VMSmith wrote:
i just came back from the occupy sydney thing where we occupied martin place. sometimes people are jerks and they get you down but other times they are the most amazing force. going to martin place occupation and just watching the people cooperate and help each other and pitch in with food, funds, water, play music for each other and start doing the dabke (arabic dance) give speeches, impromptu poetry readings and the whole crowd randomly singing gloria gaynors i will survive and that random marching band, humans surprise me sometimes and impress me and i love that they can do that. it was so beautiful. the organisation i was with was awesome by themselves too. we had a fairly successful workshop on why capitalism sucks, we talked, one of our comrades sang some awesome political songs that he himself wrote (he was quite good- they were funny), some of us cracked out guitars and sang from little things big things grow, and when my phone ran out of credit and my dad called a comrade helped me cover up where i really was(not the movies) and we had chocolate together and i gotta say i know i'm biased but no one knows how to set up a camp and make banners better than socialists. ours was a lively camp. i wish i were still there with them. thank you americans for starting it with wall street and thank you arab spring for inspiring that.
This makes me very happy!
It's good to see that there socialists in Australia that seem to hate capitalism as much as I do.
There may be hope for humanity after all.
I hope that the capitalist empire will soon fall. It will have to start with wall street because that is the birth place of corruption and greed.
That is why we have the occupy wall street movement.
?During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" ~George Orwell
"I belive in God, only I spell it Nature."
~ Frank Llyod Wright