Sweetleaf wrote:
-10.......sounded like my mom and her boyfriend were getting in an argument, I hope they don't because I'm still exausted from the last time. Last time I ended up almost breaking a door with my elbow(theres a little dent in it)....then I left for like 3 days, drank a crap load and managed to punch myself in the head due ptsd/anxiety symptoms or something being triggered. Anyways I kinda just feel like crap...and could easily end up in the psych ward should they decide to argue.
I will do my best to either leave(but I am so physically exuasted and sore) and/or ignore it....
I've only had to deal with my dad arguing with his girl friend a few times. it was extremely annoying at after a night drinking so I was hung over hearing people yell at each other. and, that certainly didn't help. especially really earlier in the morning.
I'm feeling really at peace, flirting with a girl and its looking pretty good. shes a sweet heart. that and playing some video games, I'm playing warcraft leveling my rogue in battle grounds. its really fun!
Woh! Clash! Into the rolling morning
Flash! I'm in the coolest driver's high