temp1234 wrote:
I know a man who is ugly, unattractive, fat, looking 10 years older than his age, with no tertiary education, and with a horrible personality. He recently got married. You can't be worse than he. You have a lot better chance to find a woman who will love you.
There also appear to be plenty of people on the spectrum who just never get to be in a relationship, or who've made it to older ages with sparse or no relationship experience. What happens to other people doesn't seem to be a good predictor of what's going to happen to me.
temp1234 wrote:
One thing that I realize is that people, both men and women, are attracted to happy people. So, rather than trying to be happy by finding a woman, you can try to find a woman by being happy. Luckily, you are still only 25/26 years old. You have plenty of time and opportunities.
Never having been able to experience being in a relationship at my age makes it impossible to achieve contentment with my lot in life, and therein lies the problem. To the extent that I can present myself with a pleasant and upbeat disposition around other people, I already do so, but I can't be genuinely happy under these circumstances. The weight of this intense, unfulfilled desire is too heavy to bear.
If my experience up until now has taught me anything, just because there's ample time for things to happen and change, doesn't mean that they will.
temp1234 wrote:
I can already see good things about you in this thread only. You have good qualities to attract people.
I appreciate that.
I don’t disagree that I have good qualities, but they don't seem to be aiding me in achieving an outcome where I can placate the extreme negative feelings I'm having over apparently not being adequate enough for somebody to want to date.