kraftiekortie wrote:
What made you cut off contact with her?
Was she being abusive to you?
I'm sorry that this had to happen.
It's very likely that it's not your fault.
I had a sort of similar thing happen to me. I had an ex who, for years, made threats via phone to me. One day, she called me up in tears, threatening suicide (like she always did). I just ignored her, because I thought she was merely trying to call attention to herself. She had done that many times before.
Two weeks after that call, I got a letter from her mother saying that she fatally overdosed on pills. In a way, I blamed myself for her suicide because I ignored her.
It doesn't matter what she did. It seems petty now. It's like what happened with the HS girlfriend. Had a fight, cut off contact, and then she killed herself because I wasn't there for her when she needed me.
It's not what happened with my mom, surely. But maybe similar.