Threatening to murder my social worker

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15 Jan 2013, 9:09 am

envirozentinel wrote:
How about if you supply the email of your unsympathetic social worker, and then all of us here on WP inundate her with emails urging her to act?
Please don't do that. Mail bombing is not a good idea and doubly so when it involves WP.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.

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15 Jan 2013, 9:26 am

OK Cornflake, point taken. It probably wouldn't achieve the desired results anyhow.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Jan 2013, 11:33 am

Is it possible to seek another doctor and another social worker?


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16 Jan 2013, 1:17 am

Sweet Pea hugsImage

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17 Jan 2013, 11:01 am

What is preventing you moving to a quieter area? Or finding alternative accommodation yourself?


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27 Jan 2013, 1:33 am

Because the flat I'm in is the only one that the local authority could offer (since it's 'homeless accommodation', as oxymoronic as it may sound, and people could only accept the first place that comes up, and 2.5 years ago it happened to be in this really busy road and this happened to destroy my mind).

If I try finding any other accommodation myself it will most probably be in shared housing, which I had nightmares in in the past with (even with a sympathetic landlord whom I remember being able to text when someone in the house was having such an epic fight with their partner that they destroyed the front door... just before I was going out, thus preventing me from going out. As if 18 years of my parents battling it out isn't enough already).

After threatening the housing officer with being as disruptive as possible (by not opening the door to her and the landlord in specific occasions), though, she informed me that the landlord gave her a notice that effectively allowed her to look for alternative flats (apparently), like this one but in a different place. I'm still not there yet, but the notice expires in less than a month and I'm told that I won't be homeless in any circumstance (well, my pessimistic self can see many ways this can go wrong, of course, but I think I'll try to feel glad instead that this nightmare finally has an expiry date, as it's been rotting for such a long time).

Threats and protests do work, then... in moderation.

Marcia wrote:
What is preventing you moving to a quieter area? Or finding alternative accommodation yourself?

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27 Jan 2013, 2:02 am

Well Mootoo I trust things will work out for you and that they can take your specific needs into consideration in finding you a suitable place in a quieter road. I think I speak for many of us when I suggest that generally our community hates constant noise.

Keep us posted on your progress.


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27 Jan 2013, 8:04 am

Well if you threaten to murder her then she has even more power to control you. you have rights and if you feel that she's not listening to you or is abusing you, you take it up with social services and report her. Do not threaten to harm her, but do mention that she is causing you severe mental distress. Keep record of the things she says and does (even if you have to set up a camera or audio device). Demand that you get a better social worker, but never pose any threat. You are the victim, not her. Don't ever allow her to think she is.


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27 Jan 2013, 8:07 am

Tequila wrote:
Marcia wrote:
Whereabouts in England do you live?

He might live in that part of England known as Scotland. ;)


Now why would you say that if you knew you were wrong? Are you trying to make enemies? Lawl!