dragonsanddemons wrote:
Feeling like a burden again due to my mom not reacting positively at all when I mentioned that I was going to try to focus on being happy with what I have rather than focusing on what I don't have. I feel like she doesn't want to tell me but wants me out of the house sooner rather than later.
Hating that I have to depend on others for so much. Also hating that in order to get the help I need to be able to not live at home, I apparently need to get a good-paying job (which might disqualify me, but is the only way I'd be able to afford it), age 50 years, or move to another state. Stuck in that area where I'm not disabled enough to get help, but am too disabled to get by without it. Stuck in a rut without sight of a way out.
I'm sorry Dragons, I don't know what to say.
All I have is a hug ((((D&D)))).
What was her reaction? Was it like just a look of disappointment or did she do more?
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."