sly279, I have a serious question for you, do you measure your self worth with girls or with rather or not you are in a relationship? I hate to tell you this but a lot of autistic people never have a personal relationship. That is not to say you can't but after reading a lot of you posts, I think you are trying way too hard. Be yourself and don't focus on other people, people will either like you or hate you. By trying so hard to get a relationship going, I think your reducing the odds of getting into one. Don't think of women as potential relationships, think of them as friends and then go to the relationship stage. I feel you are kinda of rushing things and I am about 90% sure that women are picking up on this. Do what you want around them, be polite but don't expect to get in a relationship and you'll probably get in one.
If you are not happy flying solo then you won't be happy with someone else.