God is either a right bastard or non-existent.

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22 Oct 2012, 2:41 am

Venger wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Venger wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:

So I don't blame him one bit, even if it is a bit disrespectful, as I feel those kinds of answers are equally disrespectful.

He's only disrespecting himself since "I'll throw my hands into the air and praise Jeebus" sounds like something a dumb-redneck would say in church. :lmao:

Well, it seems to have struck a nerve with you... Instead of ridiculing, perhaps you could try to answer his questions? Afterall, isn't christianity supposed to be a religion about compassion and love for one another? Doesn't it say we are all god's children? And shouldn't you therefore try to help those wayward souls who are lost or confused about god by at least attempting to answer their questions?

I never said I was christian, so you're about as smart as him.

Okay, well then excuse me for assuming that, but why did you care that he referred to jesus as "jeebus" then, exactly?


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22 Oct 2012, 2:50 am

DerStadtschutz wrote:
Okay, well then excuse me for assuming that, but why did you care that he referred to jesus as "jeebus" then, exactly?

I already explained that too. :roll: It sounds like a redneck/hick term for "Jesus" which I thought was funny since he spelled it like that on purpose.

I'm not sure if there's a god or not, but I hope the universe has some sort of "basic fairness" to it.

Sea Gull
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22 Oct 2012, 4:10 am

Venger wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Okay, well then excuse me for assuming that, but why did you care that he referred to jesus as "jeebus" then, exactly?

I already explained that too. :roll: It sounds like a redneck/hick term for "Jesus" which I thought was funny since he spelled it like that on purpose.

Sir, that was the point. If people would elaborate and explain the questions I asked instead of retorting with baseless ad hominem attacks I'd be more likely to respect people of religion (To be honest though. I have little problems with most Eastern religions. I do not put stock behind their beliefs, but their followers have always been respectful towards me and even answered questions about their religion that would make sense if I believed in it) Most of the individuals in my area /are/ the "Fire and brimstone" "Southern Baptist Redneck" types. Do you honestly believe I spell 'Jesus' as 'Jeebus' because that's how I pronounce it? I am irritated because the OP lost his dog, is having an existential crisis and the only retort offered is, "No. Don't blame God. Blame yourself." Insulting DerStadtschutz and I's intelligence, simply because I inserted a tongue-in-cheek jab at religious individuals in the South is, again, baseless and quite ludicrous.

Last edited by ComradeKael on 22 Oct 2012, 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Oct 2012, 5:39 am

Venger wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Okay, well then excuse me for assuming that, but why did you care that he referred to jesus as "jeebus" then, exactly?

I already explained that too. :roll: It sounds like a redneck/hick term for "Jesus" which I thought was funny since he spelled it like that on purpose.

I'm not sure if there's a god or not, but I hope the universe has some sort of "basic fairness" to it.

I fail to see how it sounds like a "redneck term" for Jesus. I'm not sure where it originated, but I first heard it used in a comical context, which is how I assumed comradekael was using it.

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22 Oct 2012, 5:40 am

DerStadtschutz wrote:
Venger wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Okay, well then excuse me for assuming that, but why did you care that he referred to jesus as "jeebus" then, exactly?

I already explained that too. :roll: It sounds like a redneck/hick term for "Jesus" which I thought was funny since he spelled it like that on purpose.

I'm not sure if there's a god or not, but I hope the universe has some sort of "basic fairness" to it.

I fail to see how it sounds like a "redneck term" for Jesus. I'm not sure where it originated, but I first heard it used in a comical context, which is how I assumed comradekael was using it.

Yep. Humor makes me a dullard though. :lol:


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22 Oct 2012, 5:44 am

ComradeKael wrote:
Why would he create the Garden of Eden or allow Lucifer to even 'tempt' them in the first place? Why would he create them knowing they would end up damning themselves to live outside Paradise? Why would he damn them? Why would God create Lucifer with the ambition to overthrow him? Why would God sentence Lucifer and his angels to burn in hell for all eternity when they posed no threat to him. Is God sadistic? Why would he be sadistic if he is a being of good? Why didn't the angels have free will until they 'fell'. One could argue Lucifer /freed/ them. Seriously. If you can answer my questions without saying, "Don't question God. His rationale is beyond your comprehension." and have the answers make sense I'll throw my hands into the air and praise Jeebus right now.

If cursing 'God' helps the guy feel better. Let him. Don't attack him because he's insulting your imaginary friend.

You know, honestly, the whole story of the garden of Eden, with its messages of "don't eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge" just sounds like an allegory meant to teach people to shut up, do as they're told, and don't ask questions or pursue knowledge. It's like "look, here are two people who pursued knowledge, and look how they ended up."

You make a lot of good points, by the way... points which I've often pondered myself, and points which make it completely impossible for me to be a christian.

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22 Oct 2012, 5:48 am

DerStadtschutz wrote:
ComradeKael wrote:
Why would he create the Garden of Eden or allow Lucifer to even 'tempt' them in the first place? Why would he create them knowing they would end up damning themselves to live outside Paradise? Why would he damn them? Why would God create Lucifer with the ambition to overthrow him? Why would God sentence Lucifer and his angels to burn in hell for all eternity when they posed no threat to him. Is God sadistic? Why would he be sadistic if he is a being of good? Why didn't the angels have free will until they 'fell'. One could argue Lucifer /freed/ them. Seriously. If you can answer my questions without saying, "Don't question God. His rationale is beyond your comprehension." and have the answers make sense I'll throw my hands into the air and praise Jeebus right now.

If cursing 'God' helps the guy feel better. Let him. Don't attack him because he's insulting your imaginary friend.

You know, honestly, the whole story of the garden of Eden, with its messages of "don't eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge" just sounds like an allegory meant to teach people to shut up, do as they're told, and don't ask questions or pursue knowledge. It's like "look, here are two people who pursued knowledge, and look how they ended up."

You make a lot of good points, by the way... points which I've often pondered myself, and points which make it completely impossible for me to be a christian.

Thank you. Yes. I could see it being an allegory too. But I feel as if this entire thread has strayed away from the original point. :(


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22 Oct 2012, 5:51 am

DerStadtschutz wrote:
Venger wrote:
DerStadtschutz wrote:
Okay, well then excuse me for assuming that, but why did you care that he referred to jesus as "jeebus" then, exactly?

I already explained that too. :roll: It sounds like a redneck/hick term for "Jesus" which I thought was funny since he spelled it like that on purpose.

I'm not sure if there's a god or not, but I hope the universe has some sort of "basic fairness" to it.

I fail to see how it sounds like a "redneck term" for Jesus. I'm not sure where it originated, but I first heard it used in a comical context, which is how I assumed comradekael was using it.

He already admitted he was using the word in a redneck context, so I guess he was dissing on both christians and rednecks.

The bible is usually symbolic by the way. "Adam" for example just refers to god creating male humans I think.


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22 Oct 2012, 6:02 am

Venger wrote:
He already admitted he was using the word in a redneck context, so I guess he was dissing on both christians and rednecks.

My bad, I missed that part the first time around, apparently.


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22 Oct 2012, 10:17 am

DiscardedWhisper wrote:
Blame myself? Did I set the house on fire? No, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I was just at the lowest point of my life and needing help and then my house burns down and my pets all die. Yeah, that's totally my fault. Oh I guess that wasn't the lowest point of my life, clearly I could go lower.

I guess I could still go lower, really. About six feet lower if you catch my drift.

If your beloved pets died in the fire I do imagine you did not set the house on fire yourself (believe it or not some people will, intentionally and not). But obviously someone did. I do understand you are hurt because of all the material and sentimental things you lost in the fire, but blaming God for it is just not fair. I never heard of God being a pyromaniac before. Something I have learned through the years is that every big thing that happens to us carries something we can learn from it. Try to learn what can you learn from this horrible event, and try to move on with your live. I am sure you can always get new pets (if you cannot buy them there are always places willing to give pets away to people who want to take care of them) and love again.

Sea Gull
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22 Oct 2012, 10:23 am

Ilka wrote:
DiscardedWhisper wrote:
Blame myself? Did I set the house on fire? No, I'm pretty sure I didn't. I was just at the lowest point of my life and needing help and then my house burns down and my pets all die. Yeah, that's totally my fault. Oh I guess that wasn't the lowest point of my life, clearly I could go lower.

I guess I could still go lower, really. About six feet lower if you catch my drift.

If your beloved pets died in the fire I do imagine you did not set the house on fire yourself (believe it or not some people will, intentionally and not). But obviously someone did. I do understand you are hurt because of all the material and sentimental things you lost in the fire, but blaming God for it is just not fair. I never heard of God being a pyromaniac before. Something I have learned through the years is that every big thing that happens to us carries something we can learn from it. Try to learn what can you learn from this horrible event, and try to move on with your live. I am sure you can always get new pets (if you cannot buy them there are always places willing to give pets away to people who want to take care of them) and love again.

What about this?



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22 Oct 2012, 10:58 am

The Earth looked exactly like "hell" when God was supposedly creating it. It was dark and completely covered in hot lava and fire. lol


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22 Oct 2012, 11:04 pm

Someone makes a thread in the Haven because he is devastated at the loss of his beloved pets.

Is the appropriate response to:

A. Express sympathy for the loss, or, if you don't care, just STFU?

B. Go into "I'm an atheist so I'm smarter than everyone" mode and start a smart-alecky debate about religion?

It's no wonder that some people here don't have friends.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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22 Oct 2012, 11:54 pm

Who_Am_I wrote:
Someone makes a thread in the Haven because he is devastated at the loss of his beloved pets.

Is the appropriate response to:

A. Express sympathy for the loss, or, if you don't care, just STFU?

B. Go into "I'm an atheist so I'm smarter than everyone" mode and start a smart-alecky debate about religion?

It's no wonder that some people here don't have friends.

Honestly, I'm used to this sort of reaction. I've been insulted, humiliated and belittled in ways that should make most people cringe in horror, but usually just make them scoff in disbelief or add an extra backhand for good measure. It's nothing I haven't heard before.

Of course, those sort of reactions do make me question my status as a member of the human race.


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23 Oct 2012, 1:55 am

I said I'm not sure if god exists or not just like you did in your first post. Let's be thankful there's "know-it-all" atheists in this thread to tell us everything.lol

Last edited by Venger on 23 Oct 2012, 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Oct 2012, 3:19 am

God doesnt exist and if he did hes a total prick. You have every right to be mad at him.

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