Marknis wrote:
cathylynn wrote:
Marknis wrote:
I am past the age where I can learn how to draw and write songs. I should've killed myself when I turned 18.
i never heard of an age where you can't learn. it's true that language acquisition is more difficult for adults, but i'm 62 and doing well in college. why do you think you can't learn?
My mind keeps telling me so and the people I wanted to be like all started young and developed their talents.
The sentiment resonates with me in that at my worst I say self-hating things like "I don't deserve to live" due to not being as productive as I would like to be (in my mind) which only seems avoidable if by factoring what you said.
Went to a meaningful Unitarian service, saw someone I already knew and felt comfortable in explaining my past experiences with organized worship after a service based on assertiveness, rights, developing safe spaces and 'brave' spaces.
I shouldn't feel ashamed by taking into account if the 'proctological related issue' with the family dog which I mentioned to my sister was 'solved' by her when I got back and was somewhat reprimanded for understating things which she couldn't have contacted me about b/c of how I was out earlier and my device was uncharged or low on charge during the time.