Suicide or loony bin?
You got the medication so why overdose after all the work you went through to get it? You have to give it time to kick in. Wait a few weeks and you should feel a difference.
I found I already need a higher dose....I got .5 mg pills, I took one when an anxiety attack started coming on but it didn't really do much only slightly took the edge off, so I took another and though it hit me kinda hard and was pretty sedating it made me a bit more functional over all I can deal with feeling sedated while going on with my daily activities certainly beats being too anxious to function at all. So I've concluded it takes at least 1mg to help me with that specific drug.
Yeah, whenever I go to my psychiatrist she ups the dosage. I started on .5 as well 3 times a day. Once she gets me up on the highest dosage in a couple of years if I'm still needing it I'll have to taper off it and go to detox, that's what she said. Be really careful with benzos, always make sure you have an updated prescription because withdrawal is brutal. I've had a few times where I was stupid and ran out....not fun at all!! !! I can't decide if Effexor withdrawal is worse or Klonopin... Effexor withdrawal makes me more dizzy, sick and tired, Klonopin withdrawal makes me jumpy, blurred vision and anxious.

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You got the medication so why overdose after all the work you went through to get it? You have to give it time to kick in. Wait a few weeks and you should feel a difference.
I found I already need a higher dose....I got .5 mg pills, I took one when an anxiety attack started coming on but it didn't really do much only slightly took the edge off, so I took another and though it hit me kinda hard and was pretty sedating it made me a bit more functional over all I can deal with feeling sedated while going on with my daily activities certainly beats being too anxious to function at all. So I've concluded it takes at least 1mg to help me with that specific drug.
Yeah, whenever I go to my psychiatrist she ups the dosage. I started on .5 as well 3 times a day. Once she gets me up on the highest dosage in a couple of years if I'm still needing it I'll have to taper off it and go to detox, that's what she said. Be really careful with benzos, always make sure you have an updated prescription because withdrawal is brutal. I've had a few times where I was stupid and ran out....not fun at all!! !! I can't decide if Effexor withdrawal is worse or Klonopin... Effexor withdrawal makes me more dizzy, sick and tired, Klonopin withdrawal makes me jumpy, blurred vision and anxious.
I'll be as careful as I can, but since I am not on SSI and not sure I will be approved its a little iffy, right now my moms helping with med costs...but I am certainly not to comfortable about the idea of having meds that work well but running out due to lack of funds or miscalculations to suffer a bunch of withdrawl. Guess I just really better hope for that SSI and medicaid.
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What we in time have our own activist and self-advocacy groups. And not everyone is political which is fine. Although really, coming out of the closet at your own pace is one of the most political things a person can do.
I think the biochem and situational swirl together, and even the philosophical for we as human beings really aren't good at accepting those who are different, and this is really one of the sorrier aspects of human nature.
Not sure what you mean, there is really nothing for me to come out about.......its no secret that I have mental issues. But yeah what to do than just accept being unaccepted and the hate that comes with it? I mean I guess I feel even if I do go and get the help I need or whatever that wont really make much difference. The world still goes on people will still hate those who don't conform, the system still sucks.....just not a whole lot of reasons to keep me going other than not wanting to hurt people. Then there is the unbearable pain, its so bad I don't even care what they do about it....I'll take bran numbing meds if it will make me feel better and be able to cope with all this BS a little better. Sorry for ranting, everything just feels hopeless and I feel frustrated.
Hi, this all runs deep. I very much classify this as philosophy (and I like philosophy!), or at least I used to, didn't really make friends there either.
And I don't really know why people are so intellectually lazy, morally lazy, every other which way (and against nonconformists because the nonconformist indicts them, so the easiest way, the cheapest way, is just to be against the nonconfomist!)
And yes, we can bring out the example that fifty years ago the average person believed all kinds of crap about black persons, and Italian persons and everyone else . . . but progress is so slow and we're a long way from where I'm going to be included and appreciated. (will try and think of some stuff later)

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The same doctor who told me thoughts of suicide combined with an immediate plan constitutes a medical emergency and who told me that I can try anti-depressant medication but "give it six months" (which I think is way too conversative and inactive) . . .
also told me there have been studies that persons who are depressed are actually more realistic about a number of things. Wow. And yes, I can see how that may well be true and I think it probably is.
So in future bouts, when I have the energy to make an active endeavor, so be it. And when I don't, I don't. And I very much like the idea of going oblique, especially when trying to be open to help a person. For if I say, that my circumstances are the same as someone else's, that probably is not true. So going oblique, trying to help someone who shares some of my life circumstances but not others.
(these days, I'm kind of doing okay, but a lot of anger. And I've lost some things which have keeping me going, without fully realizing it at the time)

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My mom keeps rubbing it in my face I don't pay much rent and am generally not in a very good mood or up for doing things(so essentially useless). Well much more of that and I will be in the loony bin and she'll have her damn rent since that's sure to speed up the SSI process. Keep trying to think of a good way to tell my brother he should keep an eye on my room(hes broken up with his girlfriend and has been staying here the past couple days) so yeah if he stays longer he can have my room for a bit. But I don't want to tell my younger brother my grand plan of getting rent is going to the psych ward to avoid suicide which will likely speed up the SSI process so I have rent........he would certainly advise against it.
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I really think SSI employees, therapists, counselors, and a lot of other people need to understand that we have patchy skills. And because of that we can sometimes not always do well at school. But jobs are so heavily weighed in favor of the mythical 'well-rounded' person. Plus, a lot of jobs really have a sales aspect whether they say so or not, sometimes on the more ethical side of sales, sometimes not.
And yes, probably every human being on the face of the Earth has patchy skills to one extent or another. But for us on the spectrum our skills are quite a bit more patchy than average! And that needs to be understood, and I mean understood in a person's gut, not merely superficially and verbally, at least come part of the way with us. then, then the person might be able to help us, as well be open to the contributions we can make.

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So yeah psych ward it is for sure, too much pain.....don't know what else to say about it and I suppose I should try to just make it through today and the next week till that appointment. I hate myself and my life. As for that other thread, the klonopin withdrawals I experienced past couple days due to running out after having gotten used to the crap doesn't exactly help me convince myself I am anything more than pathetic and unable to take the pain of life and just adds to the frusteration.
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Sometimes going into a psych ward for a short time can actually be quite containing. I've done it myself when feeling like I was very unsafe.
I've struggled with feeling severely suicidal for years, I know how horrible it is- I hope you can find a way to make it through.
I know when you're suffering so much it seems logical, but if life is all you have, it may be better than nothing. Don't give up on yourself if possible.
I haven't read this whole thread, but just wanted to offer commiseration from someone who has been there (and still is a lot of the time!!- Sometimes you have to accept it's a part of you, but hopefully it can recede some of the time)
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Yeah you are probably right and all I have to do is tell the doctor I will probably kill myself(thats not an exagerattion I mean when I was a kid I always thought I was cool cause I didn't cry if I got hurt(physically) but good god physical pain feels a lot better than this., Then I have to try to prevent the fight or flight from kicking in so I go all voluntarily like and such......earlier I almost destroyed everything in my room but luckily I was able to direct my rage towards non delicate or important items such as clothes ,a recycling basket and a metal can full of drum sticks I randomly have in my room even though I don't play drums rather than my lap top, lava lamp, multi-use speaker box(internet radio speaker, vinyl player, cassette player, cd player, regular radio) and t.v its not mine but its in my room.
I was a little upset my prescription refill request didn't get approved and woke up feeling like sh*t in general, I literally tried to sleep in just because I didn't want to feel it but I cant sleep in when I feel like that. I can mostly just lay there or sit there and stare until it gets to the point it seems like a struggle to even move like I'll want to get up and not be able to unless I really concentrate to get back the use of my limbs this symptom started within this past week.....except for a couple rare occasions before. Its weird WTF and either its my f****d up brain or the mirtazapine they prescribed me I would rather have the clonazepam and be out of this one honestly.
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I don't know where you live, but if you're in the UK there's a resource called Maytree respite in London for those in suicidal crises. I personally did not end up using them, it wasn't the right time, and in any case I ended up in hospital this most recent time. Also my mental health problems are extremely long-term and various so something that only lasts four days may not be right for me as I go in and out of suicidal depression all the time; it wouldn't be a viable solution for me. Sounds like you've been struggling for a long time as well so the same could be true for you, but I wanted to let you know anyway.
But if you are severely suicidal you don't have anything to lose from a hospital admission, the company and containment of a ward can be helpful to an extent. Other solutions will all take time and negotiation.
It's very hard, but I wish you luck
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But if you are severely suicidal you don't have anything to lose from a hospital admission, the company and containment of a ward can be helpful to an extent. Other solutions will all take time and negotiation.
It's very hard, but I wish you luck
I live in the U.S and well they kind of have to put people in the psych ward if they are a danger to themselves or others, and if I am honest at that next appointment I think that is the impression they will get. I can't afford the bill that I'll get after so I am hoping for SSI and hopefully that will help with that process since most functional people don't end up in the psych ward.
As for time and negotiation I don't have the time or energy for either...I have a hard time not blaming myself for not trying to get treatment for this crap sooner but that doesn't solve anything and I did try it just didn't really get me anywhere. But yeah I don't even know whats going on anymore and my family is like a big boiling cauldron of drama that never ends it just simmers sometimes so they can't really help me.
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Family can make everything seem worse, remember that.
Keep trying to get distance from them and surround yourself with people where the underlying tone is respect, love and acceptance- as far as possible, this will never be totally possible in life of course, but in short what I mean is, anyone that makes you feel like s**t in any way is a waste of your time. And I mean a WASTE OF YOUR TIME. I know it takes a lot longer to get away from family, but that whole ''blood is thicker than water'' thing doesn't chime with me. It's BS if your blood relatives treat you like a toilet and exacerbate your mental health problems.
My family were very abusive and I was the dumping ground in my family for all their s**t; now I cannot have contact with my mother or two siblings, ever, at all, because it's too dangerous for my health. My father was very abusive but he has made an effort to change, and I have to live with him right now anyway, so..................Plus he's autistic as well so he can understand a bit.
I'm not trying to turn you against your family (I don't know the situation), but from my own experience my family caused me extreme pain and grief and is fundamentally toxic and dysfunctional, and it would have been better for me to have left a lot sooner (but I couldn't). Now all I can do is limit the contact I have with them. Like I said I only involve myself with my father because whilst he was very abusive, now he treats me with the respect I deserve.
And we all deserve respect.
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