Well, illl just list a bunch of ones i know of or came up with, lemme think... the one may be offensive and not for the eyes of children (i wont post it but if ya want to know it just message me or whatever)
Life is like final fantasy, but without the subsequent games, as it truly is FINAL.
Life can often time feel like an eternity, but just think, how long does the earth itself feel our lives are. To it we are just mere houseflies, The earths billions of years to our dacades long lives if we are lucky; Our decades long lives to the day long life of a housefly.
The true horrors in life are the ones humanity has created itself for millennia. the fact that we will create yet more life and destroy others, just furthering the viscious cycle, the endless spiral of chaos, suffering, death, and birth.
Life is like a pimp and we are like the whores, we are all nothing but a bunch of b*****s.
Life is kinda like the failures on american idol, as simon cowell would put it, dreadful.
Life is most definately a dick, size of it depending on whose life it is.
life is not just a jumbled file, but a corrupted one filled with plenty of viruses as well. If you are reading this, then you can count yourself among one of those viruses. Sadly the only form of anti-virus just ends me entirely.