+7: I'm tired and sore from lack of simple comforts, but it's been a good day.
I got my possessions shipped off to storage, and am now living out of a suitcase... which makes me happy in that, I know there's some exploring to soon be done when I head out to find a new place to move in to, and I enjoy the sheer simplicity of living with little.
I also got to talk to my landlord on the phone whom was very helpful at answering my questions on how I'm to vacate the unit properly at the end of the month, despite understanding that he doesn't want me to leave. He even mentioned I could leave behind a couple of things I wasn't sure how I was going to get rid of as he could use them, and mentioned he'd certainly give good word as a rental reference when I find a new place to apply for.
All I've got left to do is throw a few things away, donate a few things, and clean my apartment for a walkthrough evaluation, and then I get to leave at the start of April.