+5, Status Report: Vyvanse I need to get off of and find something else. It lifts me up, and gives me the capability to be productive. But if I fail, as in don't exercise enough, or be productive enough, I start thinking negatively and crash pretty badly. Reacted badly to a dating seminar yesterday.
Vyvanse: 50mg, had to up the dose to keep myself together. I tried going off it for 3 days and I was just bleh.
Prozac (generic): 40mg, might do something, don't really know, things seem a bit smother than without it.
Abilify: 5mg, I think it makes me kind of drowsy and have a couple tics, but it seems to help with instability.
P.S. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have anything left to do with me at the hearing, but my mom stopped me. Why do you act the way you do? You didn't consider anything else communication? Really?