:skull: People who have a duplicitous nature



Those that treat as though you are inferior to them or discriminate against you because of race, gender, religion, academic abilities, disability etc. Anyone who feels they must make distinctions between people in this way have a note of narcissism about them in my opinion, which brings me to my next category of people who I really dislike...


Attention-seekers - some I can cope with, but there are others who do it in a really bad way to the detriment of other people's feelings and I can't tolerate that

People who expect me to change or not say what I feel, I would never expect that off anyone else so why expect it from me?

Superficial/false people, although I suppose that can come under 'liars' or those who have a 'duplicitous nature' can't it?

People who like to bully, threaten or intimidate others to get what they want or simply for pleasure, this to me is an illness that requires psychological attention and a strait-jacket
Spokane_Girl wrote:
And criminals
- it depends on the criminal activity. If it only harms the individual, that's their problem e.g. if they take drugs and don't commit drug-related crime that can possibly have an impact on anyone else, I really don't have a problem with it. However, if they do harm others willfully i.e. they are murderers, rapists, paedophiles etc, then yeah, I do have a huge problem with it.



Unnecessary rudeness which, unfortunately, is very common in today's society

Shallow people
I could go on but I won't.