Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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22 Mar 2012, 2:39 am

Dear you,

We admitted a lot of mistakes to each other when you came back. Y'know I wouldn't have helped you if I didn't feel guilty about the past, but I'm glad I did and that I'm friends with you again. If there's still some smudges on the slate that I can't see, please tell me. I just want things to be ok between us. Sorry for everything (as we've already said lots of times to each other). I'm glad you're doing ok and that you have people who care about you. I'll talk to you again more after I finish this assignment.


PS. Sorry for posting this (public stuffs)


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23 Mar 2012, 8:34 am

Trigas wrote:
smudge wrote:
Dear mods at Wrong Planet,

How would you like writing out something that's important to you, like coursework - only to have a power cut and to lose all of the information you typed? That is exactly how I feel. You deleted ALL of my posts on a thread without warning. It takes peoples' time and energy to help people, and now all of the information is gone.

I'm not posting here again.


Yea this forum is starting to get pretty stupid with all the constant censoring. Don't blame ya for leaving.

I changed my mind about leaving, but it's still wrong for lots of posts to get deleted like that.


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23 Mar 2012, 6:23 pm

Two letters I need to write.

Dear A*****n
I know you're busy, but if you would come and tell us you're ok and stuff that would be great because you never actually said bye to me. Also, I have to apologise for freaking out on you that day, because I never actually apologised. Im still around where you left me at, and I will be for a few months yet, so if you want to talk to me again that would be great.

Sorry I can't tell you in person, but I am not brave enough to email you first, and you haven't emailed me.
From g**a (iggy)

Dear school bus driver
Please stop at my stop, I really hate shouting that youve forgotten it, everyone stares at me and I feel like I could just melt. If you could tell all the other drivers to stop as well, that would be great because not all of them even know about my stop.
From iggy

Female, 16
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29 Mar 2012, 9:44 pm

Dear troll MMO player base, specificaly in RIft and World of TROLLcraft.

If you have nothing nice to say, then don't blow your hateful diahrea at me in the first place! Either tell me "I'll go" or "Ok, I'll help". Leave it at that. How HARD can that be for you?! I asked for help, get OVER it and excuse you! What do you honestly get out of mistreating people next to you? Nothing valid, that's for sure!

I should stop paying those two moron companies, because quite honestly, they never stop kissing your filthy ass holes, and ruining their own dam game design for such a stupidly small amount! You and every MMO can go to hell, because I had it with the RL ice packs, and your hate! That digital s**t isn't near worth what you put me through! Not by a LONG SHOT!!

Don't tell ME to get therapy, when you emotionaly attack, and attack, and attack,, and attack and ATTACK me like the cyber BULLIES you are! All I wanted was to peacefully get this quest or that run done, and too many times for my slightest liking you attack me for what? 1: How I type, even if an averege person can grasp what I mean! 2: For not wearing what you want, or playing how you want, like I was your f*****g servant, princess! I can buy pricier coffie than a sub., so stop acting like your some f*****g money service worthy godess! The amount we both pay for it doesn't come up to TACO BELL!! (Alot of you love all that grease at burger king, don't ya!? You can get a decent meal at taco bell for $3.00 in my city! Where does that put you?) 3: Now, you give this to me just because I ask for help. Really! Are you THAT needy to be a troll? Are you THAT desperate to show the world how dumb you are!?

f**k YOU!! !

Trion... Blizzard...

f**k YOU TO!! I hate asking for help, and this is exactly why! Everything I would DO with my end level Mage in Wow goes straight to "be the local door stomp or lonly outcast"! What exactly have you done for me? Nothing. You made the gear easier, and spot on as I predicted, Trion, your player base gets more and more vicious! You should have listened to some of us, and not go patting the troll's ego. Enjoy watching your games go on into "HATE FEST FOR THE SHINIES"! *FINGER*


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30 Mar 2012, 6:55 pm

^ Guild Wars 2...

All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.


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31 Mar 2012, 3:01 pm

Dear Best Friend,

I miss you more than you could ever know. Even though you can't be here for me now, thanks for all you've done. Thanks for standing up for me when I couldn't do it for myself, for watching out for me, and for all the little memories we shared. I know I'm not exactly the easiest person to relate to and be around. I'm glad our differences enhanced our relationship rather than destroy it, though I still wonder how we ever got to be best friends. I'm also sorry how even though you put so much effort into showing how grateful you were, I wasn't able to express my feelings correctly. I hope you have a great life, you're a much better person than you think you are.

I just want to know where you are right now. You're not the same person you were back then. Back then we respected each others' points of views, preferences, and morals/lack of morals. We laughed whenever we realized how completely different we were, from each other and from most people. But now, I feel like you're criticizing me from not being like everyone else. You say you've become another face in the crowd, no one special. You say you want to be different, yet you criticize me from being so.

Looking back in time, did you think it was easy for me to listen to you say how you couldn't care less about your own family, and for most of the world? I can't even kill the smallest of bugs to save my own life. Did you think it was easy for me to know how you torture them in your free time, how dog tasted like, or how you beat a lizard to death simply because you were bored? If I could tolerate that, then why do you suddenly tell me that you just can't care about what I had to say just because you couldn't relate to me? You put up with it for two years, so why now? Why leave me when I needed your comfort the most? And yet... I constantly reassure you that I'll always be here.

I really wish I knew how your mind works. I don't get you. Why is finding a girlfriend so important to you? Why do you complain about wanting a change in your boring routine, yet you shoot down every opportunity you get? Why do you regret eating that dog, yet you don't feel any remorse when you hit your own mother? You never really reply to what I say, unless it has something to do with you. You ignore me when I tell you that I miss you when you say you doubt anyone would miss you if you suddenly vanished. I feel like a wastebasket for all your unwanted feelings. I told you this and you apologized for not catching on and said it was fine if I didn't consider you my best friend anymore. Now we've stopped talking, but there's still one more thing you don't get. I'd rather have you as a bad friend than not have you as a friend at all.

On the bright side, you've taught me an important life lesson: nothing lasts forever.

I still wish you the best in life,
From your best friend.


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04 Apr 2012, 11:47 pm

Dear B.

I miss you. I don't know where we stand. Things got serious, and in all the wrong ways, and only because I felt I owed it to you.
And then you left, and I feel ignored, and stupid.

You didn't give me your real engineering ring- I saw it on your keychain before you left.

Things have gotten bad lately, and I can't imagine you seeing me like this.
I would be acutely-embarassed, except you never contact me,
so I'm never jolted back into my body and driven to change it for you.
You don't know anything about it in the first who am I kidding?
Maybe you do. I know you're very smart. I also know smart people can be the most oblivious...

My mom asks about you all the time, and I lie and say I talked to you that morning about such and such,
and then I hang up and cry because I keep giving away pieces of myself.


"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
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06 Apr 2012, 11:03 pm

Dear Dad

I finally got over the fact you was never their for me I view you as a appendix, something you body doesn't need and you are something I will never need in my life.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Apr 2012, 1:26 pm

Dear classmates,

When I decided to go back to school to get a proper education, I was scared that I would never fit in. Now, even though that fear came true, it isn't that scary anymore. Because no matter how strange I may seem, most of you accept me as who I am.

Some of you may be terrible, but all by all, I kind of like it in our class. Thanks for that.

Love, me.


Dear friends whose band is getting pretty well-known,

I remember your first show, four years ago. We hang out all the time. Most of you moved away and even though we don't see each other much, I still love hanging out. But I have to say, I am jealous. Your band is getting succesful, whilst I'm struggling with school being to easy and boring. You guys are touring out of the country, hanging out with people I've only seen on television, are getting interviewed, have fans. I feel left out. What happened to the dreams we had, where I still had a place in them?

I hope your dreams come true. I'll be there at the show next week,

Love, me.


Dear sister,

Your boyfriend was a loser anyways. I'm glad you are turning into yourself again, making plans with friends, going out and coming home wasted, being happy. You're doing better, everyone thinks so. Keep it up!

Love, me.


Dear self,

Get over it. Your friends have talent and willpower. You? You should stay in school and finish it this time. It's your last chance. Few people make money in the arts and you don't have any talent, so you will never be one of them.

Stop the jealousy, be happy for the friends who can do what they love and figure out what it is that you love to do. No, complaining is not a hobby that will get you anywhere. Also, you are in school right now, focus on that and stop looking for a job, you don't need a full-time one and you know that you can't handle a part-time one on top of school right now. Nine to five classes, remember?

Also, start delevoping the willpower to tackle to sleeping problems. You have an appointment at the sleep centre in two weeks. What are you going to say? Yes, waking up early is hard when you just can't fall asleep before 3am. Yes, after three full, busy days on three hours of sleep each everyone will feel like s**t. Does that matter? No. Just wake up at 6.30, like you promised, go sit in front of the light and go to bed after 11.30pm, but not before you're tired.

Lose some weight. School may be stressful and your body may respond to those situations really fast, but you gained 20 pounds in 2 months, that is not healthy. Leave the computer, take a walk, try out the jump robe you bought, clean the home-trainer, lift some weights. You can excersise at home, don't blame the cost of the gym, because even though it is expensive, if you really want you can afford the €40 a month they ask.

So come on. You are living this life for yourself. You want it to be worth it, right? Stop the jealousy, the complaining and the laziness and have a good time!

Love, me


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08 Apr 2012, 7:11 am

(edit again; won't get read anyway)

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09 Apr 2012, 8:32 pm

Dear my best and only friend Hannah,

Why oh why must you have Epilepsy? Every time I see you, every time I talk to you, I fear that dreaded silence, that dreaded lack of control as you slowly slip into a deadly game of chance. The last time you had a serious one, I had a panic attack. Maybe this is just the aftermath of what happened to him, or some other psychological bullsh**, I don't know, but whatever happens, know that I will alway think about you, day and night, no matter what. Can you promise that you'll look after yourself as much as possible? I know that I cannot do anything for you, not yet, but I swear, when I get some money, I will stop at nothing to stop your seizures. Hell, I might go past nothing to stop it. I don't want you becoming like him, my mind and soul have been warped enough already. I accept that the time will come when I must say a final farewell to you, I hope that only comes after you have had a long and fruitful life, but can you promise me that you'll try as hard as you can not to go, as I am too close to dying myself. Just remember, that I'll be here, in the wake of devastation, whenever you need me, for whatever reason. Please, just help me stay alive, don't make me beg.



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09 Apr 2012, 9:44 pm

Dear you,

I think I may finally be able to get rid of you altogether. Leaving you in the past on a sour note doesn't really fix anything; it just leaves behind negativity. Now, though, I can say that I'm glad it never worked out between us, or I'm glad you just up and left and cut off contact, or I'm glad you fired me. I'm a better person for it, and I'm no longer letting you keep me down. Glad - the power of one simple word is so amazing. Instead of saying that I hate you, I can say I'm glad that I don't have to put up with what I hate anymore. Not a very complex concept at all, and yet it works just fine. If only I'd realized sooner how easy it was to just become positive. I don't need you anymore, whoever you are, because I'm making a conscious effort to no longer put all my effort into what I hate, but rather into what I enjoy.


About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or
just walking dully along...

Pileated woodpecker
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12 Apr 2012, 3:10 pm

Dear well-known Physicist who ruined a part of my life,

I would like to let you know that trying to be an Einstein-like person in modern Science is really really ridiculous! You do not even have a little piece of his talent. It's not because you are wearing the same clothes that you will be considered as a genius. You are not Einstein, nor Feynman. Physics being my AS special interest, you ruined with your bullshits around 5 years of my life. I was very down, depressed, with very dark thoughts and moreover I became anorexic! I hate you from the depths of my soul! You have an academic position, I haven't. You make me sick.

Now, I know that your theory is wrong. Now, I have some mathematical background to make a good approach. I do not want to revolutionize the World or Physics. Unlike you, I don't like Honours. My prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out, the kick in the discovery, the observation that other people use it. Those are real to me. Honours are unreal.

I would like to not thank you for your anti-contribution to my life.
Worst regards,
Me, PhD, even if at the time you did not want me to pursue in Theoretical Physics. Well... you know what? That's DONE!! !! !! !! !!

Adam Raki
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13 Apr 2012, 4:01 pm

intense thread!! !! !

Pileated woodpecker
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13 Apr 2012, 4:19 pm

Yeah I know... I was maybe to "excited" or maybe because of drugs? of alcohol? of... ? No simply very angry! :tongue:
And that's not over! I have other letters to write! :lol:

Adam Raki
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13 Apr 2012, 5:52 pm

Dear you,

I know you think that I hate you, but I don't. I really enjoy your company and I miss you.

From me.

Last edited by hurtloam on 15 Apr 2012, 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.