Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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30 Nov 2011, 12:49 am

Dear Heather,

This is a time where I need you; I truly and utterly need you. I don't want anything other than knowing that you still care and love me, for everything. I don't want you to come back to me at the expense of your new life, or anything like that. I was always there when you needed me. Perhaps you'll think that it's better for me to never see you again, but that's probably what works for normal people, but I'm far from normal. Perhaps you see it's better for you (I refuse to think you see it like this though), but the whole point of love is to...endure, no matter what love it is.

I have no way to contact you.

I need it, please, if you still feel it. Just two words if you feel them; I won't even reply. I just question's something you'll always feel, or whether you can just turn it off no matter how you felt back then. I always saw forever, and knowing that I might be wrong is...torture. You know that I'll always love you, forever.



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30 Nov 2011, 5:00 am

Dear Heather again,

I'm sure I'll probably feel blah for a long time, I'm sure I'll never understand what really happened over the past few years, and I'm sure I'll always feel for you. I know you felt very bad back then, due to me, and I'm sorry; I was ultimately confused at that time--I guess when I figured it out and chose you, in addition to this past year and how well we were in person (we got along well when we were actually there, and I'm sure you agree with this), I was concluded forever. It seems understandable how I thought and still see this.

I see it from your side: other side of the world where you're the one who flies most times, drives, does pretty much everything, all for a person who panics and gets overwhelmed with the slightest of things, who constantly drones on about how hard it is and how he just cannot do it, even though he wanted and thought different, planned differently. Really, you only had one choice there for someone who wants what everyone else does (I bet pretty much every female around would be the same; I'm not belittling myself, rather I know how it goes). You don't need to feel guilty.

It's really understandable, no matter if it doesn't make it feel better.



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30 Nov 2011, 8:52 am

Dear Heather (for the last time here),

As long as you're happy there, and that it's better for you, then that's how it should be. (Just like with Amy Girl.) I let my selfish side think of my own wants far too much here, sorry. I have that human failing like anyone else it seems.

You know it all.



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01 Dec 2011, 10:50 am

dear dad-
i want- no need you to take those pictures of him out of the kitchen. I will not explain who my rapist is to my son. I dont care that hes your wifes son, hes the jerk that raped me, and as you told me over and again, blood is thicker than water! You abandoned me in my worst time, treating me like some harlot, and telling me how I ruined /his/ life. Well guess what, I WAS 11!! And I dont care what you think, it was NOT consensual. Not by legal terms, not even with poetic license was it consensual. And yet, that %$*&+*$% was only charged with statutory rape. Aparently because I didnt scream no, and because he manipulated me. He manipulated you too! Each time I did something he didnt like, or wouldnt do something he wanted me to do, he would rat me out to you, blackmail me with your anger and fury, and then covertly smile at me while you screamed in my face. For something trivial usually. And what did you do with me after all was said and done? You stripped me of my privacy, saying I acted and dressed like a whore, and didnt deserve to be trusted. You searched my backpack daily, went through my things while I was at school, and searched my locker when I wasnt. you never stood by my side, not once. Im sorry I wasnt good enough for you. Im sorry you're too much of a terrible father to ignore your wifes pleas and ultamatims to get your child's rapist's sentence reduced. Im expecially sorry I never told my brother, and that you let him hang out with him once he got out of jail. I hope you know I hate you. I will never forgive you for betraying me.
signed- me.


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02 Dec 2011, 8:27 pm

To Heather,

I forgot to mention, if it's not evident (I'm guessing that it is, but you know): I really hope that I can hear from you again someday, when you're able to. You know I'll always care.



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02 Dec 2011, 8:33 pm

Dear You,

You will never know how much you mean to me, or how much you have improved my world. Thank you.

Be well. Be safe. Be happy.



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03 Dec 2011, 12:35 am

Dear self,

Never mind

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Dec 2011, 1:16 am

Dear H.

There is not a day that goes by that I think about you. You are the only person I ever had a special connection with and you are the only one that I ever felt comfortable with. Having felt that way for the very first time made me didn't wanna let go anymore. But I couldn't express my feelings in the way I wanted to express them. And then there was the social interaction difficulty as well. All I wanted to say is that I am so sorry, for everything. Apparently these difficulties is something I have to live with. Losing job after job, Losing friend after friend. Always struggling over the most simple daily interactions. I gave you the idea that there was nothing wrong with me because I was afraid of losing the only thing that I care about. But I guess that is just the thing that did happened.


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06 Dec 2011, 5:45 pm

To Brian; hey "old man." :wink: I miss you tons, sometimes. When I was a teenager, you were the adult I looked up to. The one that when everything looked so bleak and horrific, I could look at you and think: "I'm gonna be that happy someday." You gave me so much hope and strength. When my peers would give me nasty looks, or talk badly about me, or make rude remarks about my green hair and "weird" music, I could always think "Hey, Brian like me. If I am good enough to be friends with such a nice guy, then I am good enough all around." It is no secret that I loved you. But then again, it was kinda no secret that you loved me too. I miss the nights after work, when we'd burn in your Toyota Tundra, the green one that smelled like grass and fresh cut fire-wood. I miss the games we'd play while bored, like "empty your pockets to see who has the most interesting contents." I miss how you'd rescue me when I locked myself out of my car, or needed to travel for parts. I miss your soothing voice of reason, telling me that everything was going to be okay.
I miss everything about you!
If I had one wish, it would be to see you again. One more conversation, one more toke, one more smile.
Like that night at Dan and Lynn's retirement party, at the elbowroom in Pittsfield. The wind whipping the leaves around and the moon reflecting off of your eye glasses. How you walked in the room with a beer and I shouted out your name and lept from my chair, without even thinking about our being surrounded by a dozen already suspicious co-workers.
I will never forget you, and when things get hard, or my heart is broken, I remind myself, that I was good enough for you......

Tonight you can't put me up on any shelf
Because I came here alone and I'm gonna leave by myself!

Blue Jay
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07 Dec 2011, 9:31 pm

Dear Holly,

Will you please join me for Ring Dance?


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07 Dec 2011, 10:07 pm

Dear Kristen,

Why must you, Devon, Laura, Jordan, and so many other girls automatically assume that I'm a creeper when I make a social error, like standing too close or tending to stare? Instead of making assumptions, why not offer corrections? Ask me to back up, remind me that I'm staring... do that, and I'll remember to correct myself. In turn, you'll have no reason to feel threatened by me.
Oh, and for the love of Pete, stop unfriending me on facebook.




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11 Dec 2011, 1:27 pm

preson one- i wish our friendship could go back to how it used to be.

preson two- How dare you f*****g judge me????? you have no idea about me, about how to care for your daughter , or the intellegence to realize your total self-centredness effects other people. ive tried so hard to support you , have stuck up for you over and agisent everyone else and looked after you daughter on demand and you think you've erend the right to say all the things you said yestday about what a waste of space i am. ????? fuckkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuuu!! !!

preson 3 - i love you always <3

<3 grayson George Urry <3 05/10/2011
love you always my beautiful boy xxxx


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11 Dec 2011, 6:24 pm

Dear AFJN,

Stop following me around on the internet and don't call me on my phone. I have nothing more to say to you.

Sincerely, TaupeyAna

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11 Dec 2011, 8:46 pm

Dear News 24,
Why do you continue to say the exact same stories like a kid or kids saying "Are we there yet?" when they are heading on holiday? Why not give us something different for once?
From PF
Dear Points of View,
I hate your programme but there is no rival show to post to so yours will have to suffice.
From PF

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11 Dec 2011, 9:05 pm

Dear Chuck Lorre:

I think you are way too sensitive, and you handled the Charlie Sheen thing quite poorly. Two and a Half Men is going down the toilet with Ashton Kutcher on there. Could you bring Charlie back next season, and make the previous (2011-12) season a dream, like that one season of Dallas where everyone thought Bobby Ewing was dead, but it was really a dream? If you could do this, I will be forever grateful for you.


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11 Dec 2011, 9:48 pm

Dear Christine,
It seems I've finally accepted the fact that you and I are two different people going in different directions. I still love you though, and I always will. I just want you to know that I'm not that same selfish person anymore. It may seem like the wrong word to use, but asking you to be my fantasy was selfish of me, whether or not I was explicit. I've finally learned how to care about others, something I've always wanted to be able to do. Many people say they can do this but few people can. So I want you to know that although it's probably a bad habit, I still think about you sometimes, wondering where you are and how you're doing. And if by some chance you wanted to have lunch, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Love, Ebsi