Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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27 Aug 2012, 4:47 am

Dear Someone.

You know that last thing I said here? Juts forget about it. I was upset at the time, but I've managed to put it behind me now. It was a silly idea anyway.
I still want to visit your area just to see what it's like, but if I see you, it will only be by coincidence. I don't plan to look for you or stalk you.

And please read the message I left on the site in that topic. Please. I get let down when you're not there, so I feel it's only right for you to feel the same way when I'm not there. So I let you down, and I'm going to let you down again. :(


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27 Aug 2012, 10:11 am



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27 Aug 2012, 1:58 pm

Dear Drunkard Frat Boy,

There is more to life than drinking away your "inhibitions" and acting loud and obnoxious. Your "friends" are only so while you are all wasted. You may pride yourself on how much sex you have, but usually both of you regret it in the morning. It's as though you premeditate the regretful sex by drinking!

Your "social status" from the drinking "parties" you attend and the sex you get won't matter a whit once you are out of college, assuming you can cram/cheat/charm/guilt-trip your way into passing. No employer has been known to give points for "tail" in hiring. Once out of college you will be left with no true friends, and will have to start from scratch both professionally and socially. And you'll never keep a healthy relationship if you cheat constantly.

So my advice is to find something you like to do SOBER, and make one friend you can talk to sober. Go to AA if you're experiencing withdrawal from the alcohol. That one friend will mean way more to you than 1,000 drunken monkeys you hang out with right now. There ARE people in college who care about things other than friend or screw count, or alcohol/drug tolerance.

Change your major if necessary, but please find something you LIKE to study in school instead of taking the easiest stuff you can find.


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29 Aug 2012, 10:24 am

Dear you,

Sorry for advance for posting this here, but I figured it would only yield the same results no matter what I do. Plus he left me with no choice as he's choosing to hide in a corner instead of pulling you aside about it.

First let me start by saying that I'm sorry if I've done anything bad to you. I know you think negative things about me due to stuff I've done to make him feel bad. I've already apologised for these things (and more) to him and I need only apologise for these things to him only. Despite all the forgiveness between me and him I still sense negative feelings from you for the past, which come across in your interactions with me elsewhere online. Please note the posts I made there were intended merely to vent and to not damage his character (not that anyone cares there anymore, that's why I could vent there), yet I still got the impression you were trying to publicly shame me and make me feel like a bad friend for posting. Your following comments regarding me being painful to watch I found hurtful and ignorant of my inner struggles I have when it comes to holding onto interpersonal relationships. And especially unwelcome considering the amount of understanding I gave you when he disappeared (how you felt is exactly how I feel whenever him and I have upheavals). I have never once ignored your hurt or seen it as nothing more than an annoyance. I understand that you are protective and concerned about how he feels when we have upheavals, but this pattern of seeing me as nothing but a source of hurt and annoyance has to stop. I feel bad too, and I think it's only fair that those feelings are at least thought of before you offer your input on matters between us (input that won't be welcome anymore btw). Instead of everyone being concerned for his feelings and his only, I think we all should be at least considerate and respectful towards everyone else involved. It's the only way we can avoid a repeat of two years ago. Nobody respected anyone else back then and look what happened.

While I'm open to a bit of constructive criticism every now and then, I don't find your style very helpful at all. As a matter of fact I find it adds nothing but more negativity to an already bad situation. It's not very fun being on the other side of the fence, being the "screw up", then having to deal with other people's negative attention. I already feel like crap for things I do. Criticism from you in any form doesn't make me wish to try better, it just makes me want to f**k off forever, and I certainly don't think you deliver it with helpful intentions either (I think you only do it to try and make me feel as bad as he does). Criticism seems to be the only time you ever wanna talk to me (or you at least always try to make sure it's the last word in conversation).

I'm serious here, this is no overreaction. This is making my friendship experience with him very unpleasant (unpleasant enough to consider if I should stay friends with him or not). I'm going to try and do my best to approach things with him in private from now on, but I want to ask you to make some changes in your approach to me too. It's not just up to me, it's up to all three of us to make things happy and positive for everyone.



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29 Aug 2012, 1:32 pm

Dear you,

He had actually mentioned that you were upset due to me. I wasn't actually trying to upset you with the things I said, but I can see how my words could have been upsetting and made you feel like a bad friend, and I'm sorry for that.

I'll try to address what you've said. If any of this comes across as argumentative or derisive, it's not meant to be, I'm just explaining things from my perspective.

First let me start by saying that I'm sorry if I've done anything bad to you. I know you think negative things about me due to stuff I've done to make him feel bad

I'm not sure whether you mean things back then or things since he's come back. If it's the former, then we all did things wrong back then, and we've all acknowledged that we did things wrong. The only reason I get angry over things relating to that is that when you vent, it seems like you forget that there were faults on all sides; you make it seem like you were nothing but a victim. That's what might make me respond shortly or sarcastically.

If it's things recently, anything negative I think never lasts, and is more "I wish she'd just explain to him why she's upset, or get things clarified instead of jumping to the worst conclusion" rather than "she's a bad person who should just STFU". I don't think you're a bad person, and I don't dislike you.

Please note the posts I made there were intended merely to vent and to not damage his character (not that anyone cares there anymore, that's why I could vent there), yet I still got the impression you were trying to publicly shame me and make me feel like a bad friend for posting.

Oh, I know that, and I know you even said so yourself. My responses were for two reasons:
1. To offer alternate explanations for the things that he'd said, to maybe help you get less upset about the worst-case scenarios that you'd convinced yourself were true.
2. To point out to the others there that they had a very skewed view of him, and that it wasn't fair to come to a judgement that someone should "have their lights punched out" based on their worst behaviour and on someone's venting about him. It was a comment on their unfair attitudes, not anything you've said.

Your following comments regarding me being painful to watch I found hurtful and ignorant of my inner struggles I have when it comes to holding onto interpersonal relationships. And especially unwelcome considering the amount of understanding I gave you when he disappeared (how you felt is exactly how I feel whenever him and I have upheavals). I have never once ignored your hurt or seen it as nothing more than an annoyance. I understand that you are protective and concerned about how he feels when we have upheavals, but this pattern of seeing me as nothing but a source of hurt and annoyance has to stop.

I obviously came across completely wrong when I said that. What I meant was that I don't like seeing you upset yourself, usually unneccessarily, all the time. You said something similar after he left, that my self-torture was painful to watch. What I said recently was intended in the same way as what you said back then.
I meant that it was painful to see the torture you put yourself through, not that you were a pain or an annoyance of any kind.
I may get annoyed when you're dropping hints publicly about what he's done wrong and I'm just there wondering why you can't just talk to him about it (he doesn't upset me anywhere near as often as he does you, but when he has, all it's taken is an explanation of how I've taken his words, and he's apologised), but I certainly do not see you as nothing but a source of hurt and annoyance. My feelings of annoyance are limited to the period of time in which you're actually taking things in the worst possible way and posting things that seem to hint at him being a bad and uncaring friend, and they don't transfer into the longer-term picture I have of you as a person, which is that I think you are a decent person.
But like I said, I didn't mean you were annoying to watch, only that I didn't like seeing you upset yourself. I hadn't realised that my words would be interpreted that way, and I'm sorry.

. I feel bad too, and I think it's only fair that those feelings are at least thought of before you offer your input on matters between us

I'm aware of that, and I do consider that: just about every post in the other place that probably seemed to be arguing and dismissing your viewpoint was actually an attempt to offer alternative explanations for things that might have made you feel a bit better.
The one about him being not incapable of piecing things together from your posts
here wasn't; I was pissed off then, but I didn't appreciate the insinuations that I'd passed on information to him from that place when you'd clearly posted publicly about what you were upset about. Thus, sarcasm in response.
I was also upset with you then because everyone there was gleefully jumping on his character, and you just sat back and let it happen without sticking up for your friend, and it wasn't the first time it had happened: when you do that, it looks to me as though you're perfectly happy for him to look like a bad person in front of everyone. I see now that it's probably because you don't really care what most of the people there think of him (and I don't think he does either, and I should probably stop caring about their opinions too. Like I keep trying to tell them, they don't have the full picture, so their opinions are uninformed.).

(input that won't be welcome anymore btw).

Including the times where he's been confused and on the verge of not talking to you, and I've stuck up for you and tried to tell him things like "she's probably not so much upset with you about being asocial as that she's worried you'll leave again"?

While I'm open to a bit of constructive criticism every now and then, I don't find your style very helpful at all. As a matter of fact I find it adds nothing but more negativity to an already bad situation. It's not very fun being on the other side of the fence, being the "screw up", then having to deal with other people's negative attention. I already feel like crap for things I do. Criticism from you in any form doesn't make me wish to try better, it just makes me want to f**k off forever, and I certainly don't think you deliver it with helpful intentions either (I think you only do it to try and make me feel as bad as he does). Criticism seems to be the only time you ever wanna talk to me (or you at least always try to make sure it's the last word in conversation).

Again, I'm sorry, and I really wasn't trying to add negativity. Like I've said, my posts to you were either
A. To offer alternate, non-worst-case scenario explanations.
B. To try and explain to the people at the other place that he's not a bad person and that they are in no position to make judgements on his character (and a lot of the annoyance you see is probably just frustration at them spilling over into my posts: they sometimes seem incapable of seeing reason, and some of them seem like they're trying to twist anything that's said about him into "he's a bad person". From their point of view: if he says something that seems mean, he's a mean person. If he says something that seems nice, he's being manipulative. Absolutely none of the vents you've posted have upset or angered me the way that their attitudes have.).
C. Sometimes I am annoyed at you when I think you're being unreasonable about things, but when I express annoyance at something, that's all I'm expressing annoyance at: it's not at all meant to imply that I think you're nothing but an annoyance. It's similar to how when you vent, you're not trying to make him look like a bad person, you're just venting.
I don't want you to f**k off forever, but it would be nice if you'd clarify things with me before assuming that I have the worst intentions towards you. Before he told me that you were upset, I had no idea that you'd stayed upset for long after you made your last posts in that thread over there, and until I read your post here, I had no idea that my words to you had been taken in the way that they had. A lot of pain could have been avoided if you'd just confronted me in the first place and said "Is this what you meant, because I found it hurtful".

Criticism seems to be the only time you ever wanna talk to me (or you at least always try to make sure it's the last word in conversation).

I've already explained that it's not all meant as criticism. I don't try and make it the last word: usually I'm just trying to give my perspective on things, and you're free to respond to anything I say.
As for it being the only time I want to talk to you: you're right, it is the only time I talk to you, and it probably does seem from that as though I think you're an annoyance. I'm sorry for that. It's only that I have no real other reason to talk to you. I'm not trying to say that I don't think you're worth talking to, just that I wouldn't know what else to talk to you about. I sucks at teh conversing.

I'm serious here, this is no overreaction.

I know you are, and I don't think it's an overreaction, but you have misunderstood my intentions.

This is making my friendship experience with him very unpleasant (unpleasant enough to consider if I should stay friends with him or not).

I really didn't realise that it was, and again, I'm sorry.

. I'm going to try and do my best to approach things with him in private from now on, but I want to ask you to make some changes in your approach to me too.

I'll try (I'm not sure what would help, as I don't know how you're going to interpret my words.). I'd also like you to stop assuming that everything I say to you is an attack on your character and designed to make you feel bad: it isn't, and if you get upset by something I say to you, I'd appreciate if you'd approach me directly about it so that I get a chance to clarify what I meant and what my actual intentions were. Like I said, I really had no idea that I'd been making you feel so bad- I knew that you felt bad at times, as evidenced by posts like "I'm nothing but an annoyance to people and should just f**k off", but I thought that that was just because you were upset at the time. I didn't realise that those feelings stayed with you. I wish you'd spoken directly to me sooner.
I didn't mean to hurt you, and I'm sorry that I did.

- Me

Another thing: when you get upset and angry at him and how things are going, it makes me get worried that either he'll get overwhelmed and stop talking again, or that you'll try to convince him to stop talking to me. I know it's probably unreasonable, but due to the past, the possibility of it still really, really scares me.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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29 Aug 2012, 2:12 pm

... desiderio tui teneor...



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29 Aug 2012, 2:40 pm

noli ire, amabo te :(


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29 Aug 2012, 6:04 pm

blue_bean wrote:
Plus he left me with no choice as he's choosing to hide in a corner instead of pulling you aside about it.

Already have brought it up with her. The points you put forward:

Said to be a misunderstanding.

E: the points redacted for privacy (I brought most of them up so as not to miss anything).


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30 Aug 2012, 5:28 am

Dillogic wrote:
blue_bean wrote:
Plus he left me with no choice as he's choosing to hide in a corner instead of pulling you aside about it.

Already have brought it up with her.

A week later.....


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30 Aug 2012, 5:30 am

To WP as a whole,

I would like to apologize for flying off the handle and airing my dirty laundry. I'm amazed that I'm still here after the many meltdowns that I've had. I'll never point the finger at anybody who airs their dirty laundry again, because I do the same thing.


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30 Aug 2012, 10:18 am



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31 Aug 2012, 5:59 am



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01 Sep 2012, 7:58 pm

Dear M,

I wish I knew what you were feeling. It frustrates me to no end how you can be happy to talk to me one day and then act like I committed a vile sin against you the next. All I ever did was care for you, worry about you, and love you. You taught me the importance of unconditional love; why act this way towards me and make me want to go back down the path of hate? I understand you've been hurt in the past, but you've known me all this time, and know full well that I'd never do anything to hurt you. I was and still am willing to travel that long distance to help you, but all the glib phrases, anger, and resentment are eating away at me. I really wish I knew what your true feelings were. I broke down my walls for you and trusted you when you said to trust you and that you'd never forsake me. But now I'm to this point where I feel like I HAVE been forsaken. The one girl I've had anything in common with, who is perfect for me in every way, and she seems to be screwing me over. How do you think that feels? In building up your walls and taking your anger at people in your life and at your job on me in order not to get hurt, you're being really ironic because all that does is hurt me. I love you, but I don't know what exactly to do. I wish I could find out soon.



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01 Sep 2012, 10:34 pm

Dear C,

Although I love you, I am not looking forward to seeing you again. I am very anxious about this trip.

I know that by default because of my fathers choices, I have always been a disappointment to you. However, you have nobody else, other than my father to choose from. Eventually, either you will have to choose me after him, or you will have to change the entire tradition and restructure everything accordingly. The only other option is if you ask of him what I think you will ask him, and then you risk being estranged from him for another 20 years, and I have to wonder if it is worth it, both on a personal and community level?

You have never been very good at balancing the future of the community with individual freedoms and choices. Although I don't envy you the position, you shouldn't automatically dismiss people like me as useless - we will be essential in the coming years and decades as intermediaries who actually completely understand your way of life, if you wish to preserve your community, since we are the only ones who have been raised and can go between both cultures. Just because I am not what you wanted, does not make me, or my cousin, useless.

I will not do what I know you will ask of me - we both know I will never be suitable for that, both in practical and theoretical terms but I know you will ask anyway. I will do my final step, but I will not do it in the way you expect - so please let me have some peace and quiet afterwards before we have the meetings. All I ask afterwards is for you to allow me to do as I please - I assure you I will be much more useful to you that way than anything you think to force or pressure me into. I promise I will fully consider everything you bring up from the meetings thoroughly - although some may not be poosible now, they may be in future.

I miss you and I miss home.

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03 Sep 2012, 1:52 pm

This is my anger.
I wouldn't know flirting if it flew into my face, I was Not. If you were able to pull your head out of your own world for one second you would be able to see clearly that I respect you as a potentially good friend. You continually boast how much smarter you are than everyone and yet push aside one truly intelligent person who reaches out to you, wants to hear you and is open and true to you.

This is my sadness.
That I notice someone out of all these people who first makes me honestly laugh, then actually appears to have a brain going on, and gives me a flittering hope in this s**t world that Maybe, just MAYBE there is one I can talk to. But every word tells me to go away, that I can not be understood, that I will only be hurt. Such delicious BS!
I am caring, but I am not an effing newborn fawn. I've been hit by a few trucks crossing the highway before.

This is my reality of you.
I 'See' the words you 'say'.
But i 'Hear' the doubt in those words with every single one.
You wish someone would hear that.
I do.
And... I want to listen.
And... I know that I can need the same thing.
You know... a person still needs a cup of tea while going about fixing everything. Maybe just a Little talk and just a Little laughter wouldn't ruin all that fixing.

This could be a friendship, just what NTs always talk about... a true unconditional friendship.

This is my hope.
That we were able to try again.
That this time you are reaching out.
I am here.
Don't go hiding behind some logic BS.
I am as f*****g real as you will ever meet.
I have no desire for anything except some genuine laughter and a million mile away friend to open to.

Let me know if we can be that.
I could use a strong smart one and offer the same to you.



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04 Sep 2012, 11:52 am

Dear .............

I do not understand what you are talking about. And if you cant explain your thoughts to me yourself, I dont know what to talk to you about. You left me with a mountain of questions. Im sure you will find somebody to talk to that suits you better than me, due to our enormous differences.
I hope you find your way.
