sly279 wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Had aspie lady at work tell me her plans then ask what my future is and I just said I don’t have a future. Cause I don’t.
My ASD assessment doctor asked me to describe my plans or goals for the future, and I said the same thing as you. I have no plans or goals. That doesn't mean I hate my life; I just take it day by day without trying to preplan or feel pressure.
I hope you can feel the same sense of comfort, knowing that day by day is OK. You don't need to have all the answers as your life unfolds.
I have no future as in I won’t be getting a career, I won’t ever have a relationship, so that als means no family. I won’t have friends.
So my life as it is today is same as it was 10 years ago and it’ll be the same 10 years from now. I’ll be working the same crap job and playing video games. That’s all my life is I have no future no point in living.
If i died tomorrow it wouldn’t matter
Awe crud , here i go again, okay okay , g.f. is not the beginning or the end , firstmost. And have no family ,and i am not suppose to be trying to be helpful , am no great speaker of words . Having said that ..... it is never to late to start driving towards a future .. it is the very thing that will increase odds for a person to make happenstance relationships . "Its the journey not the destination"
Is not just a saying, .Its a truism , just like change is the only constant .
Self talk IS important .. no degree, find a trade school might be within your capabilities . Something you might be able to tolerate . Something to get out and just do stuff . Just to make a buck . Develop work habits . Its a start .
Not everyone is a brilliant scientist or computer programmer. Certainly not me. But took info. From everything did to make a life work. My life, not somebody elses expectations . At the other end of life, trying to cope or understand concept of being a senior . And been run through the meatgrinder of life . Can say, i have , had a life . Even enjoyed parts of it .
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are