Vet report just in: Progress Is Happening... Oh the relief...
His fever has broken, temperature returning to normal. Won't eat yet so they will try an appetite stimulant tomorrow (but his mouth may still be too sore from the ulcers on his tongue, due to a viral invasion). His breathing is somewhat better though far from fully recovered, very snuffly still, so he remains on the antibiotics. It's now Tuesday 5pm here and hopefully (they said) he will be well enough to come home on Saturday, if he starts eating and drinking again by then and continues to recover.
He has been rehydrated now, and that will make him feel so much better than he was.
Much as I would love to have him here with me, for emotional reasons, he is much safer in care until he is further along the road to recovery. It must seem very strange to him, to be in a box in a room of strangers, who put needles into him. Apparently he just sits quietly in the cage and doesn't move much at all though he doesn't seem to be distressed. (Knowing that he is very terrified of all strangers he probably is, he goes into static mode when he is frightened). Overall good news because he is alive
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), he is better than yesterday, he is in safe hands.