I'm about to smoke weed again

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01 Dec 2006, 12:12 pm

Revenant wrote:

There you go.
He has a PhD, is that adequate for you?

Now let the flamewar begin :roll:

I'll look closely later, I wont start a flame war, but I will point out that this is one site. If the issues about sex were strong, it would be on more sites and not so hidden.

I hope to find this website approaching both sides of this argument rather then just what supports his, but from what I saw, it looks one sided. (I dont know how many sites actually handle both sides)

I can tell, already, based on his thoughts, that he is BLAMING pot over anything..


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01 Dec 2006, 1:03 pm

Saying that smoking weed prevents Alzheimer's is the same as saying that drinking gasoline cures cancer.

Who knows? Gasoline might, to a highly negligible degree--but no one in a right state of mind would care about it.

How strange it is then that, partly because there is a lobby for marijuana legalization, and it is supported by some research groups, and the media loves marijuana research for shock factor, studies showing that weed may prevent some disease are being published all over lately that may lead you to jump to unhelpful conclusions, such as believing that marijuana's benefits outweighs its risks, or even that it is completely harmless.

(I know people in high school who coughed and were sick all the time who smoked weed. My roommate smokes weed and cigars and he coughs all the time, which sometimes sounds as bad as my grandfather's coughing at times, and he has emphysema from years of smoking. Whenever my roommate smokes weed at 2AM in the morning while I'm sleeping (the fumes are still there in the morning so I know he has done it), I wake up the next morning with red eyes and sneezing. I can't be sure if there's a connection, because I may just have allergies, but there could be a connection based on what inhaled smoke in any form can cause.)

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01 Dec 2006, 1:38 pm

I believe in the complete legalization of marijuana. They want to smoke it, let them.


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01 Dec 2006, 3:54 pm

Corvus wrote:
Alternative wrote:
If it'll help you, go for it. Just don't smoke too much of it. :wink:

Thats the best advice yet! Moderation is the key to success :)

Wow! I've been complimented with advice I've given out. :D


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02 Dec 2006, 12:33 am

xon wrote:
(I know people in high school who coughed and were sick all the time who smoked weed. My roommate smokes weed and cigars and he coughs all the time, which sometimes sounds as bad as my grandfather's coughing at times, and he has emphysema from years of smoking. Whenever my roommate smokes weed at 2AM in the morning while I'm sleeping (the fumes are still there in the morning so I know he has done it), I wake up the next morning with red eyes and sneezing. I can't be sure if there's a connection, because I may just have allergies, but there could be a connection based on what inhaled smoke in any form can cause.)

Your roommate is being pretty rude, but have you told him how his cigar and pot smoking affects you when you sleep? I dislike tobacco use to the point where I will avoid entering relationships with a tobacco user (unless they are one of those seemingly rare tobacco users that actually understands that tobacco use can cause discomfort in others). It's not that it harms the user that bothers me (you do what you want with your body, so long as you don't harm me!), what bothers me is what I experience when I am around the tobacco smoke. Heachache, nausea, lethargy, stuffy nose, and reddened eyes. It is quite terrible, unbearable even. My experience is usually like this with a tobacco smoker, and it makes me laugh everytime. "Do you mind if I smoke?" *no pause, lights up* Hey, did you even ask me, or was that your pathetic attempt at being considerate? If you actually waited for my response then I would have said NO, don't do that around me! Heh.

Anyway, the symptoms you mention. If they happen to be related to smoked cannabis, then those problems could lessen or dissipate upon using a different cannabis delivery system. Not smoking, since this is one of the most, if not the most dangerous method of administering cannabis. Check out this website: Some information of vaporizer study using the Volcano vaporizer.

At present, the only FDA-approved method for administering marijuana to human research subjects is via smoking NIDA cigarettes. NORML and MAPS are supporting efforts to have vaporizers approved by the FDA.

Which likely will not happen anytime soon. Further study using human subjects and vaporization technology is being blocked by FDA and NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) to name a few organizations with this particular agenda. FDA released a report earlier this year basically saying that smoked marijuana is harmful, and therefore has no accepted medical use FDA advisory released in April. What FDA fails to mention is alternative administration methods, such as vaporization. FDA instead relies on the dangers of smoked cannabis use and the ignorance of the general public to further the claim that cannabis has no medical value.

NIDA refuses to support further study (by supplying cannabis) using vaporizer technology with human subjects. NIDA has a monopoly on cannabis that can be used in research, provides low-potency material, and only makes it available to projects it approves. MAPS and other such organizations must find an independent source of cannabis since NIDA will not approve of whatever study they don't like. NIDA simply claims the vaporizer study will be of little scientific value.

I went on a tangent, but my point was maybe ask your roommate to either stop because you are experiencing discomfort, or ask him to use a less intrusive method to administer cannabis, ie: vaporization.

Revenant wrote:

There you go.
He has a PhD, is that adequate for you?

Now let the flamewar begin :roll:

Is this the link you didn't want to post before? Anyway, I didn't find this web site to provide adequate information on the subject. I am not ruling out the possibilty of drug use affecting orgasmic response though. I know that drug use can affect orgasmic response because of my experience with Bupropion therapy (a dopamine reuptake inhibitor and a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; perscription anti-depressant and smoking cessation aid).
All of the anecdotes listed are of poly-drug users, with the exception of a couple. Because of this it is difficult to pin-point what is causing the issue specifically. Is it the cocaine or the cannabis? Both? How do you determine this? And so on.
All the cannabis users claimed to smoke their cannabis. Since smoking any plant material is dangerous, one could expect to receive the most negative side effects from smoked cannabis vs. a more healthy method of administration.

"Or you may have to spend a few or ten thousand dollars in my products to get a 80-90% recovery if you are lucky enough!" - D. Lin
Dr. Lin wants your thousands of dollars. Recovery only for the lucky. Circulate Chi back to the spine and brain with "Life-Enrichment Supplements"!
The way the information is presented leaves me skeptical. The bad writing does not help either. And the selling of products. Is there another web site, maybe? I am not interested in flame wars, but I am interested in this topic and finding a definitive answer to the question: does cannabis use affect orgasmic response? And how that works exactly. Specifically interested in the action of the cannabinoids on orgasmic response, not toxic by-products of smoking and the effect of that on the body&brain. Why most everyone seems to think that smoking and cannabis should always go hand-in-hand in this day in age (what with the technology currently at our disposal) still perplexes me.


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02 Dec 2006, 5:18 am

Of course he is trying to sell his products, hes got to make a living somehow.

I am convinced about him being right because I can relate to the cases he has posted myself.
Many of the symptoms are present in me, and the fact that pot chemicals are trapped in the nervous system explains why i still feel "high" or dislocated after being clean for over 2 years. For someone who is not in my situation, it is probably hard to believe the guy. I leave it up to everyone to decide.


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02 Dec 2006, 6:57 am

From Dr Lins website;


Young man complains of erectile disfunction. Despite erectile disfunction being extremely common and having a myriad of causes including obvious psychological issues (this is even suggested in the original letter), hes immediately told overmasturbation and pot smoking are to blame and encouraged to buy expensive supplements.

Any way you look at it, and regardless of whether Dr Lins claims about 'pot chemicals' (in the scientific community they say 'cannabinoids') are true thats simply bad practice. An objective medical practitioner would ask more questions before leaping to conclusions. What if some hitherto undisclosed factor is responsible, or a major contributory factor to this mans trouble? This possibility isnt even mentioned.

This approach resembles the patter of a 'snake oil' salesman.


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02 Dec 2006, 7:40 am

Of course he is a salesman. As said before he's got to make a living.
The fact that he recieves over 3000 emails every day should be enough to conclude that he doesn't have time to go in-depth about every problem. Therefore, he redirects patients to the explanation of problems such as "How pot chemicals take over your brain and how to detoxify the nervous system for restoration of sexual orgasm".

He is an expert in the field of sexual dysfunctions.
Now, one may argue with the fact that over-ejaculation is a common factor in such problems, but the fact that I and others I know can relate to the cases he provides confirms this. At least its an adequate confirmation for me.

In my opinion, it is plain logic. Semen doesn't appear out of nowhere. The fact that it is used to create life indicates that it has to consist of all the required "ingredients".
So emptying the body too frequently should naturally cause problems as the body is not given a chance to recover before being drained again.
It is like draining a soft-drink dispenser at a restaurant before the employees can refill it. The dispenser isn't going to refill itself. Now excuse the stupid example but it was the only comparison I could think of at the moment.

Also, doesn't it sparkle curiosity that drugs causes psychoactive effects? These effects are not normal unless provoked by administration of drugs. Hence, they are not "normal" to the body.


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02 Dec 2006, 8:05 am

What I find amazing about Dr Lin is his products must have gave him a very large set
of testicals. Very few supplements are permitted to make health claims. They usually
have the standard "these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA". The
order form seemed to indicated Dr Lin was shipping his product from within the US.
I assume the products must be labled according to the FDA and only his website is
making health claims. Maybe its hosted off shore and he feels safe from the FDA regulation. All I know if I copied the same formulas put it in a bottle and made such claims the FDA would be kicking down my doors and carrying me away. :D


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02 Dec 2006, 10:16 pm

Revenant wrote:
Also, doesn't it sparkle curiosity that drugs causes psychoactive effects? These effects are not normal unless provoked by administration of drugs. Hence, they are not "normal" to the body.

??? Not following the logic here.

Various neurotransmitters residing in the brain are responsible for "psychoactive effects". How does a Near death experiences (NDE) occur (hint: you do not have to necessarily be near death)? Hypnagogic experiences? Dreams? A doctor could convince you that these experiences (aside from dreams) are abnormal, and that you are ill to experience any altered perceptions. Don't buy into the concept of normalcy. The doctor makes this claims with no regard of the past, when humans experienced altered perceptions as they still do today (and it's not necessarily with the aide of drugs). You can see it depicted in the arts (paintings such as a daemon lying on a sleeping person's chest - this represents the Hypnagogic experience). And what is trance state? Often it is coupled with food/water deprivation as well as strenuous physical activity (ie: dancing) to invoke altered perceptions. Reality as we perceive it can be manipulated by drugs or other external factors, but that ability also resides within us as well and can occur for reasons beyond your control.

Since prehistoric times there has been the persuit of intoxication. Other animals are no different, really. How is it abnormal to a person or to the brain? To be intoxicated, that is. Given the altered perceptions human beings can experience spontaneously as well. I think the human mind is "set up" to be able to experience altered perceptions.

When I was a child, I loved to spin and spin and spin around, until I would suddenly stop and watch how my field of view teetered along with my body. And feel the strange feeling in my stomach. This is an altered perception. Did anyone here engage in similar behaviour? Have we been persuing altered mind-states since childhood? Is that really abnormal? The persuit of intoxication and/or altered perceptions?


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02 Dec 2006, 10:31 pm

Interesting theory :idea:

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03 Dec 2006, 5:04 am

ive never really looked at it in a technical way, like most 18 yo's seem to i smoked it for a year or two, i had no chance with chicks when i smoked it and started wondering if it was a good idea, i soon noticed that friends and family who smoked it frequently were almost always unemployed while those that didnt smoke almost always were employed.
ive noticed from my experience that girls who dont smoke seem to want more frequent sex and for longer periods of time.
friends that smoke pot i dont go out of my way to socailize with becuase they feel like a burden, they seem to always want to scab some smokes, get a free lift somewere or just stare at there tv when you visit after they scab so i just avoid them now.
This could all mean nothing i guess becuase the coincidence could all be due to problems they have in common that cuase them to smoke in the first place but now i know once people say they smoke frequently that i should keep my distance.
we had two frequent smokers at work, one thing they had in common was that they were off sick weekly.
The main reason i used to smoke was becuase people already thought i was stoned and it gave me a excuse.
maybe its not the scientific facts make it socailly unacceptable but the things that pot smokers do. if you all hold full time jobs and put out more and buy your own cigarettes as much as non pot smokers, you might be able to shake of the "useless bum" image and you will get it legalised.


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03 Dec 2006, 7:48 pm

You should get two pieces of paper. Write all the benefits of smoking Pot on the first piece, and all the benefits of not smoking pot, on the second sheet. Than you should decide which behaviour has the most benefits, for you, and than make your decision.


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03 Dec 2006, 9:00 pm

Stinkypuppy wrote:
Cytochrome P450 is a major detoxifying agent in the liver (as taught in my pesticide toxicology class), and if there was a natural way to break down THC metabolically, I'd put my bet on P450. However, I am not aware of its role in synthesizing neurotransmitters and hormones.

...Cytochromes P450 are present in many other tissues of the body including the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, and play important roles in hormone synthesis and breakdown (including estrogen and testosterone synthesis and metabolism), cholesterol synthesis, and vitamin D metabolism. In most animals, including humans, hepatic cytochromes P450 are the most widely studied of the P450 enzymes.

The Human Genome Project has identified 63 human genes (57 full genes and 5 pseudogenes) coding for the various cytochrome P450 enzymes [1]


This wiki entry mentions hormone synthesis, but not neurotransmitters.

I wont pretend to understand this stuff, but it appears that this P450 thing is a collective name for many different compounds, which presumably have different functions? Which leads me to this;

....The assay has been successfully used to assess a wide range of Echinacea extracts, and showed that inhibitory activity for Echinacea extracts is unlikely in a clinical setting [2]. However, recent research on a well characterised Cannabis extract [3] has revealed potential inhibitory activity on the CYP3A4 isoform with median inhibitory concentration ranges (IC50 value – indication of concentration required to inhibit 50% enzyme activity) in the regions of 0.4µg/ml.

These findings indicate that little evidence points to interactions between Echinacea preparations with other medications, however further studies are warranted to assess the potential inhibitory CYP P450 risk of the Cannabis extract....

[2] Modarai M et al. (2006), Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology – manuscript submitted.

[3] Heinrich M: BIOforum Europe 2005; 7: 28–30.

http://www.thieme-connect.com/ejournals ... 006-954927

If i understand this correctly, they are talking about cannabis potentially inhibiting a specific type of P450 enzyme (or whatever!). Im assuming that 'CYP3A4 isoform' refers to a subtype of P450. This research was published only last year.They are not unsure at this time as to the clinical significance of this discovery.


1. drugs/foods that interfere with P450 compounds may only have an adverse effect on some of these compounds, whilst not effecting others. ?

2. Only certain P450 compounds are responsible for the synthesis of specific hormones and/or neurotransmitters. ?

3a. Therefore it is erroneous to claim that a given drug/food will interfere (via inhibition of p450 thingies) with synthesis of hormones/neurotransmitters UNLESS you can identify the specific P450 compound (or groups of compounds) being inhibited as those responsible for synthesis. ?

3b. At the time the claims Revenant makes regarding this were published, such detailed information may not have been available, thats if its even available today.

4. Even if cannabinoids are proven to inhibit or otherwise interfere with certain compounds like p450, that doesnt necessarily imply clinical significance.

Hope that makes some sort of sense!


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03 Dec 2006, 10:15 pm

Whatever your arguments hither or thither, I'm not in the least interested in smoking it, nor vaporizing it, which, if I were interested, would probably be my preferred method, but I'm not interested because it only makes me feel dumb and my eyes hurt, and I don't like that, but I do think that if it works for you, you should by all means use it, but if it doesn't work for you, you shouldn't, just like any tool, but as long as tobacco and alcohol is legal, no one has any argument for pot not being legal, and furthermore, if you have been able to follow this sentence this far, you probably have not over used it yet.


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04 Dec 2006, 5:03 am

P450 does the dirty laundry. It removes toxic substances from the liver. Drug abuse will eventually lead to a diminishment, or semi-permanent underproduction of P450. When the liver is too damaged, neurochemicals cannot be synthesized and the individual will become dumb if he doesn't intake a lot of essential fatty acids(DHA/EPA). Also, optimal neurotransmission is required for happiness.