FeralRobot wrote:
I know I am being a little hypocritical here as I am not exactly a shining example of mental well-being and happiness myself (see above), but I have improved since a few months ago. Seriously, try, try, try to help your happiness. See a psychiatrist if you're really feeling so suicidal. Exercise more (which produces endorphins). Try to find an activity you enjoy. Tell your family just how despondent you are feeling, even suicidal - perhaps they do not realise the true size and extent of the problem.
I've been working on improving my quality of life for awhile now. Healthy food, exercise, focus on my music studies, working with mindfulness, putting myself out around people, building my life/social skills, planning for future, and more. My ideation is not based off of depression, but miserable circumstances. I'm the type of person who's only real joy comes from being amongst other people I've become close to, helping others, and staying in frequent motion when it comes to new scenery. So being trapped in a solitary lifestyle and stranded on disability is quite agonizing. I also have health issues that are enough to make me pray for death as they keep me from being able to think clearly and even make me dizzy and very clumsy in movement during the worst of times which make me completely useless. My eyes are also failing at age 27, and it's only incredibly fortunate that I don't need eyes to play music.
I don't know how to better explain... I'm not sad, just mostly feeling weary, cornered and scared. I seem to have lost all interest in everything... hobbies, romance, and life dreams alike that used to leave me able to be content while doing my own thing all alone. Without anything I want, everything is a chore. Also, without having anyone wish to get to know me further than acquaintance including my family in real life for a couple years now, I've just started to grow more and more distant and lost inside to the point where I'm about to break.
As far as telling family, I mentioned I'm in critical condition and dealing with suicidal ideation to my father(only other family I have is my mother who's too far away to help in any way)... I think he would have to be incredibly dense to not understand what I was getting at, and that I was asking for tangible help. His response was religious and that I just need to give God time to work in my life. That kind of help does not help me where I'm at.
I'll likely try and see a few doctors once I get my insurance back, but I don't know how long the wait I have on that is... that's all I have the patience to hold out for at this point which is why I mentioned some few weeks at the start of my last post.
I'm not sure I sound particularly grateful as I'm rather low on rest(stupid RLS), but thank you for your concern.