dcj123 wrote:
I am lower then dirt and everything I do in life isn't even worth the effort it takes to light match and destroy. I am lowest level of scum on the planet, I deserve everything that has and will happen to me, I am a mistake that won't correct itself. I am the black ink of death spilled over a perfect painting. These tears hold the fatality of my soul and they flow wide in abundance. I cut myself because the punishment I get from others is not enough to justify how pathetic of a human I am, even the blood dripping from my arm is not enough to bring peace to what I have destroyed and what I continue to destroy. Even in isolation I hurt others, there is nothing I can do but bring pain and suffering to others. What is the purpose for such a failure to exist? I am a like a black hole that eats away at a brightly burning star, death, destruction, for no reason. Just because I can and as such I remove the light burning bright in the lives of others.
i think you're a funny guy (when you mean to be, of course) and i did notice that something was missing from WP when you were away.
it's cool you know as much as you do about computers/programming, especially compared to me, who knows so little for someone who uses them
all the time. it's only one of your strengths.
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