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08 Sep 2019, 12:09 pm

cathylynn wrote:
martianprincess wrote:
Marknis wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
Marknis wrote:

Someone told me I should become a rapper. What a f*****g stupid idea. Oh yeah, I want to be friends with people who call me “fa***t”, think I am a “skater devil worshipper”, and claim only God can judge them. :roll:

I've never called you a fa***t, and wouldn't judge you if you worshipped the devil or skateboard. Not all rappers wanna be Lil Wayne. Unless you're referring to me suggesting it 6-8 weeks ago, in which case I certainly wasn't suggesting it as a negative thing, I was suggesting it as a viable outlet for expressing ideas and sentiments that are otherwise difficult to express. Music in general is a good outlet, but you had commented along the lines that you didn't think you could learn an instrument. Because it's a lot more rhythmic than singing, it's less important to have a good singing voice/ability to sing in key.

Further, someone making that observation, if they're a fan of hip-hop wouldn't suggest it to demean you, they'd suggest it because you've impressed them with your vocabulary or prosody or cadence or whatever. If they're not a fan they probably are being insulting and can foad.

The hip-hoppers in the sh***y culture I live in love Lil Wayne and they think rock music of any sort is “Satanic” so that’s where the stupidity of them thinking I worship Satan (I don’t believe in a devil) comes from and I had no idea the clothes I wore were “skater clothes”.

I was indeed referring to you and even if it was a positive suggestion I can’t consider it as an option. My musical dreams are dead and I am 31 so it’s too late to change anything in my life since I missed out on the milestones I was supposed to have achieved in my developmental years.[/q
I'll be 31 starting medical school if I manage to get in, it's never too late for things. I did most things in my life later than "normal." I think it's okay to do things at your own pace. Of course, if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine too. Just pointing out it's not a bad thing to do things on one's own time sometimes.

best of luck in med school - four of the happiest years of my life, surrounded mostly by folks whose goal, like mine, was to learn to be a good helper.

My redneck father used to push me to go to A&M to become a veterinarian. He quit after it became clear that my struggles with math ruled out ever going into any sort of medical field and I alienated him personally.

funeralxempire wrote:
Why let those people hold you back? Why allow them to become an excuse for not trying something? I don't mean just with this suggestion, but more generally. If those people have contributed to ruining some of your life, why give them your whole life?

They, along with the rednecks and general Bible Belters (Can be either rich or poor but they are typically Baptist in faith and shop at Walmart), make up the majority of the sh***y cultural region I live in. The dominant social topics among them are there love of Donald Trump, how America is a “Christian nation”, cars, guns, football, and “p****”. If you don’t fit their expectations, you are a “fa***t liberal” who has no friends and smokes pot which is hypocritical since a lot of them actually do smoke pot.


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08 Sep 2019, 1:08 pm

best of luck in med school - four of the happiest years of my life, surrounded mostly by folks whose goal, like mine, was to learn to be a good helper.

Thanks, cathylynn!

I am working hard on just applying, it's all so much work, and studying for the MCAT. They certainly don't make it easy. :skull: I'm hoping it all works out.

The phone ping from a pillow fort in a corn maze
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08 Sep 2019, 1:49 pm


It’s too late to start over and work towards the life I want to have. My family and society sabotaged me. Why was I even born? To just be something for the universe to abuse?


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08 Sep 2019, 3:19 pm

Marknis wrote:
cathylynn wrote:
martianprincess wrote:
Marknis wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
Marknis wrote:

Someone told me I should become a rapper. What a f*****g stupid idea. Oh yeah, I want to be friends with people who call me “fa***t”, think I am a “skater devil worshipper”, and claim only God can judge them. :roll:

I've never called you a fa***t, and wouldn't judge you if you worshipped the devil or skateboard. Not all rappers wanna be Lil Wayne. Unless you're referring to me suggesting it 6-8 weeks ago, in which case I certainly wasn't suggesting it as a negative thing, I was suggesting it as a viable outlet for expressing ideas and sentiments that are otherwise difficult to express. Music in general is a good outlet, but you had commented along the lines that you didn't think you could learn an instrument. Because it's a lot more rhythmic than singing, it's less important to have a good singing voice/ability to sing in key.

Further, someone making that observation, if they're a fan of hip-hop wouldn't suggest it to demean you, they'd suggest it because you've impressed them with your vocabulary or prosody or cadence or whatever. If they're not a fan they probably are being insulting and can foad.

The hip-hoppers in the sh***y culture I live in love Lil Wayne and they think rock music of any sort is “Satanic” so that’s where the stupidity of them thinking I worship Satan (I don’t believe in a devil) comes from and I had no idea the clothes I wore were “skater clothes”.

I was indeed referring to you and even if it was a positive suggestion I can’t consider it as an option. My musical dreams are dead and I am 31 so it’s too late to change anything in my life since I missed out on the milestones I was supposed to have achieved in my developmental years.[/q
I'll be 31 starting medical school if I manage to get in, it's never too late for things. I did most things in my life later than "normal." I think it's okay to do things at your own pace. Of course, if you don't want to, that's perfectly fine too. Just pointing out it's not a bad thing to do things on one's own time sometimes.

best of luck in med school - four of the happiest years of my life, surrounded mostly by folks whose goal, like mine, was to learn to be a good helper.

My redneck father used to push me to go to A&M to become a veterinarian. He quit after it became clear that my struggles with math ruled out ever going into any sort of medical field and I alienated him personally.

funeralxempire wrote:
Why let those people hold you back? Why allow them to become an excuse for not trying something? I don't mean just with this suggestion, but more generally. If those people have contributed to ruining some of your life, why give them your whole life?

They, along with the rednecks and general Bible Belters (Can be either rich or poor but they are typically Baptist in faith and shop at Walmart), make up the majority of the sh***y cultural region I live in. The dominant social topics among them are there love of Donald Trump, how America is a “Christian nation”, cars, guns, football, and “p****”. If you don’t fit their expectations, you are a “fa***t liberal” who has no friends and smokes pot which is hypocritical since a lot of them actually do smoke pot.

I can appreciate that, but you still didn't answer my question. Why do those people represent a reason to not do something? If you do something creative, you don't need them to be your audience, you've got the rest of the world. In theory you don't need an audience at all, you can create for yourself, but if you want one you just bypass those people. If you're worried about backlash, create a pseudonym.

Everyone who you don't care about's approval is irrelevant and you'll likely feel better about having created something, anything, then you will feel about having spent the same amount of energy and time complaining that you can't do anything. s**t, make complaining about how your life is wasted and over and pointless the motive for creating - just channel it in a way that creates an accomplishment for yourself. Proving to yourself you can do something lays the groundwork for doing it again.

Further, no body gets the life they want to have. That doesn't mean one can't make their life more bearable and it doesn't mean one can't learn to bear more of what they can't improve. I don't blame you for the sense of helplessness and hopelessness you express often, but it makes it difficult for people to invest emotionally in you. Worse, because of earlier lack of success, you seem convinced that there's no point in investing yourself emotionally in anything that requires hope or ambition. If one never takes a risk where success is a possibility, how can one ever experience success?

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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08 Sep 2019, 8:43 pm

-17 family’s fighting. It never ends.

There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die


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09 Sep 2019, 2:56 pm

martianprincess wrote:
best of luck in med school - four of the happiest years of my life, surrounded mostly by folks whose goal, like mine, was to learn to be a good helper.

Thanks, cathylynn!

I am working hard on just applying, it's all so much work, and studying for the MCAT. They certainly don't make it easy. :skull: I'm hoping it all works out.

If you do get in and succeed Lady Martian Princess, we will always wish you the best!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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09 Sep 2019, 10:35 pm


Made a possible connection with someone who I've been talking to for a few days but now I get the feeling it might be heading south. Or maybe it isn't and I'm just over-analyzing it. And a complicated friendship seems to have come back from the dead. Everything's complicated right now, dunno if it's good or bad. Time will tell I guess.


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10 Sep 2019, 10:39 am

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
martianprincess wrote:
best of luck in med school - four of the happiest years of my life, surrounded mostly by folks whose goal, like mine, was to learn to be a good helper.

Thanks, cathylynn!

I am working hard on just applying, it's all so much work, and studying for the MCAT. They certainly don't make it easy. :skull: I'm hoping it all works out.

If you do get in and succeed Lady Martian Princess, we will always wish you the best!

Thank you, Anon! I wish the same for you, of course!

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10 Sep 2019, 10:42 am

When is the MCAT, MP? ^

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10 Sep 2019, 10:55 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
When is the MCAT, MP? ^

It's a lion of an exam you have to take to apply to medical school. It's incredibly difficult. Mostly science-based stuff. I think it's ridiculous that we have to take such a tough exam to get into med school.
Then when you're in actual medical school you have to take USMLE step exams to get licensed.

So. much. testing.

Oh, and it's all a crapshoot anyway because paying all this money to take the MCAT and apply to medical school doesn't guarantee you'll get in anywhere, then you're SOL if you get no interviews and no acceptances. And it's competitive AF. Makes you constantly question yourself and your abilities and your experiences.

Just a lot of fun.

The phone ping from a pillow fort in a corn maze
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10 Sep 2019, 11:01 am

I know what the MCAT is 8). I can only imagine how stressful it must be.

I was just wondering when it will be? What field of medicine interests you most?

(( The world needs more Martian doctors. ))

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10 Sep 2019, 11:03 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I know what the MCAT is 8). I can only imagine how stressful it must be.

I was just wondering when it will be? What field of medicine interests you most?

(( The world needs more Martian doctors. ))

Oh jeez, there I go again with my reading comprehension skills!! ! hehe. Sorry about that.
I plan on taking it in May 2020, applying that July. :)

I'm interested in primary care. I want to work with adults with autism and other neurodivergent folks. I also want to do research.

The phone ping from a pillow fort in a corn maze
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12 Sep 2019, 9:54 pm

People are confusing

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12 Sep 2019, 9:55 pm

sly279 wrote:
People are confusing

tell me about it! seriously, tell me about it.


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13 Sep 2019, 1:58 pm


(I just want the new school year to begin, no questions asked.)

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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13 Sep 2019, 4:27 pm