izzi wrote:
My very small friend circle shrunk recently. The person I hung around with almost weekly turned out to be a massive scumbag who lies to people and stole $500 from a different friend of mine. And a week after I learned about this I tried to hang out with a friend I talk with semi-regularly and they just straight-up ghosted me all weekend. I could see them online on video games, but they just chose to not message me back. It hurt a lot.
Ive been trying to interact with acquaintances online, but its just way too difficult for me to hold a 1-on-1 conversation that doesnt feel like Im trying too hard to force it. It doesnt feel natural.
I just wish people would want to talk to me 1-on-1. Aside from my best friend, the friends I have only seem to exist when I am the one contacting them, and its ALWAYS that way.
Sounding a typical aspie-ism . After awhile , it seemed to be my frankness and my big mouth .. not being big headed here but sometimes it is hard for people to carry a convo with me. Was using language in a different way. People do not like to feel intimidated . NTs too , But then if your vocabulary is rather diverse
And expansive . And you think your helping someone , that may not have the same knowledge base as yourself , and you try to explain things , It can quickly get out of a NTs realm of thinking .
Just my own veiw described here .. and could go on rationalizing , what i have written.. but , even for myself , i can get long and drawn out , Am discovering some stuff i discuss requires lots of experience and or research to digest.
And , myself aswell ...! Just lost 300 usd , to someone , i thought was a dear friend for years. But it coulda been worse , and it has .
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are