Thank you and I'l like squeamish boys to stop reading right now please. It's about female trouble.
Really, stop, unless you are ok with it.
The rest of for the middle aged girls here.
Before i had my first baby I had bad migraines, crazy PMS, bad cramps and periods like Farmer Brown butchered a pig inside me. Then after his birth, it changed drammatically. No more of that. Just normal. Severeal years ago it all came back, and it was irregular. No more normal counted on periods the way they should be. Now, it's every few months. Sometimes spotting, sometimes on the verge of hemmhorage with cramps, headaches, crazines. Never regular again. Perimenopause.
Last night, rather than have a day or two of spotting I woke up with full blown scary bleeding. I think that has something to do with it. Hormones. This morning when I got up I felt somewhat better, but still very depressed.
I wish I had a Dr. I will not go over to Dr John who is my Dr and lives two houses up. That would be rude. Nervous breakdowns happen in my family with women going through this. My Mama spent 4 weeks in the hospital. She had insurance. I do not. The most I can get is 72 hours if I tell them I'm suicidal, which I'm not. And thats the hospital an hour out of town.There is no one on one therapy there, just group with a social worker/preacher and so you can imagine how that goes. Then a new age lady comes in and tells you to draw a picture. I don't think that will help me.
I need one on one therapy, with a psychologist. I need my family brought in to be involved and understand.
All my s**t is being cut off this coming week. Husband won't work. no money coming in. He's going to his mothers for the time, taking my yuonger son. My older daughter will go to her fiance's house. My younger daughter will go to my mothers. My mother is in an episode right now and hates on me. I can't go there. I can't go anywhere because there ae no shelters here. I will stay in the dark house, no heat, no food, no water, no power, no gas. I'm tired of it beling blamed on me.
If I lived in the city I cold have many places to go. They help. Nothing here. The ones in the city won't help you out of the county too. I'm literally about to be thrown to the wolves, outside, in the country. Yeah, I was a survivalist years ago, but I'm too old and depressed and tired to be one.
No use being me. I sense that even by my own hand it's not over.
Oh, and for the guy who wanted to call authorities here. No. They don't do anything. Trust me. it just makes me look worse and causes more s**t for my family.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is