Mudboy wrote:
Mudboy wrote:
KaiG wrote:
Do whatever you want, but I'm extremely surprised that anyone would consider voluntarily joining the military while a war's going on.
I volunteered for and went on many tours in places that were having wars. I made my contributions to winning those wars, and am proud of my decorated military career.
If you are too scared to fight, don't join. If you enlist in peacetime and then a war breaks out, you still have to go. I would not want to have someone who did not want to be there covering my back.
are you an aspie? if so, how did you get into the army if they dont accept people with AS?
I wanted to do some work for a PMC one day as an armorer, but i dont want to fight a war i dont believe in...unless i get paid well for it.
I retired from the Air Force and yes I am autistic. They don't care if you are AS if you can handle the pressure. They don't ask and you don't tell. No one cared that I was eccentric, I was cool under pressure and good at my job.
I worry about bewarethebob going into a PMC (private military company) if he did not pass basic training. Being a mercenary is more stressful than being G.I. military, because you have less support. I doubt he will last in a PCM any longer than he lasted in Basic Training.
BTW: Killing for profit is disgusting and payback comes in the form of war crimes trials. Most PCM professionals are prior military and fully support the active duty. Mostly they provide security for civilians who need to visit the war zone. You need to believe in what you are doing, or believe in protecting your buddies, or stay home.
well, first thing is first. I didnt start this thread. Im only intrested.
I dont want to be a an active combat. Just an armorer, a field armorer to be precise. Im learning how to do gunsmithing, and believe this would be great training. I never went into basic training. and never signed up.
and btw, killing for profit isnt always a bad thing. Im not lying like most people and saying I believe in fighting in the Iraq war. But I will for good money. It is completely legal, and profitable. I am also only intrested in delivering the weapondry.
I think that was a bit confrontational and i am confused why you must be so