Dear Husband and Mom,
Yes, I am acting like an Aspie. Why am I acting like an Aspie?? Because I am an Aspie.
If I told you that you were acting like a neurotypical in the same way that you tell me I'm acting like an Aspie, you would be EXTREMELY offended.
So why, precisely, is it that I'm supposed to immediately cease talking and not get upset??
Either admit that there are rules, that my existence breaks them, that I am subhuman and that I do not belong...
...or shut up and humor me as you expect me to shut up and humor you.
Pick a choice. I am sick and tired of playing this stupid game.
I do not, currently, understand how I could ever have been so stupid as to marry into this flying f*****g crock of s**t. I was young, I guess, and naive (make that foolish). I found someone who could at least stomach me as-is, and I was silly enough to hope that we would come to respect each other as we grew together.
Oh, to be as wise as I was when I was 21.
Yes, that's sarcasm.
The Aspie b***h
PS-- Honey, I understand that this is your mother, and this is a hard Christmas. But I SPECIFICALLY told you, before we planned this trip, that I did not want to spend New Year's Eve 1) on the highway, or 2) in a hotel room. If we're going to spend it in a hotel room, I would at least like to do something other than lie there, in the dark, with the TV on "mute," nastily shushing the kids if they speak above a carrying whisper. It may seem normal to you, but it makes me want to CRY.
I feel extremely selfish for re-asserting this fact as we decide when we are leaving, but I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND NEW YEAR'S EVE OUT WITH THE DRUNKS OR HIDING FROM THEM. I don't care if we're here, or at home, or in West Virginia. I just don't want to ring in another New Year standing outside a motel eating half-melted Popsicles from a seedy gas station, while trying to convince a 12-year-old, a 6-year-old, and a 4-year-old that this constitutes A Happy New Year.
Come on-- my inbred, drug-addicted, PTSD-afflicted ignorant hillbilly relatives can plan better than THAT.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"