Found out 37 DeLoreans showed up at the car show when I only saw 6, then I heard some awful news about a coworker that I'm not supposed to even know about, so that's the negative side, but on the positive side, I found out my boss fought valiantly to get me an office when one of the claims guys left on Friday (unsuccessfully though, even though I have seniority over the guy who did), and I learned a TON about my fiancee and got her to open up quite a bit today! Feeling quite a mix of emotions right now, all leveling out to zero.
WitchsCat wrote:
Things aren't turning the way I want them to today, and the feelings of uncertainty are coming back
How about now sweetie? Any better?
(FYI: there's still some stuff I'm holding back, but I promise to tell you in person when we see each other next, or sooner if you want. I just really, really don't want to scare you away