There's very little about WP I like now

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17 May 2019, 1:48 pm

Especially since:

In order to determine of a person can "improve," we must get to know the person over a period of time "in person."

We can only speculate as to a person's nature and abilities online.

We can encourage.....but to upbraid is wrong if we don't know the person "in person."

And even if we do know the person "in person," we should just continue to encourage, rather than use purely "tough love methods."

I believe in using "reality testing." But I believe in being gentle about it....and in allowing the recipient of the advice a voice, too.


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17 May 2019, 1:57 pm

I disagree, vociferously, that WP "sucks."

I hope people don't think WP sucks because there's "too many liberals."

We have liberals. We have conservatives. We have gun rights advocates. We have advocates for gun control. All have compelling arguments.

The "truth" is somewhere between all the extremes. Some conservatism is good. Some liberalism is good. We don't need to take peoples' guns away. But we need to have at least some gun control. We can't allow guns to run pell-mell in the streets.


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17 May 2019, 2:00 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
Rant for the day:

Some members who have recurring thought patterns are criticised for not "improving" when they are given our advice, while other members with different diagnoses repeat insidious sentiments just as repetitively, but without rebuke even when they do not grow or change over time. This is hypocritical.

Members who suffer from clinical depression or anxiety disorders which cause negative, recurrent patterns of thought (however disabling), have just as much difficulty changing their mindset or growing in confidence as people who are traumatised, agoraphobic or developmentally delayed with other conditions.

This second group seems to feel entitled or protected by the presence of intractable trauma, their developmental autism, their innately poor theory of mind, or their (often misandrist) opinion of gender constructs, all of which they consider acceptable and just. They are not expected to recover, so this is a double standard. We would never tell a member to "stop being autistic", "stop having PTSD" or "stop having mutism", because those forms of recovery are beyond one's control. Somehow, unfortunately, it's become fair game to tell others that their repetitive worry due to MDD, GAD or interpersonal trauma isn't welcome.

I don't know why the first group with depressive recurrent thoughts is often humiliated, while the others get a free pass.

The growing prevalence of gender bias against men as predators and describing women as romantic or sexual victims has created a very unpleasant divide on WP, and I wish both sides would realise that it is counterproductive, ignorant and prejudicial to continue this theme. Many of us suffer from PTSD because of victimisation, but oftentimes comments which are meant to support victims do a disservice with blanket assumptions and generalised inferences which are incorrect.

There are many female criminals on this planet who kill, abuse, rape, judge, deceive, rob or scorn men, women and children alike. This behaviour is less common, but female psychopathy is just as injurious to our members and to society at large, as men's. There are also women who enjoy sex without romance, wine and roses. Likewise, crime is often committed by men against other men and boys. There are men who like to cuddle, but their partners don't. Few of these scenarios are considered, because there is an overriding stereotype that most abuse is male to female, that men are more sexual than women, and that heterosexual trauma trumps all.

There are people (particularly men) on WP who are lonely, sad and hurting, and despite our best council or their best intention, they may never improve or stop ruminating. These people require just as much understanding and forgiveness as others, who have different diagnoses which cannot be overcome.

Projecting one's traumatic experience to make generalisations about victims and perpetrators by gender, or having double standards for a person's (in)ability to overcome their clinical pathology is extremely hurtful to some members of Wrong Planet, and I wish it would stop.

I wish we could all be treated with the same patience and common courtesy. At present, some people's cries for help are being demeaned while others who repeat themselves are lauded, and allowed to draw lines in the sand.

I hope you aren’t referring to me.

I really don’t believe that all men are evil.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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17 May 2019, 2:10 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I disagree, vociferously, that WP "sucks."

I hope people don't think WP sucks because there's "too many liberals."

We have liberals. We have conservatives. We have gun rights advocates. We have advocates for gun control. All have compelling arguments.

The "truth" is somewhere between all the extremes. Some conservatism is good. Some liberalism is good. We don't need to take peoples' guns away. But we need to have at least some gun control. We can't allow guns to run pell-mell in the streets.

I have respect for people with guns. Growing up, most of my friends’ brothers or fathers hunted, but I’ve observed several situations (and, of course, hearing of the horror of Sandy Hook!) that have led me to the conclusion that very loose laws around guns is too problematic. The cons outweigh the pros.

My POV is somewhat tempered by an understanding of where the other side is coming from, though.

An autistic friend of mine who was obsessed with guns would talk to me about them endlessly. I’d just smile and nod.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges

Last edited by TwilightPrincess on 17 May 2019, 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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17 May 2019, 2:13 pm

Twilightprincess wrote:
I hope you aren’t referring to me.

I really don’t believe that all men are evil.

Here, I thought she was referring to me. Isabella's carefully worded post made everyone wonder who was being referred to.

Here's my rant for the day: If WP continues on as it has been, I won't be around long. The good people leave and those that stay have little to offer. Overzealous moderation can be the death knell of a forum - I've seen it many times.

I have other things I could spend my time on; and I am getting relatively little from WP any more.

A finger in every pie.


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17 May 2019, 2:18 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
I hope you aren’t referring to me.

I really don’t believe that all men are evil.

Here, I thought she was referring to me. Isabella's carefully worded post made everyone wonder who was being referred to.

Here's my rant for the day: If WP continues on as it has been, I won't be around long. The good people leave and those that stay have little to offer. Overzealous moderation can be the death knell of a forum - I've seen it many times.

I have other things I could spend my time on; and I am getting relatively little from WP any more.

I won’t stay for very long because it’s not good for me at this point.

You have very good posts.

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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17 May 2019, 2:23 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Especially since:

In order to determine of a person can "improve," we must get to know the person over a period of time "in person."

We can only speculate as to a person's nature and abilities online.

We can encourage.....but to upbraid is wrong if we don't know the person "in person."

And even if we do know the person "in person," we should just continue to encourage, rather than use purely "tough love methods."

I believe in using "reality testing." But I believe in being gentle about it....and in allowing the recipient of the advice a voice, too.

I’ve resorted to trying “tough love,” but I did really want to help. I thought maybe a bit of a shake would allow some understanding to break through. I was wrong, of course. LOL

“Tú, que me lees, ¿estás seguro de entender mi lenguaje?” — Jorge Luis Borges


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17 May 2019, 2:26 pm

Twilightprincess wrote:
You have very good posts.

Thank you!

A finger in every pie.


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17 May 2019, 2:40 pm

Twilightprincess wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
I disagree, vociferously, that WP "sucks."

I hope people don't think WP sucks because there's "too many liberals."

We have liberals. We have conservatives. We have gun rights advocates. We have advocates for gun control. All have compelling arguments.

The "truth" is somewhere between all the extremes. Some conservatism is good. Some liberalism is good. We don't need to take peoples' guns away. But we need to have at least some gun control. We can't allow guns to run pell-mell in the streets.

I have respect for people with guns. Growing up, most of my friends’ brothers or fathers hunted, but I’ve observed several situations (and, of course, hearing of the horror of Sandy Hook!) that have led me to the conclusion that very loose laws around guns is too problematic. The cons outweigh the pros.

My POV is somewhat tempered by an understanding of where the other side is coming from, though.

An autistic friend of mine who was obsessed with guns would talk to me about them endlessly. I’d just smile and nod.

There aren’t lose laws there too many. I think if you went shooting and learned about current laws you’d feel differently it most anti gun people wish to do neither and remain ignorant of gun issue just letting anti gun politicians with a agenda inform them and question not. I’ve seen anti gun people become pro gun from experiencing and learning about guns and our laws.
Sandy hook was bad but someone killed just as many with a revolver. And another person killed as many with a bolt action rifle. This is why people oppose laws that won’t do anything. I wish more of the anti gun people would learn and explore. We have a violent issue in America not a gun issue. Instead they just tell us we just don’t care and are heartless.
If a kkk guy told you banning blacks from cities would stop crime would you be ok? What if then people said you’re heartless to the victims for opposing the person ban idea? But you know banning black people from cities won’t stop crime it’s illogical and data shows it, so they call you a child murder, say bloods on your hands and push for more banning of black people fro, cities. Yes I get the comparison isn’t great but Im trying to compare it to something most people would understand, unfortunately when it comes to guns most anti gun people don’t have any experience or knowledge to know it’s not logical. And when we try to talk about the current laws, data and such we get called child killers.
It really is one of emotion vs facts and logic. Sadly logic and facts are losing and people’s rights get destroyed and people still get killed. It’s all for nothing .

So we sit and watch as freedom dies to cheers.

There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die


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17 May 2019, 2:41 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
I hope you aren’t referring to me.

I really don’t believe that all men are evil.

Here, I thought she was referring to me. Isabella's carefully worded post made everyone wonder who was being referred to.

Here's my rant for the day: If WP continues on as it has been, I won't be around long. The good people leave and those that stay have little to offer. Overzealous moderation can be the death knell of a forum - I've seen it many times.

I have other things I could spend my time on; and I am getting relatively little from WP any more.


There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die


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17 May 2019, 3:11 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
Overzealous moderation


Everyone who gets moderated thinks the moderator is overzealous

R Tape loading error, 0:1

Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard


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17 May 2019, 3:24 pm

Stop trolling me. You're just following me around hoping to trip me up.

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17 May 2019, 3:37 pm

Why would you trip up ?

You think you are an exemplary member.

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Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard


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17 May 2019, 3:41 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
... Isabella's carefully worded post made everyone wonder who was being referred to...
That's the trouble with carefully-worded posts; they're so carefully-worded so as not to offend anyone that the people they were intended for aren't made to feel uncomfortable enough to even respond.

You and I are of a dying generation, Bea. Learning on our own how to survive the crap we endured as kids made us more self-reliant than subsequent generations. We learned to fight our own battles, do our own work, and make our own ways to successful independence. We learned to speak truth to mediocrity when it was necessary, even when it was neither wanted nor appreciated. Without people like us, hypocrisy and self-pity would become rampant everywhere, and the incompetent would continue to hold positions of authority over others around the world.

I hope you stick around, although I may also take another vacation until the membership cycles back to a more rational composition. We'll see what develops.



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17 May 2019, 3:50 pm


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Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard


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17 May 2019, 8:20 pm

Why can’t we all just get along?

Last edited by kraftiekortie on 17 May 2019, 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.