing but, "oh maybe it's just slow" instead. Yeah, it NOW 'just goes slow' after working for a week. Yeah right. I know what the problem is, just not how to fix it.
Just one tiny, DAM confirmation of "Yeah, I get it, but..." would have been MORE than enough, but nope, let's get into another brainless emotional tap dance! Just yesterday, I was very happily saying things out loud. It was a very good mood too. The kind of mood I'm so comfortable in, that Mom and Dad get offended and tell me to shut up. Well, this time she made chihuahua like impersonations of my voice. I wasn't even yelling, just being happy in the living room, thinking out loud about what I'm going to do next in tasks as she does ALL the time! Really? I sound like an annoying ankle biter? Ouch. Yeah, that hurt my feelings, so I got some money and went to the store to get a couple of things that she needed in the fridge. Perfect time to cry. I was upset to that I backed into the telephone pole like a dunce. Everyone thinks my voice is disgusting. Why lie to myself, and accept their cheap old compliments? Actions did the talking for them first, so the compliments to make me feel better about myself don't do anything but annoy me some more. They do this with my driving, and my facial appearance. I'm not even the kind of person to be obsessed about my looks. I only go on long walks, and want to lose weight , because I'm just tired of being fat and wimpy!
Last edited by LiendaBalla on 28 Jun 2012, 9:59 am, edited 3 times in total.