Waterfalls wrote:
My therapist told me this week stuff I didn't like and do not understand about acting, not his words, so people won't think I'm weak because apparently people usually look for anything they can label weakness and jump to judge and avoid and hurt whoever seems weak.....I don't understand that at all. He seemed almost surprised I don't see that or live that way, and that's frightening me too because he sees a lot of people with AS and I know we're all different.....but still.
I don't think I have it in me to pretend like this and if I understood right (and I don't know if I did) the acting to manage other people is something I'd have to do with everyone. I mean, if that's true, I guess no wonder I don't have any friends as I don't understand or so that. I thought If I was friends with someone, I could relax and be myself. Consider their preferences and try to be thoughtful, but that being friends I thought meant not having to manage the other person or pretend very much.
I guess I just really don't understand and don't want to understand about manipulating and managing people. But apparently I need to learn. And I just don't want to go there....
I have heard people (mostly those at work) say, "perception is reality". And, they will say or do things to manage other’s perception (could be a colleague, a boss, a customer, etc.) of a product, a team, themselves, etc. It seems phony. And, personally, I refuse to do this.