arpedi wrote:
.. so.. everything's good ?
I just hoped it, at least, gave you half a smile..
I know the feeling, was like that a few days ago.. whatever the state of mind you are in, think of it as this is never a straight line but more of a sinusoidal curve.. all you have to do is to catch the upper curve and give it a little push to take advantage of the acceleration..
and when in the down curve, just wait for the next wave..

today +7..
see you next week..

have we spoken before
i like your curve analogy
B19 wrote:
Kip, the early 20s are very often a very dark burnout phase for us. Many here can testify to that, when we can lose sight of our strengths and talents, lose our energy and hope, and feel as if nothing will ever get better. It's a very painful experience on all levels. I remember that time. You must be kind to yourself, get the rest you need, and try to give yourself credit for going on toward the next and better phase of your life. You are a very talented person, and those talents will blossom more greatly in time. Take heart. Sooner or later this will lift and a new sun will dawn, not all at once but gradually. I feel greatly for you.
just trying to cope however i can.
kraftiekortie wrote:
You've accomplished a lot, Kip.
Becoming a Mod at 17 is no mean feat!
You've got to listen to input from others, Sir.
i do, i'm aware.
i HAVE accomplished a lot.
it just seems like-- my analytical tendencies work against me at times and cause me to come up with reasons why any help i might get wouldn't work
which is usually bull of course - but i'm a very stubborn person and now more than ever this is coming to bite me. i appreciate your patience and oh my god i've been a mod here for four years.
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