Why are non autistic people so cruel to us?

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How could you possibly contain your outrage! Why didn't you or your friend say something?
I would have said something right away, and not in a nice way.
And be added to the discussion? Probably best to interject some very specific and well aimed 'Yeah but...'s in there like "Yeah but...this is a physical condition that effects the way people are able to articulate themselves, try picturing how life would be if you woke up the morning feeling like everyone else but somewhere between your brain and your body everything you intend do to swings a good eighteen inches wide - it would be pretty frustrating wouldn't it".
And, if they *really* mean to be social Darwinian, at least force them tp admit it by tracing their arguments closer and closer in until they have to answer for it and directly admit that's where they're coming from.
I was sitting with a group of co-workers who were talking some seriously twisted racist stuff against blacks so I told them my grandmother is black so they shut up they were all afraid of getting fired for being racist.
You should have saw their faces when I said it.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson
Last edited by Todesking on 14 Feb 2011, 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 8 Jun 2009
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How could you possibly contain your outrage! Why didn't you or your friend say something?
Like i said, nobody knows about me being aspie since I am mild and can hide it and it was in room full of those evil hags and they are all the gossipy backstabber type. I was also worried tha coming out could diminish any employment chances because all those girlw could make my life hell and have me blackballed from ever working in a lawfirm. My friend didnt know what or how to say anything because he is still learning English and doesnt know what AS is since there is not much awareness in El Salvador where he is from. He afterward did call those girls B******s and putas (a spanish word...the english translation is too derogatory to be posted). A good ending though.......the instructor rebutted all of their comments at the end and basically said a person must be clearly told to go away before they can be charged for criminal harassment. And the instructor then told them that autistics are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators. He said tbat statistics for autistics committing crimes are very low. He is a defence lawyer but was once a crown prosecutor.But at least the whole debacle opened my eyes and made it so I was aware of the attitudes of many. My friend knows about my quirks but after that gong show i think i am happy selling the "No Name" label instead of the AS label. I compare it to going to superstore where No Name ( superstore's brand) and a brandname product are exactlynthe same thing but just a different label and price.
I went to an employment counsellor at the Alberta employment office and I was even told by her ( A PROVINCIAL EMPLOYMENT COUNSELLOR) that with my mild AS I have a better chance of getting a good paying job if I stayed in the closet since many still have close minded views about autism.
Honour over deciet, merit over luck, courage over popularity, duty over entitlement...dont let the cliques fool you for they have no honour...only superficial deceit.

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Why were the villagers chasing the creation of Viktor Frankenstein?
I'm not here to enjoy life, I'm here to withstand it.
Crosseyed God

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I once heard a story about a man who had always given to his wife the first slice from a loaf of bread ... and then one day she finally complained loudly about always being given the "heel" from every loaf. He was shocked, and then apologized by explaining he had always considered that first piece from the end to be the very best slice from any loaf.
In our own ignorance, we occasionally mis-perceive the ignorance of others as intentional cruelty.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.

That is LOL funny! Did she make that weird choking sound?
You know what would be even funnier is if, on that day, you hadn't said that, but your grandma came to visit your work that day.


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From The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinski:
Human animals have a built in antipathy for the “different other.” Luckily, human beings can overcome this instinct.
The best we can hope to do is keep in mind that the human animals don’t know any better and avoid them whenever possible, and when we meet human beings, appreciate their kindness and treasure their company.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
NTs harbouring ignorant sentiments are simply fustrated, that Aspies eventually take longer to bloom, but do succeed, and have been for centuries. BUT experiencing unique character building encounters, while they try to bloom and find out where they fit, and they are insanely jealous that nobody gives a damn about their wealthy successes, and eventual deaths. Like do we really think about reformers and hero\ines and we wonder if they had Autism, aren't we looked at with wonder, from loved ones, and therapists as they try to crack what might be holding our talents back, as such they practice humanitarianism.
Or do we really care about some business fart who has died in some Calgary office, an old magnarate (unless that person
went out their way to promote social justice), or do we celebrate Joey Moss (a friendly equipment manager, of the Edmonton oilers, and his enthisiasm as he sings "Oh Canada".
With the movie "Run Fat boy Run", Simon Pegg plays a so called slacker, who decides to challenge himself, and run, to win his love's respect back.... He is injured during a marthon, by a jealous man suitor (the husband of his (pegg's), love. So he engages in a cheap shot and trips on purose, causing Pegg to suffer a torn legament. Yet he resolves to complete the race. And in so hobbles on an injured leg, earning the respect of the public. He even pushes himself during a monumental period of pain, symbolized by a hallcination of a brick wall, in which his spiritual doppleganger urges hiim on, which he smashes through.
The Mega banker, (the jealous husband) struck Pegg in fear. The few but frequent (seemingly), NTs that perscute us, the so called perfect people, will never understand the true power of the human body, human mind. as we struggle through the s**t that is humanity, and STILL manage to come out, Shat on, but mildly victorious, despite all sorts of handicaps against us.
It's like putting a game on super super hard, or compariing a hero like Superman ( and insdestructable man) boringggggg, to say Punisher (a Mortal), who's primary means of combat, are also finite (limited ammo etc). .
Tory_canuck wrote:
When I was in college, our criminal law class had a lecture on mental disorders and the criminal code. One student brought up aspergers and autism and talked about how she knew someone with it and described him as a loser and a creep. The whole 80 minute class turned into one big autism bashfest. I didnt feel like being burned to the stake so I decided from then on that it was best to just stay in the closet and nail the door shut. My best friend said nothing in the whole bashfest.....he sat quietly just as I did.
Ahhh, Yeah. Good thing your teacher had a brain with a conscience.
I've encountered situations where people have done things and no one did anything about it. I didn't now I had an actual social and developmental problem until it was pointed out to me on Facebook.. which is why my page is now nonexistant. That's when I wonder why my "friends" didn't stick up or say anything.... It sucks when an aspie has to find out the hard way they're different... I wish I knew from early on I was different-- life would have been much simpler.
Andrew Smith
Thread closed.
This explains why perfectly normal healthy girl like myself turned into a full blown rape victim and videotaped for peoples amusement when I should be sitting at home raising children like other women? I am even hated by my own dad and family members for the most part.
Andrew Smith
Thread closed.
This explains why perfectly normal healthy girl like myself turned into a full blown rape victim and videotaped for peoples amusement when I should be sitting at home raising children like other women? I am even hated by my own dad and family members for the most part.
The way the people at my school treat autism just horrifies me.
there is a kid at my school who has asperger's. I don't personally know him but he is infamous on campus. He is so unpopular that even his name is a joke and an insult. Everyone treats him like crap, and the worst part is that they pretend to be his friend, then immediately make fun of him behind his back. I just can't stand that these people know he has asperger's and not only use it to ruse him into believing they're his friends, but they put down asperger's too. I remember one day some kids were talking to a TEACHER about how awkward he is and asperger's came up. The student remarked that he looked up asperger's on-line and said it was incredibly generalized and anyone can be attributed with it. Then, the teacher agreed that it is "a generic disease" and glanced at me. This all happened just two weeks after I had a conference with him about my own asperger's. He happened to be not only my own favorite teacher until then but the most respected teacher in the school.
Now the kid is seriously considering running for prom king, not knowing that to everyone else it's a massive inside joke that he is the only one left out. I wish I could talk to him about it, but we have never even met. Now I'm afraid to tell people about my asperger's because they all connect it with the most absolutely unpopular kid in school. I've only told 3 friends at school about me having asperger's and all of them said "oh, like (name)?" and two of them avoided me for a while while one started to riff on me just like he would (name).
I wonder why autistic people seem to be more sensitive than non-autistic people and infer hostility in others where none has been expressed or implied.
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