It all started when my mom had a heart attack exactly one week ago. She had to be taken to Wheeling Hospital, and she might be back to normal as early as before Thanksgiving (I really hope she does). I was at really low numbers, until I learned hours later that she is stable. Then, we visited her twice, and the number for me would have been, like, a positive 7, but unfortunately today, when we went shopping at Wal-Mart in St. Clairsville, there were some ugly magazines in the check-out we took, and I decided to fix that by flipping the magazines over, but my brother did something stupid by putting his hand on it, and he ended up ripping it, and we got into a fight while I screamed that we refuse to pay for the magazine (because it was one of those pretentious gossip magazines). Thankfully, we didn't pay for the magazine, but I hope we're allowed to go there again because that's where we get the healthy cat food for our beloved cat. Today's events put me at -10 or below at worst, but 5 or 6 at best, as soon as I reach those numbers.