WHat kind of people do you dislike the most?

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30 Dec 2009, 12:01 am

Liars and cowards.


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30 Dec 2009, 12:19 am

leejosepho wrote:
DavidK wrote:
Meadow wrote:
I think law functions equally well as with helping to form a civilized society.

Meadow wrote:
I find no real use for "religion" because a lot of hypocrites sit in church passing judgment upon others and trying to control others' rights, liberties and freedoms

Can anyone see a flaw in this logic?

No. The first suggests laws can do what religion can do, and the second suggests laws are preferred over religion.

I get it. It means that the person that doesn't like people passing judgement and trying to control others' liberties is passing judgement and trying to control other people's liberties.

no offence, I am just following the logic.


Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon


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30 Dec 2009, 12:27 am

sinsboldly wrote:
leejosepho wrote:
DavidK wrote:
Meadow wrote:
I think law functions equally well as with helping to form a civilized society.

Meadow wrote:
I find no real use for "religion" because a lot of hypocrites sit in church passing judgment upon others and trying to control others' rights, liberties and freedoms

Can anyone see a flaw in this logic?

No. The first suggests laws can do what religion can do, and the second suggests laws are preferred over religion.

I get it. It means that the person that doesn't like people passing judgement and trying to control others' liberties is passing judgement and trying to control other people's liberties.

no offence, I am just following the logic.


You are clearly passing judgment on me so maybe you could tell me how you think I'm trying to control others' liberties and passing judgment exactly?


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30 Dec 2009, 1:50 am

Meadow wrote:
sinsboldly wrote:
leejosepho wrote:
DavidK wrote:
Meadow wrote:
I think law functions equally well as with helping to form a civilized society.

Meadow wrote:
I find no real use for "religion" because a lot of hypocrites sit in church passing judgment upon others and trying to control others' rights, liberties and freedoms

Can anyone see a flaw in this logic?

No. The first suggests laws can do what religion can do, and the second suggests laws are preferred over religion.

I get it. It means that the person that doesn't like people passing judgement and trying to control others' liberties is passing judgement and trying to control other people's liberties.

no offence, I am just following the logic.


You are clearly passing judgment on me so maybe you could tell me how you think I'm trying to control others' liberties and passing judgment exactly?

Well, you said "
of hypocrites sit in church passing judgment upon others and trying to control others' rights, liberties and freedoms
and then DavidK said
Can anyone see a flaw in this logic?
and I said
I get it. It means that the person that doesn't like people passing judgement and trying to control others' liberties is passing judgement and trying to control other people's liberties.

I apologize, no intent on you, personally.

I should have written " the flaw in the logic is the irony of passing judgement about those who pass judgement "

I didn't mean 'you' personally, Meadow. I am sorry, I meant nothing personal about you.


Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Dec 2009, 2:23 am

The one upper. No matter what you do he has done one better.


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30 Dec 2009, 4:33 am

bullies and backstabbers.

Honour over deciet, merit over luck, courage over popularity, duty over entitlement...dont let the cliques fool you for they have no honour...only superficial deceit.



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30 Dec 2009, 6:19 am

Fiz wrote:
:skull: People who have a duplicitous nature
:skull: Liars
:skull: Cheats
:skull: Those that treat as though you are inferior to them or discriminate against you because of race, gender, religion, academic abilities, disability etc. Anyone who feels they must make distinctions between people in this way have a note of narcissism about them in my opinion, which brings me to my next category of people who I really dislike...
:skull: Narcissistics
:skull: Attention-seekers - some I can cope with, but there are others who do it in a really bad way to the detriment of other people's feelings and I can't tolerate that
:skull: People who expect me to change or not say what I feel, I would never expect that off anyone else so why expect it from me?
:skull: Superficial/false people, although I suppose that can come under 'liars' or those who have a 'duplicitous nature' can't it?
:skull: People who like to bully, threaten or intimidate others to get what they want or simply for pleasure, this to me is an illness that requires psychological attention and a strait-jacket
Spokane_Girl wrote:
And criminals
- it depends on the criminal activity. If it only harms the individual, that's their problem e.g. if they take drugs and don't commit drug-related crime that can possibly have an impact on anyone else, I really don't have a problem with it. However, if they do harm others willfully i.e. they are murderers, rapists, paedophiles etc, then yeah, I do have a huge problem with it.
:skull: Ignorance
:skull: Arrogance
:skull: Unnecessary rudeness which, unfortunately, is very common in today's society
:skull: Shallow people

I could go on but I won't.

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30 Dec 2009, 8:00 am

People who pretend to be interested in what you have to say, but who actually can't wait until you shut up so they can start talking.
Criminals who escape justice.
Celebrities who are so overexposed that the sight of yet one more picture of them makes me want to hurl. (I don't actually dislike the celebrity....I just dislike having to look at them or hear about them constantly.)


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30 Dec 2009, 8:34 am

People who abuse their children
Spouses who cheat on each other
Men who beat up their wives

People who tease others (teens are the worse!)
Co workers who come into work late or dress way too unprofessional and mean attitude but still get all the credit and awards.


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30 Dec 2009, 8:35 am

I forgot to mention:

People who are so beautiful and think they are the best.
Co workers who give you a hard time and DENY it! :x


If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)


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30 Dec 2009, 10:13 am

-Bullies and cyber trolls. *limited tolerance of*

-Loud and abrasive people. In my experiance, they are the most likely to miss hear me and get verbaly violent. There is a reason I avoid this ... type..for both our sakes :x *I feels like biteing these sorts of folk sometimes* When the neighbors I have who are like this get together outside, I cringe. I don't like them, and I think they know it. They say some really nasty things sometimes.

-Racists and haters. Also reverse discrimination. example: "I wouldn't be this way if your people weren't racist, Dog faced CRACKER!" when you never met them in your entire life. Same thing.

-People who think being ritch equals survival and happiness. :x Actualy, I just hate the nonsence they are believeing.

-Grammer snobs, or snobs who nit pick other people's writing style, then do something very rude when they don't get 'perfection'. It's not an essay class ruled by the queen snob, who isn't perfect herself! Who honestly role plays with a person of that "quality" attitude? Not me!

-Random cyber slutts, that I keep finding in the middle of World of Warcraft. Gee, do they want attention. :roll:

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30 Dec 2009, 10:17 am

Men on the subways who sit with their legs spread so far apart. So annoying!
Women on the subways who put their purses on the seat next to them.

People who don't cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing.

Oh the worse thing about traveling by subway?
People who have music turned on so loud even though they have headset for their IPOD. :evil: :evil: :x

People who talk with their mouth full, make loud noises when eating..


If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)


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30 Dec 2009, 1:32 pm

I dislike people who are indirect, manipulative or passive-aggressive; people who are superficial or petty; people who disrespect and discriminate against those who are disabled, especially whose handicap isn't entirely visible; people who condescend or talk down to others.


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30 Dec 2009, 5:51 pm

Meadow wrote:
I dislike people who are indirect, manipulative or passive-aggressive; people who are superficial or petty; people who disrespect and discriminate against those who are disabled, especially whose handicap isn't entirely visible; people who condescend or talk down to others.

sinsboldly wrote:
I didn't mean 'you' personally, Meadow. I am sorry, I meant nothing personal about you.

Same here, Meadow, and I hope there was no misunderstanding!

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.


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30 Dec 2009, 6:29 pm

No misunderstanding. Thanks Leejosepho :) :thumright:


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31 Dec 2009, 12:43 pm

I personally have absolutely no humanity for people whom are deceptive as well as, hypocritical as, I've often noticed those two traits in such persons noted at times.I suppose I care not for people whom are so shallow that they are un-able to accept someone without some sort of stipulation being applied unto the other's person part..
This basically does it for me for, even though I might appear to be harsh, this I'm not for compassionate still I am yet, due to past incidents involving trust & loyalty has made me weary yet, not darkened by such experiences though rather enlightended by such..